Weight loss while lifting.. possible?

I'm new at this site and hopefully I will enjoy it as much as I think I will.

I just started going to the gym for the first time in my life on March 5, 2010. My first day at the gym, I weighed 256. Today, I weigh 230. I am very happy about my weight loss but I have noticed it (my weight) goes up and down (more than just a few pounds) daily. Tomorrow, it is possible I will weigh 235 or more.

Friends are telling me it is because I lift weights three times a week. I'm not sure if I believe that. I know lifting weights builds muscle and muscle weighs more than fat but I also know as far as muscle goes, I am not getting bigger in that way.

I am losing weight and that is what matters, I am wondering why some days I will weigh much more than other days and if maybe I should stick to cardo and stop lifting until I get to the weight I want to be, then start lifting again?

Thanks for any advice anyone can give me.


  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Generally, I'd say its a bad idea to weigh yourself every day. You get fluctuations in weight, that way, through water retention and other factors. If you just weigh yourself every week (or if you want to do it more regularly, twice a week - wednesday and saturday?) then you may get a more accurate reading.
  • Hypnopoison
    Please, please do not stop lifting weights. Weights will help you loose weight faster then doing cardio alone. Plus weights will give you those lovely toned muscles you are probably hoping for. (Don't quote me on the exact figures) but I believe for every 1 lb of muscle you add, you will burn approx an extra 50 calories a day while you are doing absolutely nothing!

    Also while you are doing cardio you burn calories but weights allow you to burn calories at rest. I believe you carry on burning calories after weight training (thats why your nutrition straight after training is very important too.)

    Here are some links to check out if you are not sure:

    * www.stumptuous.com
    * www.ultra-fitmagazine.com (also check out the mag sold in most supermarkets)
    * Article part 1: http://www.ultra-fitmagazine.co.uk/?p=1204
    * Article part 2: http://www.ultra-fitmagazine.co.uk/?p=1213
    * Article part 3: http://www.ultra-fitmagazine.co.uk/?p=1221

    Unfortunately there is such a stigma attached to weight training for women and it is all myths. It is possible to be slim without good toned and definition. Look at the fitness models on the front of those magazines and tell me if they lift weights. Unfortunately there are lots of mags out there who give bad advice. The only one I have found to date which seems any good is Utra Fit above.

    I am a big believer in work out smart. I would rather do effective weights session paired with some HIIT cardio (high impact interval training cardio i.e. 30-40 mins max) then those ladies who seem to spend hours on the tred mill. Short, sharp & sweet with weights is the way to go!!!

    Also women tend to have issues with holding water (depending on your time of the month). Also keep track of the salt you are eating as this makes you hold water. Make sure you are drinking at least 1-2 litres of water a day. This helps reduce the holding of water, it flushes your systems and of course if really good for you.

    Don't weigh yourself every day. Stick to once a week at most.
    Hope that helps xxx
  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    Yes, I know, you are right but....lol.. I have a bad habit of jumping on the scale everyday when I wake up. If I've lost, I'm in a good mood. If I've gained..well. lol. I know I need to put away the scale for awhile.
  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    Thanks Hypnopoison. One thing to add, I'm a dude :) I guess I should add a picture huh?
  • Hypnopoison
    Lol, whoops! So you are! The principles are still the same though :) Sorry for the babbling on then. It just drives me nuts when womens always bang on about lifting weights so I go off on one. Sorry my dear :) xxx
  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    Not a problem Hyp.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    It is not unusual at all for weight to fluctuate during the day. It has little or nothing to do with lifting weights. Frequent scale fluctuations are due to the immediate weight of food intake and shifts in fluid levels. Normally, I lose 3-4 lbs during a 45 min cardio workout--that's all water loss and it gets replaced gradually as I rehydrate. Stored muscle fuel can also fluctuate, although not as much as water.

    If you are going to weigh yourself every day, you need to do it under consistent conditions--i.e. first thing in the morning before any food intake. You will still get fluctuations, but not as much.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Yep, weight fluctuates allot even in the same day. I can gain or lose 4 or even 5 lbs in day these days and as you get through this you start to realize that in a short time scale, the scale isn't really helpful. Once you build up a routine and start getting the energy, enjoying the workout and get into a rhythm, checking your weight become less and less of an addiction.

    When I started, I was checking every day, but it's been close to 5 months now and I'll check like once every two weeks, and you'll see your weight-loss then, but as Azadak said, check consistently daily and the best time is in the morning right when you wake up after you go to the bathroom, your body will be carrying the lowest amount of fluids and your stomach will be empty so it will really give you the most accurate reading.

    Stay cool, and consistent, this won't be a race, there's no real quick win when it comes to weight-loss and everyone's body has it's own pace. I started with 22 lbs to lose and here I am after 5 months and I've still got 5 lbs left, I'm sure others would've hit that goal by now, and others still would be behind me - but I'm putting in the effort and moving at my own pace and I will reach my goal if I simply continue so there's no need to put a due date on it.