No more excuses! Who is with me?!

Hello all!

I was overweight in middle school..yes a very long time ago. I was 175 lbs at 5'3. I lost like 35+ pounds. My weight has been steady at about 136-138ish for the past like 6 years! My goal weight is 120. Anyways recently I started working from home and I gained 10lbs. This is really uncommon for me! I'm a very healthy eater and I am always aware about what I am eating. So when I stepped on that scale and saw 10lbs officially on me..I freaked out!! I think I cried haha. It's always my goal to LOSE not to gain. So I joined the gym starting working out super hard and started cutting down on my diet...although I wasn't super strict with my diet on the weekends.

Well here I am a month later...I have not lost any weight. I definitely feel more toned up, but that stupid number is stuck. I know it's not all about the numbers..but I know this isn't the weight I'm supposed to be at.

So now it's time for me to stop making excuses and feeling bad for myself. Obviously I need to get serious. It IS hard for me to lose weight...but I also wasn't super strict. So no more feeling sad..but it's time to really get my diet under control. I will continue to work out..and tone up. But I need to combine that with a diet that is going to help me lose those extra 10lbs and even get to my goal weight!

So..who is with me? Anyone else sick of making excuses for themselves and feeling sorry for themselves. It's time to get in shape and have self control!
