ok question for both men and women

Ok so have a question not really weight related. I am 25yoa and I am single I was needing a guys perspective and a womans perspective. I am wondering what is it that men really look for in a woman. I mean I know I am over weight but in some ways I don't think that really defines me as a person. I am somewhat funny coworkers think I am any ways I have a good job a house a car and really care about people. Why is it that looks is the only thing that matters to people I don't believe that I would judge someone because of their size. Women question for yall is when, how old, and roughly how much did you weight when you found a guy that would love you and respect you for being you?


  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    Personally, I think personality is what makes a person attractive. I met my husband over the phone. the PHONE! we had a mutual friend who gave him my number and we talked for several weeks without knowing what each other looked like. We finally sent pictures but we talked for almost 2 months before we ever met face to face (he lived across the country) and I wouldn't have changed a thing. I was in love with him before I ever met him and I believe our love is stronger because we love each other for who we really are, not what we look like. I feel like lots of people say that but because of our situation we really got to know each other and 'hotness' was never a factor. I would wish that challenge upon everyone if I could. :-)
  • BrattyLori
    BrattyLori Posts: 101 Member
    People fall in love with people who make them feel good and are easy to be with. Men marry their best (female) friend!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I agree. Personality is a major issue - you just have to have the chemistry. Also, confidence makes a huge difference. I've noticed the most lovable people are the ones who have the confidence and personality. Sure there's going to be many people who are shallow and care only about looks.. but no one really wants them anyway. You just have to love and respect yourself and that's when others will love and respect you in return! I met my boyfriend (of almost 5 years) when I was 16. I think what helped us get together was that I had enough confidence to talk to him. I had confidence in myself and that showed through to him. Of course I weighed about 180 then. Then I gained up to 245.. he never changed how he felt about me but I pushed him away because of how I felt about myself.. I was very self conscious and mean because I was upset. I was so unhappy with myself (for many reasons) that I let it interfere with our relationship. I though he looked at me the way I looked at myself. But that wasn't true! He loved me at my best and my worst.

    Honestly the only reason I can think of that we wouldn't have got together when I was heavier was because I wouldn't have been able to carry on a conversation simply for the lack of confidence. It really does go a long way!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I was 24 years old and a little over 200 lbs when I met my husband, and I had pretty much given up on finding someone. I though for the longest time that if I could just lose some weight then I'd find boyfriend. I met him at a time in my life when I wanted nothing to do with men, I wanted to be alone for a while and figure out who I was and what I wanted. A few weeks after we started dating I asked him what attracted him to me and he said "I thought you were really pretty." I was so surprised because I was my heaviest at the time. He has always been very supportive of my goals and of me being healthier but he always makes sure I know he loves me regardless of what the scale says.

    Being overweight does NOT define you as a person. But I know that how you feel about yourself reflects to other people. Always remember that you are beautiful and worth it.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I met some one and fell in love while I was extremely pregnant with some one elses baby. Anything is possible. I eventually broke up with him and married my sons dad but he was great and it was fun.
  • SteelersfanChris
    This is a very hard question to answer, because I really think everyone is looking for something different. I've always been the kind of guy who thinks personality and brains go a lot furthur than looks and body. I think my wife is beautiful but I'm much more attracted to her because she's smart and interesting and fun to be around than for her looks. One of my best friends, while a great and intelligent guy, is very shallow when it comes to women and always dates these gorgeous slender women who end up having no personalities and are *****y or boring, and he can never figure out why these women aren't making him happy. My other best friend absolutely cannot date a woman unless she has severe baggage and/or daddy issues (he isn't deliberately seeking them out, either. He's just kind of drawn to them). Every guy is looking for something different, so unfortunately I don't think you're going to get the "a-ha!" answer you're looking for.

    With that in mind, here's two pieces of advice from personal experience I'll offer you: 1- You can't be happy with another person unless you're happy with yourself first. It's cliche, but it's true. I never had a happy long-term relationship until I learned who I was really was and was happy with myself. Some miserable relationships, but never a happy one because I never knew who I really was. 2- You're never going to find someone when you're looking. I didn't meet my wife until I was at a point in my life where I was not only comfortable being single, but even aggressively not looking for a serious relationship. When it's meant to happen, it'll happen. Just enjoy life in the meanwhile. I hope that helps a little :-)
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    I was 28 and he was31 I weighed 220 pounds and he love everyone of them. I was at my job 1st night as a waitress and was coming down some stairs and my heal broke and I fell down remaining stairs. Landing at the bottom laughing hysteriaclly (so embarrased) He sent his friend over to ask me if I wanted to go dancing. I thought there was something wrong with him as I couldn't even make it down the stairs. I got a different job he followed me and got a job at Snow Valley also. I said yes we married in 9 months. Were married 23 wonderful years until he passed. There is somebody for everyone you don't need to look he"ll find you
  • BetterVersion
    I was 21 and was actually at my then "lowest" weight of around 210. One thing I will mention since I see it was pointed out above and I really do agree is that neither of us were looking for each other, or for anyone else for that matter. We were both just kind of looking for a good time. Anywho... flash forward and I ended up gaining quite a bit of weight within the first year. I also got pregnant and really ballooned up. I topped out at over 300 during pregnancy. Afterwards I hovered somewhere between 230- 250 until last year when I hit a very hard depression and ending up gaining 60 pounds in six months. So this man has been by my side through some of my most "ugly" times, and he loved me the exact same way with every pound I gained, and doesn't love me any more or less now that I'm at my lowest weight ever, which to me proves he was genuine in his affection for me all along, even at 300 pounds.

    The one thing I've been told consistently in all of my relationships (keeping in mind I've never been skinny or beautiful) is that my confidence is the most attractive thing about me. The kicker there is that, I'm only "confident" when I feel I'm at my best, so it's only when I love myself that others claim to have fallen in love with me. So I say work on yourself. And as soon as you start feeling good about yourself, don't shy away from allowing others to see that in you.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I purposely avoided dating men who were too cute....don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the scenery...so,

    When I met Mr. Right, I desperately tried to discourage any kind of communication/relationship (sr in college).
    A good man loves a confident, independent woman, who doesn't "hang-on-every-word-he-utters"
    I believe that a man thinks far more about a woman who doesn't NEED him.

    When my precious niece asked this same question, I told her:
    Don't talk so much...& please hang up the phone! No 2 - 3 hour conversations...(once is fine)
    KEEP male friends, esp in his presence (not abusive)
    lots of slack for this one
    Don't be too nice & sweeeet! have a backbone (but don't boost)
    Most of all:
    Leave him wanting you............Let him miss you!

    She's about your age, about your weight, asked a lot about love, and is now about to get married! marrying a wonderful, educated, funny, handsome young man!

    The hubs & I have been married almost 20 years & you'd never know it...! He quite the catch!

    Love you & he'll take notice !