Bad haircut.....

mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
Has anyone else gotten such a terrible hair cut (way too short) it made you want to hide in the house??

I got a terrible short cut yesterday and I could just cry when I look in the mirror now. I know I'm just going to have to wait it out and it is afterall just hair.....but I could use any stories you might have so maybe I don't feel so bad. :sad:


  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Happened to me once, I ended up wearing a ball cap for a solid week, then I went and had extensions put in! Made me feel so much better.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    i used to dance (yes, THAT kind of dancing) a few years hair was my thing...i needed a trim BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDLLLLYYY because when i would brush the curls and hair spray out, it would break and split...i went to ULTA because they had a salon....i told the girl NOT TO cut it, my hair was passed my shoulders to my bra strap. When i got out of the salon, it had been chopped just BARELY TO MY SHOULDERS with SHORT LAYERS. i wanted to cry........i DID cry..........all the way home.........but, when i got home and restyled it, it wasnt so bad, but i was STILL MAJORLY upset.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Aw sad! I bet it still looks cute! I had my hair cut really short on accident one time and when I left I cried - and I DO hair!! My hair curly so i literally pulled the sides back and wore it in a little afro for a while. then I did extensions and other things to it but all in all every bad experience makes for a good story later!!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    I'm sure it will make a good story, can't wait when I go back to work, oh boy!!! May go searching for a wig!!! :laugh:
  • Breckgirl
    Breckgirl Posts: 606 Member
    I tried to dye my hair blond once and came out with strawberry blond instead. My boss thought it was fabulous, my husband not so much. Ended up going to have it done and that was the last time I did my own dye job.
  • KimmyBee
    KimmyBee Posts: 158 Member
    When I was young I never EVER used to care for my physical appearance, hair included. So it grew and grew and reached halfway down my back..

    now I have really curly/frizzy hair (yes.. you dont need to tell me now.. I looked AWFUL, like something had dragged me through a bush backwards)

    anyways, my friends mum was a hairdresser, My friend forced me to have it cut (im so thanful she did) but my friends mum told me that most of it was just dead and that I needed to have it cut to where the healthy hair was..

    I ended up having about 4 inches of hair left

    needless to say, since then I have learned my lesson XD
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Ha this brings back a bad memory.. once when I was about 13 or 14 I wanted bangs. I used to have them when I was much younger, but had let them grow out. Anyway, I asked my mom and she wanted me to wait a while and then make me an appointment. I was very impatient then, and I wanted them that night. So I cut my own hair! they were barely an inch and a half long. Plus I have naturally curly hair and hadn't yet learned how to style my hair..... They were so short and ugly! I cried for about a month cause there was nothing I could do! I wore my hair back in a pony tail and had to use a gallon of hairspray to keep them from flying all over the place.. then I got made fun of for my hair looking so slicked back. Ugh. I still remember it like it was yesterday (almost 8 years later). I was chunky, shy, very self conscious.. my hari was about teh only thing I had going for me at the time and I managed to ruin that. Thank God I'm not stuck in my pre-teen/early teens anymore.. they were scarring! lol

    But, the good thing is it will grow back before you know it! Just make the most of it for now and remember we've pretty much all been there at some point!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I have a best friend her hair was down to her waist she wanted me to cut it. I would have prefered someone else to cut it the first time. But she wanted me. Sooooooooooooo I cut it and she looked like Kim Darby ( an actress) very funny. She got over it were still best friends 47 years later. Last time she cut her bangs with toe nail clippers ( this is not a type-o) too funny. This last time I got a text from her that read Why does God let me cut my BANGS!!!! I made her send me a picture and her statement was I look 5 years old. Her bangs very short and sticking up all over. Priceless. Hope you feel better
  • apapandrea
    When I was in highschool everyone was going to a local hair salon to get their hair cut, and I wanted to join in. I told the woman to angle it so that it was shorter in the front, longer in the back, nothing dramatic. When I looked in the mirror to my horror she had done the opposite! I cried and cried, and went to my hairdresser that evening (savior) who cut it to just at my chin. My hair had been past my shoulders and I loved it. I sat in my room every night for a month and cried that my hair would grow back.

    Flash forward 10 years later and I have a similar hair cut to the terrible short one I had in high school and I love it. I just needed the confidence to own whatever hair cut I had. You're right, its just hair, so own it! :wink:
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    Ok, here's my story. It's not about a cut, it's about a color. I have dirt brown hair. I wanted blonde highlights. I was 17 so my mom offered to do it for me. Well, she pulled WAAAAAAAAAY too much hair through the cap and then left the bleach stuff on too long. When she removed the cap and rinsed my hair, she said to my then 14 year old brother: "Go pour your sister a drink." Did I mention that I was 17???? Oh, and noone drank in our house! So, I had white hair and had to go get it dyed to be blonde.

    The sad thing is that that was Mom's second time she dyed my hair. The first time, I wanted red highlights. I wound up with orange hair. Let me just say, my mom is NEVER getting a third chance!:laugh:
  • Thaedra
    Thaedra Posts: 52
    I let a old boyfriend cut my hair once because he had cut his roommate's hair and it looked really good. I wanted it pretty short and sassy, but halfway through as I was watching him in the mirror I realized he had no idea what he was doing; he was just hacking away. For some reason I told him to stop and go get the clippers.... yeah, ummmm... I ended up with less than an inch long buzz cut!!! When my mom saw it her mouth dropped and she said "OH MY GOD!!! You were BORN with more hair than that!!!!"
    Luckily I was young and already pretty punk rock so I kind of pulled it off. kind of..... :huh:
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    OK here another on just remembered it. I was cutting my sons hair with clippers( hes 17yrs at this time) it was going really good then all of a sudden it went right to the scalp the little thing came off the end of the clippers that maintains the length of the cut. I think I almost could of gotten away with it but he saw the horrified look I had in the MIRROR (dead give away). I told him if he just kept his head tilted no one would notice.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Went to a fancy salon with my teenage daughter.
    when the stylist began to comb&snip she, in a very loud & horrified tone, asked me who had butchered my hair...?!

    Well I do....and I still think it looks fabulous!

    my daughter was thoroughly embarrassed:embarassed: ...ha ha...guess things don't faze me much:laugh:
  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    You guys crack me up. It'll grow back. Look at my head and be thankful.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    10 years ago I had my hair cut at a salon I always went to. One or two days before my graduation from BCTI,I went to get my hair cut and told the girl she could cut it however she thought would look good on me. BIG MISTAKE!!!! She cut it really short and completely slaughtered my bangs to the point there were none. I was horrified and hated it. I didn't even have enough time to grow it back before graduation. Needless to say I never went back and never give my stylist free reign like that again.

    Another time, a few years ago, I dyed my hair at home (which I always do) and being a natural redhead when I was younger, I chose a strawberry blonde or some shade of red (can't remember which color now). I didn't leave the dye in long enough and when I was done my hair was PINK!!! I'm talking PINK PINK. That was even more horrifying that the bad haircut. For weeks, I had to go out in public and to work with pink hair. My son loved it and one of my co-workers really liked it too, but I was horrified. Lesson learned: Always leave dye in the recommended amount of time.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I'll go aginst the grain here...I've never had a 'bad' haircut. This is mainly due to the fact that I usually keep my hair almost at my waist. I have had in the past my head almost shaved, colored anything from pink, to teal, to blue-black. I've always been a little zany with my hair. Just remember it's's grows back, it can be colored, and it's not permanent.