Insanity & nutrition guide



  • marshmelo92
    marshmelo92 Posts: 3 Member
    I just finished month 1 of Insanity. I didn't follow the nutrition guide, just counted calories on MFP. I lost 9lbs and a total of 15 inches of body fat all over. After a month you should see either some toning or weight loss. You may not be eating enough calories as the workouts are pretty intense?

    How many calories were you eating while doing Insanity. I am thinking about starting insanity but it says i have to eat 2050.34 cal/day and 410.068 per meal, using Harris Benedict Equation. I am scared to even try and eat that much.
  • tbrick11
    tbrick11 Posts: 1
    I just finished month 1 of insanity and starting the recovery week today. when i first started i wasn't following the nutrition guide and found out i wasn't eating "ENOUGH" but still lost 3lbs. between week 3 and 4 of the first month, i started following the nutrition guide and began eating just about 2300 calories per/day and lost 3lbs in less than a week. I was a little hesitant thinking thats a lot to be eating, but since the workouts are so rigorous, it burns it away anyways. if you can just base a lot of what u eat off of Michis ladder in tier 1 and 2 without following a specific meal plan, you should be fine that way
  • tstringer69
    does anyone know approx. how many calories are burned during and average insanity workout? I havent started yet but getting ready to.
  • alaythea
    alaythea Posts: 29
    I've done both. The first time I did it I followed strictly to the work out plan and the nutrition guide and lost 15lbs (after losing 15 doing P90X) after that I did a round where I wasn't sticking completely with the plan or nutrition and didn't see the results. They tell you that it's a commitment. You have to commit to the schedule, the time, and the nutrition. With Insanity I will agree that at least 80% of it is nutrition. And you need to eat clean but eat more calories than you'd think. When I did it and was losing good I ate strict but I ate almost 1900 calories a day. And for a 5 foot woman that seems like a lot to me!
  • alaythea
    alaythea Posts: 29
    I've heard anywhere from 500-800 depending on how hard you push and how much you can stick with what they are doing. But the best way to know is to get a heart rate monitor with a calorie counter because depending on your height, weight and how hard you push will change it all a lot.
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    There are so many success stories with photos that show people who didn't lose ANY weight, not 1 pound but completely changed their body.

    I always recommend using the calculations, figuring out the calories & ratios you should be eating and create your own meal plan. The guide is just a guide! YOu don't have to follow it to a T, but you do need to follow their nutritional recommendations.
  • ngarrett75
    ngarrett75 Posts: 87 Member
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
  • dragonc321
    dragonc321 Posts: 33
    I was eating about 1800 calories/day (including eating back exercise cals). It seemed like a lot to me since when I started out with no activity I was only eating about 1250 (and was starving all the time!) As long as you are working out to your full intensity your body will be burning those calories so I would follow what you are told to eat. I lost hardly and lbs but my body completely changed appearance. My clothes were looser, I had much more energy, I was trading muscle for fat. Give it time and don't give up!
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I am on the recovery week of Insanity before month two. I didn't follow the nutrition plan, but have had great results. Just eat clean and dig deeper. I've had quite a few friends that completed this tell me that month two is where it all comes together.
  • JunesDaughter
    I was given the Insanity Workout as a gift, but never received the nutrition guide. I didn't let that stop me, because I was determined, so I thought. I've tried doing the Insanity Workout a few times, but never made it past the first week. I didn't have a meal plan to follow. I guess that's why I stopped. I am now trying the workout again with a meal plan from another workout program. I hope that I will receive the same results as the meal plan provided from the Insanity Workout plan. The meal plan that I follow comes with 5 meals a day. (3 meals and 2 snacks). Would you recommend that I continue using the meal plan?
  • Jamie320
  • almapig1
  • TeamLoseIt
    My and my husband are on week 5 Recovery Week and we follow the nutrition guide, so far he has lost 19 lbs and as of today I have lost 14 lbs in the first month. We did not weigh ourselves until week 2 and we both lost weight. BUT we also workout twice a day and we eat sensible. The eating 5 times absolutely controls my hunger. I thought I needed diet pills to loose the weight. Bad thing is I am going on a cruise next week and will miss the first week of the Max exercises. Everyone says that is when you really loose your weight. I have DEFINITELY gained a large amount of muscle in my legs. But for me I am not loosing as many inches in my back as I would like. I am a tad dissapointed but not going to let it get me down. We plan to start over again after our first 60 days!!!
  • PDiddySea
    PDiddySea Posts: 3 Member
    I think that in a lot of cases the food plan is geared toward people who are overweight or simply have bad food habits. I think like someone else pointed out if you use a heart rate monitor, pay attention to your work outs and eat well then you are fine without it. But if you want to follow it nothing to lose. I have never been overweight but then again I always cook and always have and I dont eat junk food save the occasional and rare post beer street meat etc. Once in a while wont kill you. Like anything common sense is your judge. But also if you are in a habit of over eating, that is a different challenge so maybe a glass of water first to fill you a bit will work. I think its important to do the workouts consistently and step away from the scale and dont obsess. its not the meal plan that gets you results, its learning to eat cleaner. And the exercising. Hope that helps.
  • stacebobs
    stacebobs Posts: 2 Member
    Hi i did insanity on 1,500 calories on mfp ,divided into 3 meals and 2 snacks 1of which was a whey protein shake , didnt see any results untill week 5 had lost nothing on the scales but had lost 4" all over when retook measurements i ate healthy and had 1 treat meal every week so i didnt loose sight of reality ie; going out for meals etc plus it gave me something to look forward to