Success with maintenance?

aisth00j Posts: 15 Member
In my opinion weight loss success only comes after a period of sustained maintenance at my new goal weight.
So my question is to successful maintainers - how long do you need to maintain in your goal range before you can give yourself a pat on the back? when is the realisation that there has definitely been a lifestyle change?

I suppose I am conscious of gaining all the weight back, as I have lost and gained many times before - never sticking with a prolonged time of maintaining, just usually successful on weight watchers to get to goal and then gaining again and rejoining this happened a few times from 2005-2010.
I joined MFP March 2011 & got to my goal weight June 2012 having lost 23 pounds over a steady period of 18 months for my wedding in July. Since then I have maintained but I do not know if I can stable at that weight or whether I will go back to old habits.

I will continue to track and log everything on MFP as that is part of what I do now it is not longer an effort.

Interested to hear other peoples experiences.


  • jonesie84
    jonesie84 Posts: 73 Member
    Even though I still have 6lb to go before i hit my goal, I'm doing great at maintaining and have actually not gained anything even through the holidays. I, like you, do not want to gain back anything. My question is..did you make it through the holiday and gain minimal weight and then take it back off? I feel like if you can go 2-4 and through a holiday without gaining, thats a big step!. Dont worry too much about a specific time frame of needing to sustain. Its all about how you feel and if you know in your mind that the battle isnt over. Does that make sense? I know that because i come from a very overweight family, I have to fight a little ahrder to maintain because i put weight back on very easily. I considered it a HUGE success to be 50lb down and not gain any weight from thanksgiving- new years and actually lose 2lb! Good luck to you!.
  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I've maintained my weight loss since August. Although now I am focusing scuplting my body so it may result in more lbs lost. Basically with maintenance I have continued to work out at least 5 days a week, I've aimed for 6 days. I eat pretty well during the week, but on the weekends I would allow myself to eat whatever I wanted. Since I am now focused on scuplting my body I am focused on eating clean every day and continuing my 6 days a week of workout.

    Good luck!
  • Jacomab
    Jacomab Posts: 16 Member
    I have been able to maintain my same 122 pound weight loss for about 8 months now. The key for me is you can never go back to some foods. They are gone forever. You have to wrap you head around that from the beginning. No pizza, soda and fast food for me.
  • aisth00j
    aisth00j Posts: 15 Member
    Well it depends what you classify as gaining minimal weight. Holiday in Cyprus +3 in 11 days came off, gained on my honeymoon 3 months later +3.5 pounds but that came off and I got back to my goal for Christmas which i had off 12 days off work gained 5 pounds!!! Lost some of that so currently only sitting 3 pounds above my goal weight and intend to get back to my goal in a couple of weeks.

    I have set myself the limit that if I ever gain over 7 pounds above my goal whether it be holidays or whatever then I am starting to get out of control again and need to be back on losing mode rather than maintenance.

    Totally agree with the fitness - I run 5 times a week minimum. Every other day on holidays.
  • jonesie84
    jonesie84 Posts: 73 Member
    Well it depends what you classify as gaining minimal weight. Holiday in Cyprus +3 in 11 days came off, gained on my honeymoon 3 months later +3.5 pounds but that came off and I got back to my goal for Christmas which i had off 12 days off work gained 5 pounds!!! Lost some of that so currently only sitting 3 pounds above my goal weight and intend to get back to my goal in a couple of weeks.

    I have set myself the limit that if I ever gain over 7 pounds above my goal whether it be holidays or whatever then I am starting to get out of control again and need to be back on losing mode rather than maintenance.

    Totally agree with the fitness - I run 5 times a week minimum. Every other day on holidays.

    I definitely think you are maintaining then! I also have the same goal of no more than 5-7lb over my goal weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i have been maintaining for over a year, do i get a pat on the back?
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i am having trouble maintaining, i have only been trying for a few months, even though i still log everything and i am not at my maintenance cals 100% i just can't seem to keep it at a steady weight zone. I gained 5 lbs over my vacation over new years and i exercised, ate healthy choices still, didn't drink much and drank lots of water as usual, yet i still gained 5 lbs... I have only lost 1 lb of it so far, it seems to be clinging to me this time. normally when we go on vacation, i can lose what ever i gain with in 4 days... not so this time :( if and when i do get it back off, i don't know how long it will be before i have another setback like that or if i can actually keep it steady from now on?
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Been maintaining since June with no problem. What's helped me was choosing changes and workouts I love and could sustain, slowly increasing my calories including going to TDEE closer to my goal weight and logging as it holds me accountable. Maintenance is not always easy or a walk in the park; sometimes it's harder bc you have more freedom so some do slip with that. Many fluctuate a few lbs including myself but I always hold steady at my GW when I eliminate the triggers.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    the one tip i have is to have a maintenance range, not just one number, to account for fluctuations.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I've been maintaining for 8+ years only gaining 5 pounds of (hopefully) mostly muscle since late 2004. There are a couple times a year...mostly during the holidays, when I'll find myself 3 or so pounds plumper, mostly water weight, so I watch carefully for a few weeks and get rid of it. The key to successful maintenance in my opinion is keep yourself accountable and keep yourself active!
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I would personally view my maintenance range as inches rather than pounds; if I look the same (or stronger) & I gained, or I lost some weight but I still look okay, I'd just make it my aim to eat more/ eat less & find my TDEE again to eat at that.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    i have been maintaining for over a year, do i get a pat on the back?

