THIS time is OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!! Anyone else in the same boat?

So im 18 years old and Ive never ever been skinny or in very good shape. All throughout my teenage years I have tried and tried to have the will power to get this weight off, and I start off real strong, lasts 3 weeks tops. And I can just never get into shape or lose the weight that I want to lose. I am at my biggest now- 170 lbs, and Im 5' 4''. So I'd realy like to grab the bull by the horns and get this stuff under control!!!! I'd like to lose roughly 40 pounds. At least for right now. 130 doesnt sound so bad haha (:
Anyway, add me!!! I'd love to meet some new people and maybe get to talking to some of yall and build up some inspiration and all (:
Thanks for reading!!


  • Welcome to MFP, I'm loving it so far and I just know you will too!! :0)
  • i am!!!! and i am also new, so,please add me!
  • TheCurvyGamble
    TheCurvyGamble Posts: 42 Member
  • Hi....
    I've just joined too. I only started getting wobbly bits a year ago. Gained a stone. Put it down to moving to a rural area with no sports facilities and too much wine. I've started walking my dogs further and up and down hills rather than stroling to the beach and sitting on a rock while they play lol. I dont like sweet foods or baked stuff so its the no wine/cheese thing that'll hurt most i reckon. Whats your vice? Natalie, Devon.
  • summertime0302
    summertime0302 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome. I'm on the boat with you. Been "overweight" my entire life and THIS time it's OFFICIAL for me to. I word of advice DO IT NOW b/c it only gets harder. I wish someone would've told me that at 18 that at 30 it's even harder to get motivated and get the weight off. Good luck to staying focused on the goal this go round
  • Same here.
    Failure seems to be my specialty when it comes to dieting!
    But together we can all do this.
    Failing is NOT an option this time! (:
    Add me!
  • iluvtherain
    iluvtherain Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, Its official for me too! Just gained 8 pounds over the holidays and now am at my biggest! I refuse to be fat by birthday! I dont want to be super skinny, I just want to be healthy. I know its going to be a tough road ahead of me, but I have to do this!
  • TruScorpio169
    TruScorpio169 Posts: 27 Member
    I am def in the same boat.. I've never been thin either. I wish you all the luck in the world cuz you are young and I hope you're able to accomplish your goal while you're still young.

    Me, I'm 27 and have about 100 lbs to lose. I have probably been on 1,000 diff diets since my teen years but I've never had the willpower to stick to it but now with this app I feel like I don't need it. I absolutely love the app and this site. It makes me feel good about my choices and even if I make bad choices, which I do time to time I make sure w/e I eat it won't put me over my calorie limit. I love the way when I incorporate exercise I get calories back.. it's like an awesome reward like hey you've worked out go have an extra snack (healthy of course). Anyways I am feeling very confident that this time I'll get it done. It took a long time for it to sink in but the truth is diets don't work, you need to make it a lifestyle something you can do forever. I def think I can make good food choices most of the time and bad ones from time to time, where I can still have chocolate n cheeseburgers from time to time. The most important thing for me is to listen to my stomach n stop eating when I'm satisfied.

    Here's to making it happen in 2013!

    Add me :)
  • Fhoover
    Fhoover Posts: 62 Member
    I am going to stick with this.. I am 31 years old and I"m ready to start my family but I can't do it being this overweight. I always start out good but then I just fall off the "wagon" It's hard cause I work with food everyday and I just like to nibble here and there. I hope that with the support of you guys I can do it this time!!
  • Hey there all,
    I have to agree i am at my breaking point. I am a mother of two one is 10 the other just about 8 months I also work full time 40 plus hours a week. I lost all the weight from my first daughter a year or so after she was born. ( Gained like 90lbs with her) no joke. Then in 08 i slowly started gaining weight. After having my youngest i am still 40-50 pounds over what i would like to be. Any ideas, support anything would be much appreciated feel free to add me i like meeting new people as well.
  • hello, im 20 and i was that way i used to be on a diet for like a month then i would stop then i would start over again and just keep on repeating the same process, but now whenever im like oh ill just have one bad day i will always remind myself of why i am trying to loose weight or whats motivating me to loose it... and so far i have been using MFP since last october and im sticking to it so hopefully it works for you if you stick with it! good luck.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    So im 18 years old and Ive never ever been skinny or in very good shape. All throughout my teenage years I have tried and tried to have the will power to get this weight off, and I start off real strong, lasts 3 weeks tops. And I can just never get into shape or lose the weight that I want to lose. I am at my biggest now- 170 lbs, and Im 5' 4''. So I'd realy like to grab the bull by the horns and get this stuff under control!!!! I'd like to lose roughly 40 pounds. At least for right now. 130 doesnt sound so bad haha (:
    Anyway, add me!!! I'd love to meet some new people and maybe get to talking to some of yall and build up some inspiration and all (:
    Thanks for reading!!

    Yew look perty shexy to meh
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    Well, I'm at the other end of the scale - I am 55yrs old, 5' 8.5" and my heaviest both in 2003 and 2009 was 320 lb. I've been a yo-yo dieter since my first weight loss in 1978 after I met my now husband. But as u guys will know, u lose it and put it back on PLUS. It's that plus that got me to where I was in 2003. I then lost 45lb slowly then crept back up to about 1 lb lower than I was in plus, THANK GOODNESS!!!. And that's when I decided that was it.

