why is eating 1200 calories looked down on but....?

why is eating 1200 calories looked down on but when some one posts a success story showing how they lost 70/80/90 + pounds in 7 months, everyone congratulates them? If we are gonna be honest here, granted losing weight is an accomplishment, those people who lost a massive amount of weight in such little time were probably eating 1200 calories or around that.

so y the 10 page thread criticizing one for eating 1200 calories but a 10 page thread congratulating another for doing the same thing but showing pictures/proof?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    It all depends on nutrition, height, age, and starting weight.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    im talking about the double standard on here.

    theres a thread on here where someone lost nearly 200 pounds in a year and everyone was happy for them because they showed pictures.

    Let someone state their reasons for eating 1200 calories and they get a negative response.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    why is eating 1200 calories looked down on but when some one posts a success story showing how they lost 70/80/90 + pounds in 7 months, everyone congratulates them? If we are gonna be honest here, granted losing weight is an accomplishment, those people who lost a massive amount of weight in such little time were probably eating 1200 calories or around that.

    so y the 10 page thread criticizing one for eating 1200 calories but a 10 page thread congratulating another for doing the same thing but showing pictures/proof?
    Don't automatically assume anything.

    Do you know what amount of calories they were eating? Do you know what exercise they were doing? Do you know what their original starting weight was?
  • DonnaLeeCattes
    DonnaLeeCattes Posts: 492 Member
    MFP put me on 1200 when I started and it has worked great for me :)
  • everysn0wflake
    im talking about the double standard on here.

    theres a thread on here where someone lost nearly 200 pounds in a year and everyone was happy for them because they showed pictures.

    Let someone state their reasons for eating 1200 calories and they get a negative response.
    I can see your point. I guess if they were eating 1200 calories, and eating back the calories they were working off; they can get full easy. It depends on their genetics. A 200 lb person can easily lose the weight, comparing to someone wanting to lose 5 lbs. Also probably, with the pictures shown, they're happy for them. They want to congratulate them, and don't want to bash on them for eating 1200 calories. Y'know?
  • AmiC0717
    AmiC0717 Posts: 440 Member
    I started in May of 2012 at 265 pounds. I was given 1400 calories per day by a dietician through my local hospital. Others in my group that had less to lose were given 1200. They took measurements of our bodies and calculated our BMI, BMR and activity level. I am now on 1300 by my choice even though I was told 1200 by the dietician. I really think it depends on each case for an individual. I have lost 70lbs since May and I couldn't have done it without eating less and moving more. It's not about starvation it's about learning to eat healthy for those 1200-1400 calories.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    why is eating 1200 calories looked down on but when some one posts a success story showing how they lost 70/80/90 + pounds in 7 months, everyone congratulates them? If we are gonna be honest here, granted losing weight is an accomplishment, those people who lost a massive amount of weight in such little time were probably eating 1200 calories or around that.

    so y the 10 page thread criticizing one for eating 1200 calories but a 10 page thread congratulating another for doing the same thing but showing pictures/proof?
    Don't automatically assume anything.

    Do you know what amount of calories they were eating? Do you know what exercise they were doing? Do you know what their original starting weight was?

    1200 calories net basically, netting below their bmr
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    I started in May of 2012 at 265 pounds. I was given 1400 calories per day by a dietician through my local hospital. Others in my group that had less to lose were given 1200. They took measurements of our bodies and calculated our BMI, BMR and activity level. I am now on 1300 by my choice even though I was told 1200 by the dietician. I really think it depends on each case for an individual. I have lost 70lbs since May and I couldn't have done it without eating less and moving more. It's not about starvation it's about learning to eat healthy for those 1200-1400 calories.

    Im not trying to bash those who eat a certain amount of calories im just asking y the double standard and dishonesty of the people on this site

