I need some advice

This is a depressing topic but I guess I can get some help here idk

I was diagnose with mild depression back in September I was prescribed 20mg Celexa and 100 mg Trazadone, between the months of October and Early December I was doing good no mood swings no anxiety no nothing. Around Christmas my depression was slowly creeping back and now I'm just....down.
I'm happy, funny and joyful on the outside but on the inside I'm back to thinking about how much I'm a failure I am and stupid suicidal thoughts and stuff.

idk what to do I'm scared to tell anyone because it would bring too much worry to others, I just dont want to worry others with my feelings because they have enough on they're plate and sadly they come to me for advice or to cheer them up.

I feel worthless...

Should I tell anyone? I feel lost in life.


  • heatherpg47
    heatherpg47 Posts: 211 Member
    You should tell someone near you. Depression is no good, and neither is ending it. I am sure someone would miss you. I have had friends with the same issues and there is always help. It sounds like you have reached out before, do it again... everyone is worth it.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Have you gone to therapy?
    Anti-depressants are like the devil ... seriously ... they may help "temporarily" but they will only make things worse. Therapy, on the other hand, can be very helpful. I went to a therapist for my anxiety. Although it isn't completely fixed, it is much more manageable!

    As well, perhaps some vitamins would help you. Maybe you aren't getting enough of some, like Vitamin D! If you have anxiety, I would recommend the GABA supplement. It was REALLY helpful for me!
  • browneyes97
    Your life has value; you are not worthless. Definitely tell friends/family/doctor. They will make time for you. It could be you need your meds adjusted, my aunt takes depression meds and has been back to the doctor 3 or 4 times to get the dosage changed within the last few months.
  • Soon2bvegan
    I had therapy and I made success during it and I guess they thought I was doing so well I didnt need them anymore, yes I was doing well during those months, but now I'm crashing and also I reached out to one friend and she tried talking to me but I felt like a burden reaching out to her. I need to make an appointment before something happens. *sigh*
    Honestly one of my fears are telling a therapist this and they might send me to a hostpital...and I dont want to go to one.
  • orangeyellowkayak
    orangeyellowkayak Posts: 97 Member
    Yes you should talk to some one . I have thought about ending it often. I don;t talk to any one about it. But I know I should. Over the past 15 years many really bad things have happen but I'm still here because I don't want to miss life if some how things get undone. hang in there just in case life gets better it would be a shame it something good happens and people would say that they wish you could see it.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Go see someone. Now. Please.

    When you have the inner depressed thoughts and feelings combined with the possibility of mood swings (like you had earlier) that's a recipe for disaster. Depression + energy = destructive behaviors.

    My heart goes out to you. It sounds like you need a new treatment plan. New meds, new therapist, new coping skills, or some combination thereof.

    It can get better. I promise.
  • Strength2Succeed
    Strength2Succeed Posts: 126 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from. I have been through that all myself from the crazy emotions, different medications, weight gain/loss.
    You should talk to someone about it. I know its hard especially if you feel it will scare others but the medication just masks the underlying issues. I felt like I was tranquilized taking all the medications, so instead of feeling depressed or anxious your like a zombie. I really encourage speaking with a therapist even who can help you with any struggles/emotional battles you have with yourself.
    I found it hard to reach out to others especially friends/family members who dont experience this themselves thats why I suggest a therapist. Add me as a friend if you wish, I am willing to talk if that will help. Thinking of you and keep your chin up :)
  • jhammons808
    I know that feeling I always say the dark side always has away of always knowing my name :) ( Pink song ) defiantly find someone to talk to it is worth it ... and most important you are worth it !!!! message me if you want to vent :)
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    Talk to your doctor and see the therapist again. Your friend cares about you, but she can't help the way a therapist can. The meds work better with therapy; all the research shows that. Please get in with your doctor. You may need different meds or different doses.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    So sorry to hear that you're down. Been there, done that. Well done for sharing here- I know that took guts and determination.

    And can I just start by saying that you are not worthless.

    I would talk to someone close to you. I would also go back to your doctor and see if your medication can be changed. Maybe a return to if therapy might help you work through things a bit, so you feel better now and also can leave behind the meds in the future.

    Good luck, and again, well done for having the strength to reach out here.
  • KellyAthleticsLLC
    KellyAthleticsLLC Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there, I can say 2 things: 1. medication is the cause for mood swings. It is supposed to help, but the side effects typically make things worse. Maybe check with a naturopathic doctor to prescribe you vitamins/minerals that might help you alleviate some of your emotional symptoms. 2. Exercise more and get out in the sun. It will boost your mood and treat you like an anti-depressant without the ups and downs. Hope that helps. Kelly
  • wadedawg
    wadedawg Posts: 315
    Talk to a professional please. I don't want to hear of someone doing something harmful. you have too much going for you.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    Yes, you should tell someone. Someone you trust. Also if you are losing weight your meds could easily be out of whack as your doctor should be prescribing them based on your weight etc. It could also be that these aren't the right meds or combo of meds for you.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Absolutely tell someone. That's what family and friends are for. And certainly discuss this with your doctor. I've been down this road many times myself and it's vitally important you do everything you can to get back to the happy healthy you. Don't worry about feeling like a burden right now. You need a helping hand up. And when you're feeling better, you can return the favor.
  • Soon2bvegan
    Thank you all for your words of wisdom and support :)
    I've gotten the help I need, I was diagnose with Bipolar 2 and prescribed lithuim. My close friend listened to me and gotten me help.
    Thank you all :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I'm really glad to see you check back in. Thank you for that! I am Bi-Polar as well (Type 1, which tends to run towards the manic side) but have found medicated approaches to be godsends. I hope that Lithium works - it has done a few friends of mine worlds of wonder. If they offer you CBT/DBT therapy, take a look at it. That's also helped me a great deal, too.

    I'm really glad you were able to reach out. That is so hard. You are now an advocate for your own mental health. You have done the right thing.