    SOME HINTS: Do it for the right reason. I've finally discovered that I needed to do this for ME. Yes my health is benefiting, my husband will have something more pleasing to the eye to look at LOL, but even though I tried over the years for these reasons they were never enuff to keep me down. You really, really have to do it for YOU.

    AND NEVER, NEVER SAY "IF". If I make it; I'll keep these old clothes just in case; if I get down to..... I try so very, very hard to stay absolutely positive and I've even bought a summer top for next season in a size smaller than I am at the moment.

    Healthy lifestyle. Every time I've tried to lose weight until now I've gone on the Weight Watchers diet (a copy obtained from a friend), or the cabbage soup diet, or gone real healthy with good meat, vegetables, fruit etc. But we couldn't afford to feed every member of our family in the same way financially, and I would have to cook two meals where I always felt stink eating better than the others. This time we can't afford the good meats etc and the key is WILL I BE ABLE TO SUSTAIN THIS LIFESTYLE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE - well, no. So I've concentrated on portion size and am eating exactly what everyone else eats. It's great coz I don't have to cook separate meals, I don't crave the stuff my hubby is eating coz I have my own portion. I still have a piece of cake OR lollies OR anything else sweet once and at the max twice a day. And I try to drink water (not so keen on) and diet drinks as my cold drinks. Oh and I still have the occasional rum and diet coke! LOL

    MFP - this website is magic and has pulled me back from collapse on a couple of occasions thus far. I'm struggling at the moment, but I'm not going up. We don't have any baking in the freezer and therefore I crave something sweet in the evening, so I think I'll have to rectify that and try and get back on track.

    So, don't give up. Focus and go for it. IT'S ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE.
  • SweetCourt
    SweetCourt Posts: 17 Member
    So im 18 years old and Ive never ever been skinny or in very good shape. All throughout my teenage years I have tried and tried to have the will power to get this weight off, and I start off real strong, lasts 3 weeks tops. And I can just never get into shape or lose the weight that I want to lose. I am at my biggest now- 170 lbs, and Im 5' 4''. So I'd realy like to grab the bull by the horns and get this stuff under control!!!! I'd like to lose roughly 40 pounds. At least for right now. 130 doesnt sound so bad haha (:
    Anyway, add me!!! I'd love to meet some new people and maybe get to talking to some of yall and build up some inspiration and all (:
    Thanks for reading!!
    Hi- I am older than you but height and CW are the same- and our goal's are the same as well! I sent a request :smile:
  • SweetCourt
    SweetCourt Posts: 17 Member

    Here's to making it happen in 2013!

  • mytman
    mytman Posts: 218
    Oh i can relate to everyone it is easy for the first few weeks then the lasck of motivation kicks in i guess that is why i came to MFP so that when lack of motivation kicks in i have people there that can share with and motivate each other sent requests and anyone that wants to add me i am looking for any one that wants to share motivation and encouragement
  • Well looks like we all have the same goals in mind…too finally loose the extra lbs that have stuck too us like glue!! I am 48 and need to loose the last of this extra weight ,I have recently lost 30 lbs last year,but after moving have gained 12 lbs back ! …. I can gain it sooo easily, but , loosing it is another story…the older I get the harder it is, so for you younger ones do it for your selves now….it is only that much harder when you get older!!
    I am determined to get it off ….slow and easy will win the race !!
    Keep your goals in mind and we will all succeed ! I find it easier if you have smaller goals to reach, example 5 lb goals instead of saying I still have 40,50 or 150 lbs still to loose…those numbers are so depressing to us when one is just starting.
    By reaching 5 lb goals they are that much more rewarding to say I lost 5 lbs then when you loose the next 5 you can say I lost 10 lbs and so on…
    I have found that by tracking and being honest with everything that enters ones mouth is the only true way to do it… we have to be accountable for our actions..good or bad… that is how I gained my 12 lbs back , I stopped tracking and being accountable for my food choices !! So for this I now have an additional 12 lbs to loose…. no one to blame but ME ! I just found out about this site today so thought I would jump on the weight loss train and try tracking on line….think it will be fun to do !
    So let's stick together ,give each other the support we a lll require…it is easier to do it together then it is alone.
    So here is to eating well, exercise, and drinking the water we all need !!

    If you are struggling talk to us, we can all give you some advice from our experiences…..that is why you came here right….for support from people who UNDERSTAND your struggles….. you are worth every second of this journey….keep that in mind …WE ARE HERE FOR YOU !!
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Pixi Good Luck. I am in the same boat,I NEED TO stick to it this time and drop some serious weight,and exercise.My situation is a bit different from yours. Where you said you have never been skinny,I used to be very skinny and in shape. I used to eat bad food, just like I do now. The difference is, my metabolism basically stopped in my mid 20's,and I started packing on the pounds. I inherited my metabolism from my mom,she was the same way,started packing on pounds in the mid 20's.