    if u created a thread on how many calories you eat, you would get dragged but if u created a thread in the success stories forum showing pictures of your weight loss, you would get congratulated.
  • thickntired
    thickntired Posts: 76 Member
    I can understand where you are coming from on this. It does seem like a double standard. I don't think it's fair to pick on someone doing 1200 or even lower, as in my case. My doctor told me to do 1000 calories due to my weight and trouble it is causing me and the fact that I have hypothyroidism and it makes it harder for someone to lose weight. Not everyone can lose weight higher calories. I know a lot of women with PCOS can't lose on more than 1000 and in some cases 800 calories. Some people can lose weight on less. I think those on less calories do have to omit exercise or hardcore exercise because that will be starving the body for sure. But if someone is doing it with diet alone, then I think lower calories are ok or even if they are doing light exercise. Just my thoughts.
  • Tiabean86
    Tiabean86 Posts: 38 Member
    I agree. Basically 1200 is the very lowest you can go AND STILL BE HEALTHY AND NOT STARVING. So why the hate? It's in the healthy range? I was given 1350 cals. So I try to hit anywhere from the LOWEST (1200) all the way up to 1400. It really is annoying when I have a 1200 day and people ask me if I'm ok. Ugh!
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm a 5'-7" male and started at about 200lbs. My doctor told me to eat 1400 cals/day and I'm down to about 160 lbs. to date.
    I'm back to 1800-2000 cals/day to lose the last 10 I want though. I did eat back the calories my HRM gave me.
  • superchunk17
    superchunk17 Posts: 36 Member
    Funny that I came about this post. A friend and I were just talking about the whole 1200 calorie thing. I am not a doctor or a nutrition expert by any means but I dont buy the whole starvation mode thing. Why is it that if you dont eat enough calories, your body will stop burning calories and go into "starvation mode" yet then you over eat, there is no "hyper-calorie-burning-mode". Doesnt make much sense to me. It seems like simple math to me, eat more calories than you body burns in a day and you will gain weight, eat less.......you will lose weight. Any comments from someone with a nutritional or medical background are welcome, some clarity on this theory would be nice. I have been eating when I am hungry until I am satisfied and try to make the majority of the food I eat healthy choices. Somedays i eat 1000 calories, sometimes I 2000 calories. It has been working for me so far
  • sillyli234
    sillyli234 Posts: 124 Member
    You are right in the fact that some people lose tons of weight and it is not always in a healthy manner. I started out my first 3 months of dieting by simply cutting out meat and soda and lost around 60 lbs... I was probably eating around 1800 calories a day which was sadly a HUGE reduction from what I used to eat...keep in mind I started at 284 lbs at 5f5.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I lost 130lbs and the handful of days I hit 1200 cals I was either really sick or was one of my "traveling" days when I was still learning how to pay attention to traveling food. Dont be so presumptuous.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    im talking about the double standard on here.

    theres a thread on here where someone lost nearly 200 pounds in a year and everyone was happy for them because they showed pictures.

    Let someone state their reasons for eating 1200 calories and they get a negative response.
    People like a success story. I think people in that section tend to be more inclined to be nice, or say nothing at all, especially when someone has already reached their goal and is not looking for advice. In the other parts of the site, people are trying to give helpful advice and in some cases try to prevent people making the same mistakes they themselves did.

    Also, the people congratulating fast or extreme weight loss are probably not the same people cautioning against fast or extreme weight loss.

    Also, depends on context. People can healthily lose faster when they have more to lose. The more fat someone has stored, the more their body can cope with an extreme calorie deficit. There's a big difference between someone who is 300 lbs and eating 1200 calories a day, and someone who is already very lean eating that little.
  • AnjellaRose_GF_SillyYak
    whats wrong with only eating 1200 cal a day?
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    this! I agree . I get asked that all the time too. Jillian Michaels says women should eat 1200-1400 calories
    I agree. Basically 1200 is the very lowest you can go AND STILL BE HEALTHY AND NOT STARVING. So why the hate? It's in the healthy range? I was given 1350 cals. So I try to hit anywhere from the LOWEST (1200) all the way up to 1400. It really is annoying when I have a 1200 day and people ask me if I'm ok. Ugh!
  • RoseAmongThorns91
    RoseAmongThorns91 Posts: 215 Member
    MFP has set me at 1450 which I don't always meet but I try to eat at least 1200. If you look at my diary the last two days, I haven't hit my goal and barely topped 1200 (and that's w/o adding exercise). I haven't been hungry and when I am, I eat healthier/lower caloric foods. If it works and you can see that they are healthy, then why bash?

    *Note - if a friend is consistently not eating well/waaaaay below 1200, and you know they don't have a medical condition, private message them. Don't bash them in public.
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member
    whats wrong with only eating 1200 cal a day?

    create a seperate thread about that and see what people say
  • deevatude
    deevatude Posts: 322 Member


    if you had 200pounds to loose, 1200cals for a year is guaranteed 100% less harmful to your health than obesity.


    your dumb for not reading the original post

    now go suck a big one, sure you will like it