40 and Over and Rocking It!!!!



  • IMNotanumber
    IMNotanumber Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, Folks. I will hit 40 in October on the same day my sister has asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding. (To give her credit, the inexpensive and very cool venue was limited for available dates, so my birthday was one of two dates available.) I hope you all will still let me chat with you, since I am not technically over 40 yet. In case you choose to NOT kick me out of the club (you all seem like fairly nice people, so I am not taking too much of a chance here, I hope), here is my brief story:

    I have never been one for sports, but my family did a lot of hiking and traveling when I was young, so I was a little bigger than some of my athletic friends, but not too bad. I hit 150lbs in the middle of college and thought, "My life is over", but it wasn't true. I am a very social person who equates food with love because my awesome mom continually has social gatherings with yummy fattening food, which I have learned to associate with friendship. I know. I know. I have to get over that. (But how?) Now that I am a tad bit over 200 (and my evil sister wants me to squeeze my big butt into a fancy dress), I have decided to begin logging my food here and attempting to actually go to the gym. --I HAVE been there before, you know. In fact, a few years ago, I hired a trainer who helped me lose 35 lbs. The only thing is I had to eat VERY little variety and exercise for 2 hours a day. In my book, that is not a sustainable lifestyle. I gained it back rather quickly after I decided I didn't want to give him any more money.

    Now the question is, how do I lose weight, free myself from this lumpy body, and still get to be social and happy with my amazing husband, friends and family? Feel free to add me as a friend; we could encourage each other.
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    52 here and still rocking it, too.
  • Cory350
    Cory350 Posts: 10
    44 here. Work in law enforcement, 12- hour shifts, 6weeks nights, 6 weeks days. work out on my lunch hour and my wife got me Insanity for Christmas. Just starting week 3 of Insanity. Have done the combat cardio a couple of times, but don't get as good of a workout with it. I think it's too fast-paced and requires a lot of coordination. Plus the cheesy accents and smiles while they kick and throw punches are too much for me to take them seriously. LOL Have lost about 4 pounds, but notice it more in my measurements. Good luck to everyone. Love my 40s!!!
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    Hi, I am 45 and I am looking to loose about 20-30 lbs. I have been on MFP for half a year and am now trying to get serious about loosing this weight. I work out at the gym and go to Hot Yoga as well as Les Mills Body Flow regularly. Please feel free to add me as a friend as well.
    DMUND Posts: 299 Member
    This sounds awesome! I just turned 40 in August and my hubby turns 40 tomorrow. I would love extra motivation to get rid of the last 10-20 lbs!!!

    Feel free to add me to the group and to your friends circle!
  • I turned 41 today. Don't know if I am "rocking it", but I am comfortable in my own skin and happy. Sure, I want to lose 40 pounds and get down to 150, but realistically, post hysterectomy cancer survivor, probably not gonna happen. Add if you want to?
  • omlin
    omlin Posts: 12
    48 here and yes....rockin' it!! ;-) looking to lose 12 lbs and learning lots. Been on here consistently since the NY and it's going well - add me if you want to give/get genuine support/encouragement :p
  • shellfly
    shellfly Posts: 186
    42 here and reached my weightloss goal in December. I was in decent shape in my twenties, but a sedentary job and poor diet/lack of exercise throughout my thirties really put on the pounds. My husband and I did MFP and our weight loss together. Being healthy for our kids was a big motivator, but we did it for ourselves too. I'm still trying to figure out maintenance. Definitely planning to rock my forties. :)
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    hello all. just joined beginning of the year. wanted some accountability for what i was eating...now i have that. i've lifted weights for a while now...just never thought about what i was eating. when you keep track of it, it sometimes amazes you when it's all said and done. i'll be 42 in july. have 2 boys..oldest just turned 19 in dec and is a freshman in college. youngest will be 14 in 5 days. i'm doing this for me...because my health matters now as i age. so, it's a new year...time for a better father, son, brother, friend..guess that would be ME! best wishes to everyone as they continue on their journey. always nice to have a strong support group out there. some days...we just need it.
  • pmcovert415
    pmcovert415 Posts: 1,472
    41 here....37 pounds away from my goal! I have been on this journey all my life with the ups & downs, But last Febuary I decided it was time to do this and do it right! After all 40 is the new 21!!! and I know I have never felt this good all my life so I am thankful for MFP I have alot of goal buddies & some cheerleaders keeping me accountable. Good luck to each and everyone of you all!! Take it one pound at a time and you will make your goal!
  • Wow! so many of us here! And yes, we are all here and all trying so we are all "Rockinig It"!!!!! I had a really rough day today so my workout wasn't so great, but back to it hardcore tomorrow :)
  • How's it going? Sorry I didn't login this weekend. We are getting ready to move and I have been boxing up and sorting through 12 years of stuff! UGH!!! What's your workout today? I will be doing Combat 30! Will check in later :)
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    Hi, I'm back for round 2 of MFP. I'll be in 40 in March and have also experienced the metabolic slow down. I'm currently doing Shaun T's Rockin Body and loving it. I have to do fun exercises even if it takes me a little longer to lose the weight.

    I need MFP friends...feel free to add me!
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    I'd love to join!! 46 here.
  • Today was Combat Shock Plyo! I love these workouts! Seeing great results! What did you all do today?
  • peachesplease
    peachesplease Posts: 14 Member
    Hey all, please feel free to add me as a friend, I'm 46 and thin but need energy and strength. I'm suddenly realizing that this crappy diet of mine with no exercise is not going to serve me well as I continue to age. Of course I have every excuse in the book right at hand as to why this is too much for me ... I travel a lot ... I've never been athletic ... I don't have time ... blah blah blah.

    So my big challenge is to eat right, and move more. I could use your help. And I'm happy to be part of the group, and to help keep you on track for your own challenge.
  • Hey all you "over the hill" oops, I mean rocking 40 and ups :) How's your workouts going???? Combat still going awesome! Today was a rest day for me :)
  • combat1_zpsdbf4a107.jpg

    Here's me punching away!
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member

    Here's me punching away!

    Cool pic.

    I've come down with something. Feel like a 25 weight is on my chest, so no working out for me. Based on my kids, this last several weeks.
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    I turn 40 tomorrow...So today Im soo not part of this group;) ! Needless to say I will not be doing healthy this weekend, but Fridays workout: Ran 3.5 miles, and an hour and 20 min of shoulder and core weight trainning.