Only 2 weeks ... but I'm disappointed (VENT!!)



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I'm going to be brutally honest here, and it's probably going to come across as mean, it usually does..but...if you're going to be this impatient for results, maybe now is not the time for you to try. 2 weeks is nothing compared to how long your going to be doing this. Losing is only the start, and honestly, the easy part. Maintaining is going to be the hard part (at least that's what I hear from all of my friends who are, and evident from all those who keep gaining weight back).

    You stated that you posted this before, which means that you get really frustrated about your weight. My advice...don't. If you eat at a calorie deficit, and you exercise for both body composition and to help you increase or reach your calorie deficit, and you actually wait and let the results happen, then you won't be venting as much.

    Relax. Make sure you're not trying to eat too little, which is a common mistake, either left MFP calculate your calories, maybe set it to 1 pound a week, eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories and wait.

    Be patient. It WILL happen. And if the scale bothers you that much, then just go by pictures, measurements and the way clothes feel. Don't bother with the scale but maybe once a month or every other month.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I'm going to be brutally honest here, and it's probably going to come across as mean, it usually does..but...if you're going to be this impatient for results, maybe now is not the time for you to try. 2 weeks is nothing compared to how long your going to be doing this. Losing is only the start, and honestly, the easy part. Maintaining is going to be the hard part (at least that's what I hear from all of my friends who are, and evident from all those who keep gaining weight back).

    You stated that you posted this before, which means that you get really frustrated about your weight. My advice...don't. If you eat at a calorie deficit, and you exercise for both body composition and to help you increase or reach your calorie deficit, and you actually wait and let the results happen, then you won't be venting as much.

    Relax. Make sure you're not trying to eat too little, which is a common mistake, either left MFP calculate your calories, maybe set it to 1 pound a week, eat back at least 1/2 of your exercise calories and wait.

    Be patient. It WILL happen. And if the scale bothers you that much, then just go by pictures, measurements and the way clothes feel. Don't bother with the scale but maybe once a month or every other month.

    This, all of this. Plus, you lost 2lbs in 2 weeks. Perfect. Now do that for at year.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Remember 3 weeks ago when you weren't losing weight at all?

    You need to relax.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    OK ... I KNOW it has only been two weeks and change does not happen that fast but I need to VENT. I was bouncing around from about 172-177 since starting MFP. I would count calories and be committed to working out for a spell and lose 5lbs, then get "too busy" and get off track and back up to 177 I'd go. I turned over a new leaf as of Jan 2 and I am committed to seeing this through come hell or high water. I WILL be "Fit by 40".

    However, I have to admit I am disappointed so far!! Whenever I have started a new weight loss plan / program in the past be in weight watchers, south beach or just counting calories, exercising more, I've pretty quickly dropped 5lbs (I know probably water weight but still motivating!!) and that was enough to inspire me to keep going.

    Check out the parts I bolded.

    Part A. You answered your own vent in the opening line. /thread.

    Part B. You *obviously* didn't stick with those programs, so how exactly did that 5 lb loss motivate you to keep going?
  • brenpa
    brenpa Posts: 3
    Yes .. I like that too .. might be one of my new mantras!
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    2 weeks and you're ready to quit? Already making excuses. Until you decide that you WANT IT, you will never succeed.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    dont stop believin!
  • Hi
    I agree with FL's comment, diets dont work( for everyone) but i did the things you did( WW SB and such) and it worked for a bit, and id lose 5-10lbs and be happy and then would go right back to eating poorly and such, I think sodium has a lot to do w/ it, but my nutrionist did my calculations( of my daily intake) so my sodium to me seems really hi, I never go over the amount that is there, I was also told the more water it can help balance it out. I would always quit after a short time. I am comming up to my 2week mark, and this is the first time I have felt " I can do this, I;m ready to do this." so don't give up, if you want it bad enough it will come. Just remember to watch calories, choose good choices. I measure everything out now, and that has helped ( even though it can be time consuming)

    Good Luck, and keep your head up :)
  • sara1077
    sara1077 Posts: 89 Member
    Omg ... Thank goodness most of the responses were nice. What is up with some of you? Bold change? Who said I was quitting?
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Omg ... Thank goodness most of the responses were nice. What is up with some of you? Bold change? Who said I was quitting?

