Office Workers - What do you eat?



  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    I make "stoup" in the crock pot, portion it into ziploc bags and freeze. When I reheat at work I add at least a cup of water to turn it into a big bowl of soup.

    What is "stoup"? May be something I would like to try.
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    It changes, but in general this is my work meal plan:

    Breakfast: Eggs, Turkey Sausage, Coffee (make at home, heat up in microwave at work) - sometimes I make oatmeal instead
    Snack: homemade protein bars
    Lunch: Salad with a protein (chicken, tuna, egg etc.) and possibly any leftovers from the night before
    Snack: Plain greek yogurt with berries, cut up raw vegetables
  • ItsVJ
    ItsVJ Posts: 107 Member
    I bring my lunch daily. We do have a microwave.

    I have 2 boiled eggs and about 50g of cheese for brekkie. I have a protein and a salad for lunch. Usually I bake chicken breasts on the weekends with some nice seasoning. I cut them in half and freeze them. I measure my salad dressing so I don't go over calories.

    I don't snack. If I want to snack I chew gum.

    It's really easy - the night before (if it's a gym morning) or in the morning, I grab the eggs, cut cheese and wrap it in saran wrap, pull half a chicken breast out of the freezer, grab a container, throw in a hand full of lettuce, cut up a tomato and maybe a cucumber, put on my salad dressing, throw that in my bag (I have a bright, fun Mexican oil cloth lunchbag), and off I go. Take 10 minutes to put together, tops.

    About three days a week I try to make enough dinner for leftovers. So today instead of my chicken breast, I had some low-carb, low cal Chicken Parmesan I made extra of. When I do that, when I put it in the fridge I do it in portions. If I have to measure, I won't take it. That way I don't get sick of chicken breasts. Last week I did the same with Thai Beef Salad.

    My NY resolution was to not buy lunch this year and take my lunch every single day except on the rare occasion I have a lunch meeting or a team lunch. That's maybe once a month. I was buying my lunch twice a week, just from the lazies.

    My brekkie is always the same though. I need the protein, I need the fat, and I tend to low-carb because carbs just make me hungry. That gets me through till lunch without getting hungry in the middle.

    Lot of awesome advice in this! Thanks!
  • gameofstyle
    I normally have yogurt, coffee and fruit for breakfast when I get to the office and at lunchtime have a salad or a wrap and some soup to keep warm! If you have a microwave in your office (we don't, sadly) you could make something at home and bring it in to heat up.
  • CourtLiv
    CourtLiv Posts: 68 Member
    I make oatmeal when I get into work in the morning, usually have a homemade soup for lunch (I make a pot on the weekend to last me lunch all week at work), and in the afternoon I will snack on an apple or some celery with '1-ingredient' peanut butter. I usually make a coffee in the afternoon as well.
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    I have a small refrigerator in my office, so I have more options than some. I usually keep greek yogurt and various fruits and vegetables in there. Currently, there is some Black Cheery Chobani, baby carrots, almond milk, and a few bottles of water.

    I also keep a stash of Clif bars in my office, which is the kind of thing pretty much anybody could do.
  • junip1977
    junip1977 Posts: 111 Member
    I usually bring tuna salad for lunch, then I eat small snacks throughout the day like an apple, zucchini sticks, fresh berries, cottage cheese, etc.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I have either eggs and fruit or cereal and fruit for breakfast. At work, if I don't have leftovers from home I make HOT sandwiches in the toaster oven (turkey and swiss and ciabatta) or I purchase something (usually soup) from a nearby health food store with a deli. Dinner varies. Most often a lean protein with two or three veggies sides.
  • twinmom14ek
    twinmom14ek Posts: 174 Member
    OP--not sure if you're bringing food from home or purchasing meals. I generally buy breakfast and lunch, often with a snack/coffee in the day because I stink at prepping food at home in advance and/or get tired of eating the same food from home. I've found some decent non-salad fast food options (downside being the sodium content) with relatively low calorie counts. A co-worker lost 50 lbs eating at Chick-fil-a multiple times a week. You can eat out and still watch your calories; it just takes a little creativity.
  • breyn2004
    breyn2004 Posts: 162 Member
    +1 on the fridge and microwave. Also, make enough to do you 2 or 3 days and keep it in your fridge at home. It's more convenient than convenience food that so many people on here, including myself, used to rely on.


    I do meal prep on Sundays for the entire week....

    Freezer packs consisting of strawberries, kale, banana and blueberries for smoothies. All I have to do in the morning is add yogurt, almond milk and protein... blend GO!

    Snacks vary between Jamie Eason's Turkey Meatloaf Muffins/Boiled egg whites, chicken and carrot sticks/apples and PB2... stuff like that.

