Losing motivation/feeling guilty



  • I left my house last night to head to the gym knowing the run was going to stink...it didn't. It wound up being a great workout!

    Moral to the story, sometimes you just have to push yourself. It may not feel like going, you may complain to yourself the whole time but I guarantee you will be so glad you did when you're finished. Unless you're sick or injured and then only push if it won't make you worse!

    And BTW, its cold and yucky here in NJ today and I was really thinking I was going to blow tonight off....thank you cause now I know for sure I will be going.

  • After about 3 weeks of making the decision to continue, it becomes second nature for me. I feel motivated when I can wear a different size, see the scale drop, friends and co-workers make comments and even when I notice others look at me. :-) There is motivation in everything
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    I stay motivated by having weekly goals for my weight. I don't look at the "big picture" anymore. Looking at the big picture just made me give up after a while, which is why I failed countless diets in the past.

    It's much easier to focus on losing 5 pounds per week than focusing on dropping 232 pounds ASAP.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Short goals are a great idea! But dont make it for weight lost or to lose, make it for healthier food choices, or 3 extra pushups!
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    If I need motivation I jump on the scale and remind myself that that is NOT the number I want to weigh....always kicks my *kitten* into gear!
  • Weekly I take pictures of myself on my phone to help form a mental picture of why I need to continue.