Gosh I don't know where to turn. I created an account here last January and started successfully losing weight- got sidetracked, quit smoking (which was a good thing) then gained it all back and then some. I'm at my highest weight ever. I need that PUSH... I know I have to do it myself, but I need that little extra encouragement to start this and keep going.


  • elothen
    elothen Posts: 155 Member
    Ok then, start right NOW! Your meals from this moment on must be healthy. The easiest time to eat right is from the time you wake up until dinner. Pick a set of foods that you can live with that you will eat exclusively during this time. A whole grain cereal, favorite (easy) fruit like grapes, bananas. A meal replacement shake. Turkey breast or lean ham with whole wheat bread and MUSTARD (no more mayo!) for lunch. Calculate out the calories for all of this so it's quick and easy to plug into the site. Input EVERYTHING that goes into your stomach even if it breaks your diet. If you can't calculate the calories/fat/carbs... don't eat it.

    Dinner is a little more difficult because it's often a main dish with a couple of sides. Calculation can be a pain. If you need to though, prepare yourself something different from the family that is healthier/easier to calculate. Last night I made spaghetti with meat for the family, that was a tough one to calculate. Regardless I served the family, then did the math and literally measured my pasta and sauce out with a measuring cup.

    One thing you've forgotten, really the only thing that makes this difficult, is how much better you felt when you were carrying around less weight. It may seem like with all the kids and how busy you are that you just NEED the easy/tasty food. It saves time and it's comforting right? The problem is it makes you feel horrible! It drains your energy! This all happens very slowly and sneaks up on you. Just get in the groove, solidly, for a week and you'll realize it. I know you understand this logically right now but not emotionally. Lock in for a week, be exceedingly strict, then the light will magically appear, you'll already start feeling better, and then you're set.

    You've got this. You know how to do it. Just start NOW!
  • I understand needing that push, here to help, you can do this!
  • You also HAVE to move your body. I believe exercise is the key. I've lost 50 pounds by doing simple things like walking. Have you tried any of the Walk away the Pounds videos? They are easy to follow, inexpensive (you can get some at Walmart) and there is no excuse! You can walk inside no matter the weather! She also has some work outs with resistance bands.

    Find whatever you enjoy then just DO it. You will feel SO much better!! You never say, "Gee, I wish I hadn't have worked out!" LOL!! You CAN do this!! Hey - you quit smoking!!! (GOOD FOR YOU!!) Time to continue to be healthy. Make it happen.
  • If you can stop smoking you can do this!!!!!
    Your desire to change has to be greater then your desire to stay the same.....I tell myself lol
    Good luck!
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Let me say something and I mean it to be honest and supportive in a way that may actually help. Stop looking for outside motivation. If you start and stop your weight loss efforts based on the "atta girls" from people on MFP, then you will fail. If your diet depends on what your family is doing or not doing, then you will fail. If your motivation is dependent on pleasing someone else (a spouse, other SO or some friend), then you will fail.

    On the other hand, if you look inside yourself and decide, really decide, that you want to change, then you will. Its very simple. Very difficult, but very simple. Calculate out your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), eat at a reasonable deficit, and get some regular exercise.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    I've just started here and I have been amazed at the help and support that the lovely people here give you. Think it's amazing. So I'd say coming back is a good step for you to have taken

    How about setting yourself mini-goals like lose a lb a week? That's do-able, right? Go for a walk at lunchtime - makes you feel good for the afternoon, knocking that post-lunch slump on the head. Take a packed lunch - you'll save money, eat things you like, and be able to monitor what you eat more easily.

    Hope this helps and please friend me too
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    thank you ALL for your encouraging words and advice! I started yesterday immediately when I woke up and limited my calories and ate healthy foods, same today. I am taking this one day at a time. I also got myself an exercise DVD and did it last night, going to do it again in a little while.

  • You stopped smoking! That is a huge accomplishment! I am sure you can do this too...I am looking for that extra push myself and I know we can do this!
  • Feel free to add me.