What do you eat for lunch at work?



  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    1.) I'll usually make a crockpot of soup on Sundays and eat that all week with a piece of fruit and either a piece of bread or some crackers.
    2.) Whole wheat english muffin, laughing cow cheese, good lunchmeat, lettuce, tomato, served with something like popchips, and a piece of fruit
    3.) Stir Fry!
    4.) Breakfast foods for lunch
    5.) Left overs from night before
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    Homemade lentil soup - you can control the sodium when you make it from scratch. Delicious, filling and nutritious!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I'm bumping to come back to this later, as I am getting sick of sandwiches!
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    Leftovers! Always make enough at dinner to take for lunch the next day =)

    Other stuff:
    avocado and cucumber with dressing
    spinach or kale, almonds, and feta salad
    hummus and veggies
    peanut butter and banana sandwiches

    i also bring lots of snacks to work like nuts, fruit, veggies, energy bars, etc. so that's why my lunches are small.
  • I accidentally hit reply here. Sorry about that
  • Here is what I meant to put (Newbie)

    I've had this problem too and fall back on soup and salad alot, but I've also tried these. Side note, I make my own salad dressing with apple cider vinegar, water, stevia (sugar sub) and spices like, garlic, oregano, S&P. Stevia is a great sugar substitute and you can buy it in many flavors. I like making simple smoothies with water, ice, fruit and Stevia. (Do your own research on it)

    Chinese Chicken Salad: Baby Spinach, Canned or Shredded Chicken Breast, Oranges or Mandarins add juice from these to your dressing, above Salad Dressing, & Chinese Five Spice. If you like crunch you can add croutons, crumbled Melba Toast, or almonds

    Bring cooked chicken breast sliced and portioned from home, add a low cal sauce for flavor and pair with any vegetable. I like Frank's Red Hot (like hot wings) & Celery. Or green enchilada sauce. Makes eating the same old chicken more bareable.

    Even easier is canned Chicken with diced tomatoes mixed in or cucumbers on the side (cucs also good with above salad dressing:
    I like Costco's Kirkland brand of canned chicken

    Shrimp Cocktail: make your own cocktail sauce

    Shrimp Salad: 8 medium shrimp added to Spinach and dressed with lemon juice, S & P to taste.

    I also like to make a warm cinnamon apple, I remember a version of this from grade school that was NOT healthy, this one is.
    Apple sliced, sprinkle with Stevia & Cinnamon, microwave for about 30 seconds
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    putting stevia in something that has blended fruit in it seems so unnecessary
  • kluvcards
    kluvcards Posts: 4 Member
    Two of my favorites:

    1. Baked organic chicken breast slices over a bed of spinach with fat free Trader Joes balsamic vinegarette dressing. Add tomatoes, onions, any raw veggies you like...and it satisfies. Very easy to do.

    2. 99% lean turkey breast with mexican seasonings, over a bed of spinach with salsa, slivered unsalted almonds, fage 0% greek yogurt. Taco salad!
  • lindsiespengler
    lindsiespengler Posts: 1 Member
    I love to make healthy soups in the crockpot during the weekend and then freeze pre-planned portions for the week. That way I can just grab it from the freezer and go.

    I recently made a lental soup (just dried lentals, broth (chicken or vegtables), veggies (celery, carrots, onions, garlic,) and I added some turkey kielbasa for additional flavor. It only took 3 hours to cook and was impossible to mess up since you can add as much of each ingredient as you want. The lentals are high in protien so it keeps me full all day. On a side note I'm a teacher and can't stop for a snack whenever I want so this really keeps me satisfied between luch and the end of the day.

    Hope this helps.
  • BCSMama
    BCSMama Posts: 348
    whatever I have for dinner, make extra, put in individual containers, and put in freezer or fridge. Ready to take to work and reheat. Done.

    Same here. If there are a lot of leftovers, I'll portion them out and freeze them to use later so I'm not eating the same thing everyday. I usually have several choices in the freezer/fridge.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Two of my favorites:

    1. Baked organic chicken breast slices over a bed of spinach with fat free Trader Joes balsamic vinegarette dressing. Add tomatoes, onions, any raw veggies you like...and it satisfies. Very easy to do.

    2. 99% lean turkey breast with mexican seasonings, over a bed of spinach with salsa, slivered unsalted almonds, fage 0% greek yogurt. Taco salad!

    Oh... sounds fab!!!! esp number 2!!!
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    I always take lunch with me rather than eating out. Usually it's chicken or fish with some sort of green veggies and maybe a little rice, sweet potatoes, wheat bread or oatmeal.
  • matti07
    matti07 Posts: 93 Member
    I am seriously boring since I've discovered the Salad In A Jar technique. It's actually lettuce in a jar, but it's been working for me, and 4 c of lettuce plus moderate toppings (I often use 1/8 c sliced almonds, 1/8 c reduced-sugar Craisins, and salad dressing I also pre-pack for portion control) gets me very full. I have some other stuff in my drawer -- plain roasted pepitas and walnuts, but the almond/cranberry thing is amusing me lately. At home, I've added turkey or chicken to the salad, and I've been known to bring a Light Laughing Cow wedge to up the interest level.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Mon, Wed and Fri: Mixed Fruit Dish.
    Tue and Thu: Vegetable Snack Tray.

    It's a light lunch, but it keeps me satisfied until I get home.
  • SkinnyBitchMode19
    SkinnyBitchMode19 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you everyone for the great ideas! I went grocery shopping last night and i did not purhase one frozen meal!

    And yes yes i know i should embrace the leftovers .. baby steps :)

    Thanks again!!
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    Something with Tuna. Or Greek Yogurt, with a little bit of granola, fresh berries, and a TBSP of honey. YUM.
  • akern1987
    akern1987 Posts: 288 Member
    It depends, my company is very big on building relationships, so you are expected to go out to lunch at least once a week (which is really difficult), on the days I stay in the office, I usually go for Progresso Canned Soup with some crackers (usually light ritz or wheat thins) or a Sandwhich on Wheat bread.

    It depends on the day, and it always varies, but when I'm trying to be good, those are my standards, not to mention progresso light soups are really good (most under 100 calories a serving, so even if you eat the whole can it's not bad) they have tons a varieties and are always on sale! Check your grocery store.

    Hope this helps.
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I buy one serving salad kits from Safeway. I eat them 4 days a week. I love them because everything is already measured for me and they come in many varieties. Which helps me from getting bored and I spend less money on toppings that way. One Wednesday I have a can of soup. The weekends I do a Lean Cusini or half sandwich with veggie and fruit.