Can someone help me please?



  • neiljbrady
    neiljbrady Posts: 41 Member
    Everyone has a hiccup every now and then. Don't beat yourself up because of it. Get back to work and do what you were doing and never look back. Next time you have those urges, think about how hard you have worked to get where you are. I went to the movies the other day, where I ALWAYS had 2 boxes of candies. I thought" every 100 calories is 10 minutes on the elliptical". I decided I didn't need candies at that price.
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    we fall down but we get up.Pick back up where you was at an go frm there. No food is actually off limits but moderation. Have a better day tomorrow.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    You need to forgive yourself and start eating right again. This is actually good practice for when you actually reach your goal. Once you reach your goal weight you will most likely have days were you eat too much. The key is to have more good days than bad.

    I will be having a birthday dinner next Saturday and I have to decide if I should try to keep to my diet or allow myself a cheat meal. Either way I am not going to regret it.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    Don't let a day or even a week hold you back. Just realise you ate unhealthy, and get back to it :) If you give up you will be farther from your goal, but if you just move past this week and continue forward then you'll be that much closer to your goal :) Don't beat yourself up.

    Also, Happy belated birthday!!! Hope it was great!
  • cherisadler1
    Hi You just need to look at that as "ok I got that out of my system now time to get back on track," You just have to say done now back on my path of healthy living, Good Luck and congrats on the weight loss.
  • _SASX_
    _SASX_ Posts: 255 Member
    Happy Birthday!!
    Celebrate it. Then move on. Start by having a glass of water and plan your next meal. Make it a good, well rounded meal. Don't beat yourself up over it. It's done. Move forward. Exercise right, eat well and healthily and make it fun!
  • JENNY7634
    JENNY7634 Posts: 68 Member
    Whats done is done! You CAN NOT change those choices but you can start fresh right now! Make a plan, set small weekly goals. I find so much of it is a battle in my own head! Tell yourself you can do it ....tommorow is a brand new day!!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You're only a failure if you don't pick yourself up and keep on truckin'. You had a few bad what? Just get back on track and don't beat yourself up over it.
  • beatlebomb
    That was yesterday. IN the PAST. Leave it there and move forward. You can do it!!!!! Don't quit. Never quit. The wagon ride will take you back on.
  • theojt
    theojt Posts: 11 Member
    I mean no offense but it sounds like (maybe) you simply haven't committed yourself to losing weight (and that's still okay). I toyed with diets in the past, thought about losing the weight etc. but it wasn't until I completed the mental exercise of deciding, very definitively that I WAS going to lose weight for myself and my family that I really got on board with a plan and an objective. Once I established the commitment mentally, it became rather easy. Maybe you're ready, maybe not but you're at least concerned about trying and that's a good first step. You'll get tons of support for your journey here too.
  • sassytoadegree
    Its ok, we all slip up from time to time you just have to make sure you dont just give up. You took it off before and you can take it off again. gl
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    I have eaten:

    birthday cake
    Ice cream
    Pasta Galore
    Stuffed Peppers
    Eggs, bacon and toast
    had 2 drinks
    Awesome! :drinker:

    Now, dust yourself off and keep on keepin' on.
    yup. same thing happened to me at Christmas. I ate like a champ. just brush it off and start up again :)
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    Happy Birhtday!! Don't feel bad, I did much the same when it was mine. As others have said, dust yourself off and move on. Unless you ate 52,500 calories you haven't ruined what you have already lost. At worst you've just slightly delayed your goal a little.
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    HAPPY give yourself a present, forgive and move on already proved you can loss weight so eat healthy and exercise and don't step on the scale for a week.... you will do great if you give yourself a of luck
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    It's only a problem if you don't get back on the wagon at the first available opportunity. Call it a cheat day. In fact many of us have them once a week or once a month. Just don't go crazy. Also, allow yourself a goodie now and then. Just make sure you adjust something else to cover it.
  • Phoebe1970
    Phoebe1970 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks Everyone for the kind word, support and birthday wishes. I need to make a grocery list. :smile:
  • savingsunday
    savingsunday Posts: 148 Member
    Happy Birthday! Keep on keepin' on! Just remember it's okay for that to happen every now and then. Just don't lose sight of the big picture, get back on the wagon...all that jazz. You get back to it and you will be fine. :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Get over it and get back on the horse. We all have bad times. Even those of us who've been eating well and exercising for YEARS, like me! Tomorrow is a new day. Make it count! No excuses!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Drive On
    They say rise above like it is so easy to do
    But what keeps you from rising above?
    The vaporous they?
    Or the constantly here self?
    You can't control the they?
    Can you control the self?
    You have power and control over only you.
    When faced with a challenge,
    you decide whether to rise above
    or fall under
    When angered you decide
    whether to retaliate,
    or rise above,
    You chose your response
    to what life gives you.
    I cannot you say?
    Or I will! you shout!
    When you slip
    you cry I can not arise?
    Or do you arise stronger?
    Do you spot your goal
    or watch the obstacles betwixt and between
    You have the strength
    the knowledge
    to rise to your goal
    to rise above your goal you are driven
    You Drive on!!
    You are doing it!

    Really great words, love it!
  • cazcarr89
    I done the same thing over the christmas holiday and gained 2lbs, I was actually suprised it wasn't more to be honest! It took me a week to get them back off but I'm back on the wagon..

    Weight yourself so you know where to start and just dust yourself off and get back on it! x