    Me too. One year as of yesterday.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I have been maintaining for a year =)
  • Noni2863
    Noni2863 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for posting this topic - I may not be there yet, but "Bump" for Summer 2013 - losing is going well but maintenance is the bit that scares me.
    You lot all sound like you are all getting the hang of it - my heros!:flowerforyou:
  • aisth00j
    aisth00j Posts: 15 Member
    Wow some really great advise and info here - thanks for that.
    I started the thread for interest as there never seems to be much on maintenance and hearing the way people tailor it their own lives is great.
    8 years at goal = Amazing!!!

    Regarding the pat on the back... erm yes if you want one?!!?

    Good luck Noni - and I agree maintenance scares me as never done it before hense this thread for support.

    Have a lovely day all
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    I have done this up and down again weight loss phenomena for my whole life. Last year, almost 365 days ago, I made a final commitment to get healthy and stay healthy. This time I think I am in the best MENTAL state of mind that I won't go back. I have lost 36lbs, been on maintenance since mid August....and for the first time ever, did not gain through the holidays. WHY? Because I make myself accountable everyday with myfitnesspal. When it's in front of me and I see what I'm eating and exercising, it makes me feel in control. I like being in control. If mfp ever went away, it would be awful.....but as long as I have this wonderful tool with it's awesome database it is a no brainer and easy thing for me to check myself everyday. So I think maintenance is successful enough for a pat on the back when you are in a good emotional, psychological state of mind that you don't feel inclined to make the bad choices that required you to go on a weight loss journey. I still eat everything....but MUCH smaller portions. When we have pasta, I have 80% of my plate with a healthy salad or veggies and just a small portion of my plate with pasta, when we go out for pizza...same thing....lots of salad with dressing on the side. Most restaurants now have healthy options so this has been most helpful as well and I'll say it again....lots of salad, with dressing on the side :-) As for dessert....I make room in my calories on maintenance for a small piece of chocolate everyday....and as for the rest, I have become an expert at baking with mini muffin pans and/or slicing the smallest pieces of cake/pie. I don't feel deprived, just good about making the choice to just eat a small bit...and if I am out of calories for the day...then it has to wait for another's not just about the weight loss, so when you have the frame of mind to keep you focused on a healthy lifestyle and actually live it everyday....that is successful maintenance. :-)
  • wtdia
    wtdia Posts: 68 Member
    i am having trouble maintaining, i have only been trying for a few months, even though i still log everything and i am not at my maintenance cals 100% i just can't seem to keep it at a steady weight zone. I gained 5 lbs over my vacation over new years and i exercised, ate healthy choices still, didn't drink much and drank lots of water as usual, yet i still gained 5 lbs... I have only lost 1 lb of it so far, it seems to be clinging to me this time. normally when we go on vacation, i can lose what ever i gain with in 4 days... not so this time :( if and when i do get it back off, i don't know how long it will be before i have another setback like that or if i can actually keep it steady from now on?

    Hi...I feel your struggle. What I did was run the bmr calculator to find out my basal rate calories burned each day....then I entered that, rounded up to the next 100 calories as my calorie goal for I manually set it vs having mfp set it. This means that the basic calorie needs of my body everyday is what I focus on staying at PLUS my exercise calories. I exercise everyday, so I add those activities into mfp and it will automatically add them to your calorie goal for what you can have each for me, my bmr is 1344, I round up to 1400 and then with my calories burned I get about 1800 calories a day....

    If I want more calories.....I exercise more that day :-)

    Good luck....
  • Cordy_in_CT
    Cordy_in_CT Posts: 134 Member
  • aisth00j
    aisth00j Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you wtdia for that thoughtful post. I think I was panicking following years of yo-yo lose & gain cycles. xx
  • KellieLouise84
    i only have a pound to go now, and getting a bit nervous about maintennance!! dont want bad habits creeping back in too much!
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