I'm a lazy glob of woman today.

I stayed under my calories but didn't do a thing in terms of exercise. I feel incomplete now LOL. It's cold and icky outside so my walk is out...and I can't do the Wii or DVD because my hubs is watching TV...(and I don't want to be his entertainment...in the way of shaking my fat butt for him...maybe later). Bleh.


  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    I am so with you. Only the weather is getting hot and yucky here.lol. And I have kids naping. I hope you get to your workout. My hubby likes to watch when I work out too and I hate it. I always yell at him to join in or go away because he is distracting me.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I stayed under my calories but didn't do a thing in terms of exercise. I feel incomplete now LOL. It's cold and icky outside so my walk is out...and I can't do the Wii or DVD because my hubs is watching TV...(and I don't want to be his entertainment...in the way of shaking my fat butt for him...maybe later). Bleh.

    Can't? Sure you can. If you really want it you will find a way.
  • badloki13
    badloki13 Posts: 15
    This is why I joined a gym. When I was married, my wife did the Cindy Crawford workout but I couldn't bring myself to do that because..well, I thought I would look silly doing it.. We had all kinds of ab rollers, treadmills, weight benches and just about every kind of VHS there was (it was years ago lol) but I never did those things because there was always something better to do as long as I was at home..

    Now that I'm divorced and have more time to devote to working out and such, I decided to join a gym, not only a gym but a gym with a contract. I wanted to sign up on a contract so I would actually get up and go. I knew if I was going to be paying $50.00 a month for a year, I would go no matter what and so far, I have been.

    I'm not sure if going to a gym would be convenient for you but I can say, for me, that is the ONLY reason I have followed though with my goals and plans. WIthout my gym membership, I simply could not do it.
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    It is rainy and cold here too and I have been a total couch potato!!! But I haven't had a day like this for awhile so I am cutting myself some slack.

    But in answer to you not walking in the rain. I purchased some heavy duty rain gear at a sporting goods store about a year ago and it has saved me from cabin fever more than once. It is really fun to see the looks on peoples faces driving by when I am out walking in the pouring rain.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I felt like blah all day too with a headache! I fight severe hypothyroidism, so when I say I am tired I mean it! But I have NOT missed ONE day of fitness since Christmas day and that means I would not miss today either. Did an hour of Insanity and my elliptical! I can now proudly say today is counted for!! My days of fitness last year was 305 and I aim to better that this year, so far so good! If I can do this so can you! Go in your bedroom so he can't watch! March in place for 3 minutes, do a set of 10 lunges, march in place, do the lunges, jog in place, do push ups, jog, push ups, jumpin jax, squats, jx, squats, high knee runs, crunches ETC; ETC; you get the picture! Come on now YOU can do this with out a TV. Best wishes and post bacl later as to what you did!!!