losing the lower stomach fat



  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Crunches will not get rid of the "baby pouch"/lower stomach. Try more planking, really engaging your core while doing so, and other core exercises.
    Sorry, but that won't either really.

    The only way to get rid of such flab is losing fat.

    The act of exercising to build muscle can help reduce fat. However just the act of having more muscle alone will not reduce fat - generally it will actually make fat look 'bigger'. Like lying in bed and putting a rolled up towel on top of you under a thick winter duvet. You wouldn't see the outline of a sturdy towel roll, just a bigger lump under the thick duvet.
  • v_woolf
    v_woolf Posts: 33 Member
    Yep -- totally agree with everyone else on here.

    It's time to increase your caloric intake (just a little!), including perhaps a little more protein.

    It's also time to start doing more high intensity interval training and strength training! My bet is that your body has adjusted to your workout routine -- it's time to shake it up a little bit with some "muscle confusion".

    Good luck!

    [edit: I'd recommend doing insanity! It's tough but you Will. See. Results.]
  • panzerduff
    panzerduff Posts: 21 Member
    Spot reduction doesn't exist. Keep lowering your body fat percentage. Isolating your core with exercises won't do anything. I can't believe nobody has said this yet.

    Stick with a caloric deficit and be patient.
  • elsinora
    elsinora Posts: 398 Member
    Spot reduction doesn't exist. Keep lowering your body fat percentage. Isolating your core with exercises won't do anything. I can't believe nobody has said this yet.

    Stick with a caloric deficit and be patient.

    Because it pretty much goes without saying. But that being said, if the OP is hitting a weight where they are slim then you can body sculpt, whether working on concentrating on certain muscle groups ... Not saying you can spot reduce but you can, if your body fat percentage is lower, tone and work certain parts but that doesn't mean the fat will miraculously be obliterated in one area :/
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    weight isnt the be-all-end-all. You should really think about toning your body with weight training.
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Congrats on your goal weight.

    You need to incorporate other strength exercises that engage the core (planks, squats, lunges, kettle bells, etc).

    Also regular crunches wont do it either. There are many many many different ab exercises - you need to do ones that focus on that area vs "regular crunches".

    Keep up with the cardio but you need to add more strength training and eat really clean. Lower sodium and sugar will also help.