Fit in the Sun !



  • Becky---Way to go on the surpassing your calories for the week....Keep up the great work

    My numbers for
    today 358
    total 1938/3500
    Got a ways to go to meet my goals by Tues.....
  • Ok, I'm done working out today.....

    today 924
    total 2862/3500

    I caught up to where I should be for the week so far....
  • yogamazinglife
    yogamazinglife Posts: 29 Member
    Not sure where I am for the week or how long I have left to go but my new HRM came in today so I can start tracking it all better! It's so pretty!

    I've got P90x planned for tonight but I'm going to my allotment tonight first so I'll have to see how worn out I am from digging. 2 hours of gardening is quite a large calorie burn. Or at least more than I thought it would be.
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Hello Ladies :smile: Happy Monday to you all :tongue:

    Connie - wonderful job on catching up, it seems like you had a full day of activity!

    Dee - My boyfriend just got the P90x, so I think I am goint to try it out, thanks for the suggestion!

    I couldn't get to the gym yesterday but I made sure to at least walk somewhere and since it was raining hard all of yesterday I figured the mall was the perfect place to do it... so not AS many calories burned but its better than nothing (plus I'll count yesterday as my rest day)

    so for 4/25: 279
    Total: 2569/3000

    I hope this tuesday's weigh in will show some results, I know I shouldn't expect a lot for the first week though :ohwell:
  • I've got P90x planned for tonight but I'm going to my allotment tonight first so I'll have to see how worn out I am from digging. 2 hours of gardening is quite a large calorie burn. Or at least more than I thought it would be.

    Let me know what you think....I set a goal for myself that when I get down to 200lbs I'm going to invest in either P90x or Insanity...
  • yogamazinglife
    yogamazinglife Posts: 29 Member
    I like p90X. After a few weeks, it's a little boring and some mornings I just want to strangle Tony whats-his-face but its a good workout. I've just downloaded some of Insanity but haven't got the full program yet. I might start interchanging some of the Insanity cardio workouts for p90x cardio workouts, which are the worst of the whole lot. Except Kenpo X. I like Kenpo X. I don't do the Yoga X because I'm not a fan of his yoga style but I like that yoga is a part of the program. I just do my own yoga instead.

    Probably incriminating myself but if I can change the code on my p90x set, I can get you a taster copy? I'll be back in the states in two weeks so I could drop it in the post or e-mail you as attachement? I have to play with the codes though, it may come out all screwy and 'European'

    Congrats gals for being on par for your weekly goals so far!
  • today 402
    total 3364
  • I've been slacking on this lately (away for the weekend) and yesterday I got my hours cut back at work so I was definitely depressed about that- not to mention looking for a second job. I've still been counting my calories, but I ended up job searching all night and didn't go to the gym like I should have. Definitely going tonight!
    Goal for tonight: burn at least 400 calories and jog a 5K (on the treadmill of course). I was able to do this all last week, so hopefully I will be able to get back on track now that I've started to sort out the whole money/job thing.

    Thanks for letting me vent!
  • today was my lazy day...Go figure it rained yesterday and all day Sunday....I'm a bit off schedule...
    Anyway, here are my numbers for today...

    total for the week---3729

    I started out slow, but stepped it up and got it done. I even went beyond my goal. One thing I forgot to do was weigh in today...I'll do that in the morning...

    Good night everyone
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Sorry everyone, I have just been having a hard time. My grandfather passed away Sunday night, so I have been working with arrangements for the funeral and spending a lot of time with family. I haven't exercised much at all, sadly. I hope to get back on it after the funeral.

    I'm still here for the group though!
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Hey all - it seems like we all have had some obsticles come our way... I know I have certainly been slacking b/c of my Monday and Tuesday classes :( Not to mention this is my last week of classes... looking forward to finals next week :(

    Stephanie - I remember when my grandfathers passed away. It was a very hard time. My thoughts are with you. I hope everything starts feeling a little better soon...

    Connie - Congrats on reaching and exceeding your goal!

    I did go down 1.5 lbs from my last weigh in (which was like two weeks ago). This week I have finals to prepare for and I have to travel to Buffalo (from Philly) for a family wedding over the weekend... I don't know how I'll be able to but Im shooting for 2000 calories again this week. WISH ME LUCK!
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    made it to the gym :yawn:

    today: 660
    total: 660/2000
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    1612/2000 for this week (to end on Tuesday).

    I hope everyone is doing well.
  • naslubs14
    naslubs14 Posts: 24
    Sorry I've been MIA - the weekend away and the wedding really threw me off... and my finals are consuming most of my brain power right now. But I plan on getting right back on track hoping that I didn't do too much damage.
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