Can someone help me please?

So, Ive lost 15 lbs since 11/11/12, however, My birthday was Monday and since this past weekend, I have been eating some VERY unhealthy, calorie UNfriendly food. I feel terrible, I feel like I have wasted all my success, I'm scared to weigh myself and have gotten unmotivated to get back on the wagon.

I have eaten:

birthday cake
Ice cream
Pasta Galore
Stuffed Peppers
Eggs, bacon and toast
had 2 drinks

NONE of this was in moderation. Help? Encouragement?


    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    I have eaten:

    birthday cake
    Ice cream
    Pasta Galore
    Stuffed Peppers
    Eggs, bacon and toast
    had 2 drinks
    Awesome! :drinker:

    Now, dust yourself off and keep on keepin' on.
  • andy13
    andy13 Posts: 208 Member
    Climb back up kid
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Considering you have 20 lbs to lose, you should only be aiming for 1/2 lb per week, so I am sure you helped yourself out by eating more. It's ok to go over, especially on special occasions. If you don't allow yourself to eat whatever you want occasionally, you will fail.
  • reen62
    reen62 Posts: 26 Member
    Failure is only a fact when you give up. Everyone gets knocked down, the question is: Will you get back up?
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    yep don't beat yourself up for the past -- if we all did that none of the folks on here would have lost weight. Change TODAY! day by day you decide to choose healthy filling foods, occasionally treating yourself to something you like that's not super-healthy. Choose yourself first and health first! you CAN DO IT!
  • magicherry
    magicherry Posts: 81 Member
    Pasta Galore? sounds delish! what's in it?

    But really, you just took the first step to getting back on track - coming here and checking in.

    Log your food for today - every bite.
    Log your activity for today - every step.
    Write up a plan for tomorrow (a plan you can live with).
    Tomorrow, wake up and focus on that plan.

    YOU. Can. Do. It!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Hey there !

    I will be glad to try to help you : )

    I just read your profile - you live close-ish to me, around my age.

    Sounds like you just need someone on your side, to give you some guidance, some encouragement? There are many great folks around here.

    Anyhooo. For now, why don't you read my blog , my profile and I even have a website. If you think we'd be a good fit as MFP friends - give me a holler !

    Welcome : )

  • dbkrantz
    dbkrantz Posts: 138
    It was your birthday! You had a very good reason to celebrate and let yourself go a little bit!

    I know it's scary to think of this food overdose but please try to relax, one day in a year is not going to affect the entire year. You have lost 15lbs already which is amazing, and even if you gain a little this week, you will be back on track and motivated to lose it again!

    When I was on holiday, I gained 3lbs because I ate like a total pig. I won't even tell you what I ate because it's just plain embarrassing but I got on a scale and was not surprised and I have followed mfp since and have lost the weight.

    I have actually realised that when I have a week when I gain, it tends to be beneficial to my overall weight loss as I will lose more weight the following week.

    You just need to think about the big picture and what you want to achieve this year. One day is fine, you had a good reason and you enjoyed yourself. It is perfectly healthy
  • Just jump in where you are. So, you ate too much junk food for your birthday--you don't even want to know what I ate at Christmas while visiting my parents! So you pick up the next day, the next meal, and do better. Before you know it, the junk food binge will be long behind you.

    These things do even out over time. There isn't a magic button in real life that says if you go over X calories during a 24 hr period, you will gain weight. The reality is, sometimes you go over, some times you are under. As long as over time you are more under than over, you should be just fine.

    Besides, admit it....didn't you get a bit of a tummy ache? And now you might even crave a little healthy food? Secretly?
  • jdturneriii
    jdturneriii Posts: 4 Member
    If I look back at my weight loss graph, I can point to specific blips (upward minor peaks) in my weight that I can point to specific events: Trip to Palm Springs, Summer vacation, Birthday weekend, etc. However, the overall trend is DOWN to when I hit my goal.

    Just recognize that you will have small blips along the way that you can look at as anomalies rather than failures.

    I knew that it was going to take me 5 months at a minimum for me to hit my goal, and allowed myself the occasional indulgences.:drinker:

    BTW, I grew up in Louisville. :bigsmile:
  • You just need to tell yourself that enough is enough. Throw all the crap out go shopping and get nutritious food. We've all been there at least once probably. Wake up tomorrow telling yourself the reasons you want to lose the weight and opt for a healthy breakfast to set your day right. Come on, don't give up now. You were doing so awesome!! Keep it up. Bikini season is only 4-5 months away!!! ;) lol
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    No biggie.
    Just start fresh, again.
    You'll be fine.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Just move on.
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
    All you can do is so opps I over did it and start doing what you were doing the only way you can undo all the work you did is if you give-up. And I know you worked to hard to give up. Consider it cheat time. One or two even three days will not put 15 lbs on you. Keep up the good work you slip up once in a while it is OK we all do from time to time.
  • you cant deprive yourself of the good things... just eat them in moderation. Allow yourself to enjoy food... Just mind your frequency and portion size. I have lost 15 lbs since 1/2/13 but I have not so much as changed the things I eat but the amount and I always stay with in 100 cal of my limit.

    Just keep going!! If you slip a little its ok... LOG IT.... FORGIVE YOURSELF... and KEEP ON GOIN'!

    Best of luck to ya!
  • SMC_chick
    SMC_chick Posts: 36 Member
    And find some friends on here, from a group maybe, who are highly motivated and can help you stay that way. Sometimes it takes a challenge, like the reason some groups are formed. There is nothing like working toward a goal side-by-side with people.

    But, yeah, don't beat yourself up about it. Just get back to what you were doing so well. No one on here is going to judge you for falling off the train for a bit. Keep going! :-)
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Don't look back, don't waste another thought on "I have done this and this". Make a plan and look forward.
  • barbaramitchell101
    barbaramitchell101 Posts: 360 Member
    it was ONLY ONE DAY or DAYS, should I say...but you can't quit....don't give up...we ALL HAVE these times where we eat things that maybe we shouldn't...just GET BACK ON THE HORSE and try to do isn't gonna come off overnight anyway, this is for the long haul.....if you can't have some time to eat what you want, sometimes, then you won't be able to stay on the program.... (you just will have times where you binge cause you have restricted yourself....though if you go overboard, please try to moderate yourself, if you can't, just pick yourself up, and try would also help if you go get some exercise to work the excess cals off....I have been on my journey now for 2 years, going very slowly, but I am doing can you...just have patience with yourself...and keep'll get there...I DON'T deny myself anything, in fact I just spent 2 weeks with family, and going out to eat stuff like pizza, and just all kinds of things...but I adjusted the rest of my day to help compensate.....and drank lots of water..I only gained 1 lb over, just don't'll regret it if you do...the people on here are very supportive....

    and can add me as friend if you would like.....I do log on every day
  • stormtruck2
    stormtruck2 Posts: 118 Member
    Drive On
    They say rise above like it is so easy to do
    But what keeps you from rising above?
    The vaporous they?
    Or the constantly here self?
    You can't control the they?
    Can you control the self?
    You have power and control over only you.
    When faced with a challenge,
    you decide whether to rise above
    or fall under
    When angered you decide
    whether to retaliate,
    or rise above,
    You chose your response
    to what life gives you.
    I cannot you say?
    Or I will! you shout!
    When you slip
    you cry I can not arise?
    Or do you arise stronger?
    Do you spot your goal
    or watch the obstacles betwixt and between
    You have the strength
    the knowledge
    to rise to your goal
    to rise above your goal you are driven
    You Drive on!!
    You are doing it!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I can't change anything you did in the past. Neither can you. Unlike me, you can affect what you do in the future.