

  • melhort
    melhort Posts: 31
    Hi I'm just over 5 feet and have always struggled with my weight. I've used MFP in the past and it's a great support system! I was laid off from my job last November so I have a lot of free time and I LOVE to bake! Between the holidays and my love for food I've regained some of the weight I have worked so hard to shed :( So easy to put back on and so hard to get off!! I have a goal of 135lbs to be back where I was but idealy would like to get in the 120's. I would love all the support I can get so feel free to add me :)
  • go short or go home. :laugh:
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    I'm 5'1'', but I'd say I'm still a little people. Especially after venturing into a 4 foot snow bank yesterday.
  • Thanks lady's. I will get to all your requests a bit later. busy, busy. lol