    Lunch is normally chicken, a veggie and a sweet potato or sometimes I saute chicken with bell pepper, onions, cumin and chili powder and eat with black beans.

    Afternoon snacks are normally the same variation of the morning.
  • msrootitooti
    msrootitooti Posts: 253 Member
    Breakfast-usually oatmeal, hard boiled egg, egg and veggie quiche OR bagel thin with pb.
    Snack-either grapefruit, banana, almonds, or greek yogurt
    Lunch-I usually pack salad with some sort of protein, leftover soup, or a sandwich with a fruit and maybe a snacky food
    Afternoon snack- veggies and hummus, greek yogurt, Luna bar, or popcorn..
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    For breakfast it's usually hot cereal (oats) with flax or pb on toast and a banana though today I was up early and could eat at home so I went all out and cooked eggs with cheese on toast.

    For lunch it's typically tuna (flavored cuz I love it) with veggies and crackers OR a salad with chicken and balsamic vinegar for a dressing OR a sandwich and veggies. I also usually have an apple or a yogurt with it.
  • mokster
    mokster Posts: 17
    I'm in the greek yogurt for breakfast group.

    For lunch, I normally pack the previous night's leftovers in my mini crockpot lunch warmer (see below). Otherwise, like others, I make a large batch of soup, stew, or chili over the weekend, freeze a portion, and pack the rest for a few days of lunch in the crockpot. Basically, I love the mini crockpot lunch wamer. :)
  • regirip10
    I love morning star veggie sausages on Trader Joes english muffins with smear of Earth Balance olive oil spread. For lunch its usually leftovers from dinner. Dont let yourself get into a rut. Another tasty breakfast (if you want warm) is Amys tofutti "egg" scramble. Try it you'll like it. Hope you have a microwave at work if not get one!!!
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I keep a jar of peanut butter in my desk drawer, and bring in a half package of rice cakes to eat for the week that I eat in the morning, then I have one of my premade meals I make for the week for lunch, which this week it is ground chicken, brown rice, corn, spinach, and a butt load of hot sauce, and I have a string cheese with that, then I go for an hour walk at lunch time, and usually get some sort of snack while I'm out which is usuall either a bag of beef jerkey, pop chips, or sometimes I just splurge! I'm a pretty big guy though, and I have a pretty good calorie range I can eat depending on how much I workout. The key though is to bring your own snacks, and make your lunch for the week!
  • daniellealys
    daniellealys Posts: 301 Member
    a normal day for me is:

    breakfast: paleo chili or chicken soup

    Lunch: leftovers from the night before (usually chicken or steak and vegies) and a salad with avocado and a fruit (apple or strawberries)

    My go to snacks are: carrot pudding/chicken sausage/larabar/apple and almond or sun butter/handful of nuts

    I eat the majority of my calories while I am at the office! And try to eat a light dinner
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    Breakfast: oatmeal (or multigrain english muffin with peanut butter) and a hard boiled egg.

    Morning snack: greek yogury & almonds

    Lunch: leftovers from home and a veggie

    PM snack - cheese and fresh fruit.
  • cargilb
    cargilb Posts: 116
    I make oatmeal and drink lots of water and tea, but I mostly drink lots of water and tea.
    We have a food truck that sells ... umm, food that is not in your interest to eat if you want to stay healthy and slim down. I stay away from it for the most part, but they do sell some fruits and hard boiled eggs; sio, once in a while i get that.

    I've gotten used to going 4 to 8 hours with no food.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Go ahead and take a look at my diary.

    I keep snaks in one of my cupboards at my desk, and I have a mini-fridge to keep some cold items. (I share it with some of my cube neighbors so we don't have to use the big icky fridge in the break room)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My office day usually looks like this (all times are approx and may vary by and hour or so:

    7:30 a.m.: cup of soy or almond milk with chocolate protein powder (before I leave the house)
    10:00: if I'm hungry - snack (about 1/2 the time)
    1:00: Lunch - usually 300-350 calories of leftovers
    3/;00: if I'm hungry - snack (about 1/4 of the time)

    morning snack is almost always low sodium V8
    other common snacks are apple, dry roasted edamame, almonds, Kashi TLC peanut peanut butter bar, string cheese

    If I don't have leftovers to bring for lunch I usually bring one of the following:
    cottage cheese and tomatoes on a bed of spinach or arugula
    peanut butter with carrot and celery sticks
    hummus with apple slices
    wrap - generous handful of dark greens; hummus, canned tuna, or leftover chicken; chopped onion, tomato (maybe some other chopped/shredded veggies) on a high fiber wrap.