I'm 242 lbs of chewed bubble gum...there is NO WAY I can do

Insanity and P90X. I'm scared of them...but everyone is swearing by them. I'm afraid it would be too overwhelming for me right now. Is this something best saved for when I've built up a little more endurance...(ahem...lost a little more weight)?


  • beccasetsfire
    If I had the money to get a p90x dvd and the equipment I'd totally do it right now and I'm 249... I'd say go for it!
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    I say do what is best for you. Maybe get it and do it one day a week for like 20 minutes and do something else you are comfortable with the other days of the week. Then you can build yourself up to it. I always say, you never know til you try!
  • Pariah
    Pariah Posts: 97 Member
    insanity is better in my opinion (although i haven't done p90x) because it is based on your weight. with p90x you need to buy equipment and weights, which is pricey. but when the weights get involved it is easy to over do the work out by using more weight that you can handle. with insanity, the only weight your using is whats attached to you. if you have the motivation to push through the first week, then no doubt you can do it. but that first week is hard, your sore, tired, and you really don't want to work out. but if you can stay motivated and not let those things get to you, then you can complete it, and you will see results.
  • alywagner
    alywagner Posts: 25
    I can’t tell you what is ultimately going to be the right thing for you, but I can tell you what has worked for me. I started at about the same weight as you and I just started by doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike every single day. I worked my way up to 45 minutes every day. It took me more than 6 months to feel like I could add other things. Lately I have been using Wii Fit because I got bored with the bike. If you don’t have a heart rate monitoring watch, I would get one. Just try to stay in your fat burning zone for 40-45 minutes. I think those other things are a bit overwhelming at first.

    But you might do really well with them. Good Luck!

  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    If you want to, you can get Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and No More Trouble Zones as starters. Only $9 each and like $10 for hand weights. Do these for about 30 days and then you'll be ready to step up to Insanity and then P90X. I'm in week 3 of P90X and I did the Jillian Michael DVDs whereas my husband didn't. He's having a harder time adjusting to P90X than me without it so they will help you wih physical and mental preparation. just something to consider! :smile:
  • sheydab
    sheydab Posts: 11
    My starting weight was 238, but my highest weight was 252. I've started Turbo Jam and Zumba. I am down 18 pounds and I am working on losing 66 more to reach my goal weight. Start out doing what you can and then increase from there. Good luck!
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I wouldnt dare do P90x myself.... im doing Jillian's DVD's and they are hard work! I really like them and if they get too "easy" ill move up from there.

    for reference i'm 147 down from 181.
  • jadenjo
    jadenjo Posts: 13
    I think you might be surpised by what you can do. I'm 43, I have arthritis and I weigh 234 (I just lost 8lbs the last month). At my gym we have Les Mills BodyPump classes which are intense weight training classes put to music, I started doing that about a year ago and I never thought I could do something like that before but I did. We do squats and lunges till I about cry but I can do it! My husband went to the class (he's thin and does a lot of mtn bike riding) and he couldn't hardly walk afterward and never went back. But I continued because my butt starting shrinking within a month. I'm stronger than I've ever been and I know my time isn't being wasted at the gym. I think it's easier doing it in a group class but you can do more than you think you can. My instructor keeps telling us it's a mind thing not a body thing ( yeah, tell that to my quads during squats, ha!) I've started doing cardio classes and it doesn't take long until things start getting easier. Just start where you're at and do the best you can (push yourself w/o damaging yourself) and you'll see results faster which i think is very motiviating. You can do it and it will make you feel really good when you're done too. Okay, stepping off the soap box, lol. Best of luck to you and let us know how you're doing. Jo
  • mhagoaliemom
    Do what you feel comfortable with and what you will stick with. I started at 239 doing Biggest Loser videos, walking and using the Elliptical machine at the gym. You don't have to do something extreme to lose weight & get in shape. :bigsmile:
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    I do the biggest loser carido max dvd and power scuplt dvds on different days,, plus i also walk for no less than 30 mins down my road carrying 10 or 15 lbs of weights....i have kids visiting me this week for spring break so I jumped on the trampoline for a few mins and rode a borrowed bike down the road with them...then went swimming in our lake for an hour!

    What my point is...you can do anything just as long as you keep moving and if you're walking mix in jogging to get your heart rate up..I don't because i walk up VERY steep hills every few mintues due to my crazy road. So you can do whatever works for you. I live 20 to 30 mins from town so I do what I can at home.

    After two weeks of doing what i can I've lost close to 10 lbs..i haven't weighed in since joining the site so I won't know how what i'm doing it working until monday, but looking in the mirror I can see a difference!

    GOOD LUCK!! and stay strong!!
  • Delphi
    Delphi Posts: 97 Member
    I started a little heavier than you and believe me, you can do it, but my advice would be to consult your PCP before you tackle a strenuous workout regimen. You really need to find out if the extra weight has put any extra "damaging" stress on your heart before you begin. I went in for a physical, stress test and a CBC before I even started. Didn't want to have an MI while burning those calories. ;)
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    P90X has a fitness test that's on-line. It's tough, but it's a good indication of what the program is like. I have not done Insanity, so I don't know.

    That being said, it's all about calories "in" versus calories "out". P90X makes me eat 1800 calories a day. It's my base metabolic rate (1200 calories for my size) plus exercise calories (600 for P90X).

    Any of the exercise and diet regimes are goign to do this. Beachbody, the makers of P90X, sells Turbo Jam and Slim in Six. They are for people who need to get to the standard fitness level that P90X requires. Beachbody.com has a wealth of information, forums, and chat rooms for all of their workouts.

    As Tony Horton says, this isn't about ego. It's about YOU being the best you can be. "Do your best, and forget the rest." This is a journey, and not a quick fix. If you need to spend some time doing Turbo Jam, Slim in Six, a bike, swimming, treadmill, yoga, etc....do it.

    The best thing I can recommend if you have the money is to consult a good personal trainer to give you a VARIETY of workouts to do for the next several weeks that fit your lifestyle. P90X has a super good mix, and you spend each day stretching and an entire 2 days a week doing Yoga and stretching. Whatever you do, really try to spend as much time as you can doing Yoga. You will stretch your body, stregnthen some deep muscles, and prevent injury.

    Hope that helps. And, good luck.
  • worchard
    worchard Posts: 30
    My suggestion is to buy the original P90 program. You don't need to go "extreme" and the P90 will get you into shape. As far as equipment, you simple need a band to do the exercises with. You can get those for under $15.
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    Whatever you do at home, make sure you have a good surface. For $40, I bought two packages of these large, puzzle board pieces to go over the tile floor. I made a 9 foot by 6 foot area. I am so happy with this purchase. It allows me to jump, lay down work, sit ups, yoga, everything...all with enough room.