
I have been struggling to lose weight for a while and for a few weeks have been following with beach but have gained weight. I am 166 and want to be at 130-135. Need some friends to help me not give up this time. I really want to do this.


  • Hello and welcome to this site !

    I have only been on here a couple of weeks and I have found it amazing. I come on this site at least once a day and I get alot of inspiration from it to help me stay focused.

    We WILL all do it because if you didn't really want to or your heart was not really in it then you wouldn't have joined ! Just look at some of the success stories and that will help keep you motivated.

    Good luck but enjoy it.

    Annie xxx
  • Thank you! Such an inspiration with your weight loss! Great job!
  • bookangel89
    bookangel89 Posts: 22 Member
    You are welcome to add me! I am looking for friends as well to help keep me accountable and to motivate. Feel free to add me if anyone is looking for someone to check in with! We can do this :)