Totally ruined my diet tonight



  • DEE_68
    DEE_68 Posts: 33 Member
    It happens to all of us at one time or another, as we are human. I have only been doing this for 2 weeks and the night of my gala party work, i blew my diet as I knew i would. As long as your realize what happened and get back on track, it means we are learning and moving forward. Try not to dwell on what you can not change, and focus on what you can by getting back on. Good job for admitting to yourself as that is half the battle.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    It happens to all of us.

    Weight loss, like life, isn't a marathon. It's a dance. You just have to make sure you are taking more steps forward than back...
  • luperaz
    luperaz Posts: 26
    My favorite motivation to combat over eating or unhealthy choices is make yourself accountable. If you eat 1200 extra calories go to the gym and do 2 hours of cardio to make up for it. These days are going to happen and its more healthy if you come to terms with the occasional lapse, and stay on the journey.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Scarlet! tomorrow is another day. What everone else said, its just one meal. Yeah it sucks, you blew it..but you had a bad, bad day and next time take a bath or hit the more food rewards.

    There, I yelled at you a little bit to make you feel better, did it work?
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    i know it feels that way, because the pounds do come back, but unless you stop trying, nothing is ruined..its just set back a few of luck continuing your journey:smile:
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Who among us hasn't done that!?
  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    Very sorry to hear about the job. Some buffalo wings really isn't going to throw you off course too much at all though. Just remember that you need to consume an additional 3,500 calories to gain 1lb of fat. When you work out how many wings you can get for that, hopefully it'll put things back into perspective for you. It's only over if you let it be over. Get back with the program and good luck with the rest of your weight-loss journey!
  • courtneysmummy
    courtneysmummy Posts: 40 Member
    Hi, I had the same problem yesterday due to having my time of the month. I knew it was terrible but really felt down so had the crap junk food (which didn't even taste that good).

    But on a good note, if you think to yourself and you know you done it, don't let it get you down. It's ONE day not a full week of doing it.

    Today I'm back on it and stronger than ever especially as today was my weigh-in day and I lost 4lbs. Be strong and positive and remember again it was only ONE day!! :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    The best thing you can do is not beat yourself over for it. You've had a rough week, we all do, and sometimes we lapse (I had a rough 8 weeks through the holidays) it happens. You'll be fine as long as you don't let it define you. The more you stress about it the more emotion you put into the food of it all and the more likely you are to fall into a pattern of defeatism. Just relax, call it cathartic, and move on.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    new day, new start! Everyone has those days and one day/night of bad eating isn't going to "ruin" anything unless you let it keep you off track! Get back to it and you will be just fine :smile:
  • edenderry123
    I did the same on Monday which meant I was close to just giving up but Tuesday I tried again and got back on the wagon! One day won't ruin all your hard work, just get back in there and start again. Good luck!
  • splashofcranberi
    That is a great way to look at it and I think I will steal this idea from you! Anytime I cheat I will work out for as long as it takes to lose those calories. If I have to work out for 3 hours to enjoy that one cheat food, the next time I'll remember and decide it's not worth it! Thanks for sharing this idea!
  • rainbowblonde
    Keep going, i have done that numerous times. i just wait about three days before i weigh myself again. When i weigh again, normally i am lower than before.
    i did that on Friday, Saturday, and sunday, but now i weigh less that i did before. WE ALL have cheated on our diets whether we admit it or not. One day won't ruin all your hard work. Believe me, after three days of eating unhealthy, i got it off in two days. I didn't even exercise. Good Luck!!!
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    For some people, having planned cheat/treat meals where they eat the kinds of foods that are too high in calories to eat every day, but in moderation/small serving sizes, helps to stay on track, i.e. eating these foods in a controlled way stops you from caving in and eating them in an uncontrolled way. ALso if you do this, you have to try to keep it mostly within your calorie goal (although going over by a couple of hundred cals once in a while won't sabotage you, just don't do it regularly)

    this does not work for everyone, it really depends, some find that eating a small serving inevitably leads to eating more and more of it, but the planned eating of less healthy things that I enjoy works for me. there's no food that I deny myself, therefore it's not difficult to stick to this in the long term.

    But I think everyone should carefully consider whether total abstinence or planned cheating in moderation/within your calorie goal is best for them

    (and some people don't like the word cheating for this, if you don't like the word then call it something else :) )
  • mklassy123
    Let's also not forget that our metabolisms sometimes need a boost, and in order for that to happen we need to on occasion up the calories. ON OCCASION is the key word here. We need to live our lives, and that means there will be times we eat more - but the key to success is getting right back on track.

    My most successful weight loss journeys have been when I give myself some serious cheat days - which is usually once every two weeks. Of course I'm not talking about a 5,000 calorie binge day, but a day to allow myself to go up to double my calorie allotment. I know, that sounds like a lot - but it's not. Have a nice meal out with a few drinks, there I am at double. A nice dessert along with it, voila - double.

    If you allow it to happen on occasion, then it's part of your plan and then you won't feel bad - but you have to realize that they next day you get right back to the healthy way of eating and exercising. I also exercise more for a couple of days prior to my cheat day.

    I already am planning my next big cheat day which will be on Super Bowl Sunday. LOTS of chicken wings and some beer. NO GUILT ALLOWED!

    One more KEY thing here, write it all down. Even if you go so crazy with calories, keeping an honest track of it really does make a difference. It also helps to STOP the binge.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Couple of things, firstly you haven't "ruined" anything. It is a minor setback. We all have days like that. Pick yourself up and start again but think about what triggered you and how you can avoid that next time, also think about any exercise you can do to make up those calories.

    Also, I find it better to think of it as a journey or a change to a healthier lifestyle. Diet implies there is a start and end date! :smile:

    Good luck!
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    It will happen. I do it all the time. I just get right back on my horse and go for it. It is one meal. Next time try a kids meal at Buffalo Wild Wings. I do that at times, especially if I want a beer. Just do a nice 20 min walk afterwards, or instead. You might actally feel better. We all fall off the wagon or we wouldn't be on here. Don't sell yourself short.
  • Scarlett_Belle
    Scarlett_Belle Posts: 145 Member
    Studies have proven that guilt hinders weight loss more then taking a meal or two off, so since it happened savor the flavor and relax. Today is a new day, new start, and the begining of awesomeness. You got this, just get back on track and breathe.
  • lindawayne11
    lindawayne11 Posts: 62 Member
    Happens to all of us. I've had a few of these days myself. I've learned to wake up the next day and move on. Put in an extra workout this week if you can and that will help you feel much better!