    I chalk it up to calorie deficiency. Some people need a friggin' snack to play nice.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    2 lbs over 2 weeks is really great. We had very close starting weights and I am a little shorter and I've lost only 8 lbs in about 6 months. But hey, that is 6 months I didn't *gain* weight. And that's 8 lbs less than I weighed a year ago. And I can do so much more now that I couldn't do 6 months ago. I can run faster, I can lift heavier weights, I feel stronger...

    So take pictures, take measurements, stick to your plan, and have a lot of good non-scale related goals. Some people never hit a plateau. But most of us need something other than that evil scale to keep us going. :explode:
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    dont stop believin!

    I totally started singing
  • mrsejennings
    mrsejennings Posts: 97 Member
    Omg ... Thank goodness most of the responses were nice. What is up with some of you? Bold change? Who said I was quitting?

    I chalk it up to calorie deficiency. Some people need a friggin' snack to play nice.

    Hangry! Haha best post ever. !
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    Taking a quick glance at your food diary...
    I agree if it's foods you are used to eating, the sodium likely isn't showing a gain on the scale.
    however, I wonder how satisfied you feel eating the small amounts of processed foods?
    if you're happy, than that's fine. but I haven't seen any legumes, and you could replace the hormel
    lunches with crock pot meals overnight. something super simple like lemon chicken, chicken cooked
    in salsa, chicken cooked in spagetti sauce with spagetti squash instead of noodles.
  • Rhozelyn
    Rhozelyn Posts: 201 Member
    I relate to this post as it could have been me writing about scale frustrations! I have been near sighted as I started MFP some 2 weeks ago and have a great deal of impatience to see change. So reading the advice here makes sense. I have to read success in other ways besides what the scale says. At this time pictures are not showing big changes so I have to focus on fitness goals and making exercise a habit and staying true to my calories.....actually I have lost 7 lb in 2 weeks so I definitely need my head examined!!!!!
  • If you focus on results you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.

  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    First, per your icon - you aleady look fabulous - so you are already a step ahead of some of us here.
    Second, as others have said it takes time. I should be losing 2 lbs a week but in reality I lose 1lb a week and sometimes I don't.
    Third - those kids of yours will run you ragged.
    Fourth - you are going to lose weight because you have decided too

    Best of luck.
  • Hey
    Im a few weeks in and lost very quickly to begin, I think because I used to drink wine in the week and I have cut it out (had some saturday but that is it this year) so this is a huge change for me.
    I have stuck to healthy eating and the amount of exercise I am doing is loads but my work trousers this morning are as tight as they were 2 months ago.
    I was pleased with my loss/weight last Fri which is weigh day, but I am dreading this week due to these damn trousers!!!

    Just saying "keep going"! I feel totally demotivated today, but Ive had a good brekkie, Ive had my veg and houmous at breaktime while watching all my colleagues in the biscuit tin and no matter what, I am damn well sticking with this!!! You can do it too. our starting weights are not that different I dont think, I was 162 to begin - Im aiming for 126 as gw.
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    I am exactly where you are except I lost 2 pounds the first week and gained one the second week....and as of this morning up another .2....but I've upped my walking this past week and I am now suspecting a boost in muscle....I think once our bodies get used to the exercise and new diet, it will start to burn off....what I am hoping for anyway! But as long as I even out to a pound lost per week at the end of the month I will be happy.....any more than that is a bonus :) It can be completely frustrating but this far in it is too early to really know if what we are doing is working....

    And....I blame age....I'm 38....39 this year....I find it harder to lose the older I keep at it and don't give up! I am right there with you!
  • marybeth9999
    marybeth9999 Posts: 11 Member
    Keep going! I was almost the same weight and height as you and am losing 2 lbs per week. It may not be as fast as a liquid protein diet but if you count EVERY calorie and keep it to 1200 per will have guaranteed weight loss 100%. Also...I had been weighing about every other day....and since have stopped that because it was getting me frustrated.... 2 lbs a week is really not that slow...that is 50 lbs in 6 months...or 100 lbs per year. My goal for now is 30 lbs.