

  • Depends on what you changed to...if you're eating foods that shouldnt be eaten then that will definately make your tummy hurt...try staying away from fatty foods and milk...and defiantely no nuts or seeds(even if you arent having problems with diverticulosis)
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I don't have IBS but I have Constipation. I can go days without 'going' :-( Changes in my Diet (no matter which way- eat more, eat less, exercise more/less) always makes my digestion go nuts. I just give it time, at least 3 weeks before I'm able to 'go' without taking laxative pills.

    You might have IBS, have you been to a doctor about the constipation?
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    @lorenzoinlr i might try cutting out the gluten for a week or two,just to see,thanks :)

    Thanks Lucy. I seldom have gluten products as I feel better without and I'd gotten into the habit following the misdiagnosis. I'd rather avoid bread and processed food anyways although vodka is a different story. Thank goodness for Chopin...
  • smileylace
    smileylace Posts: 12 Member
    Late last year I was diagnosed with IBS. I've been told that my diet had a lot to do with it. Once I switched to a plant-based diet, a lot of my issues have seem to disappear (especially the constipation). Try adding a lot more veggies and cut back on dairy. I think dairy was a big problem for me. Good luck!
  • thingal12
    thingal12 Posts: 302 Member
    I don't have IBS but I have Constipation. I can go days without 'going' :-( Changes in my Diet (no matter which way- eat more, eat less, exercise more/less) always makes my digestion go nuts. I just give it time, at least 3 weeks before I'm able to 'go' without taking laxative pills.

    You might have IBS, have you been to a doctor about the constipation?

    Yes, I have. I even had a colonoscopy (@ 28 yrs old, 2008) to rule out anything serious. The end result from seeing my doctor was I needed to write down everything I eat and and when I 'go'. What I found out was that food gets 'stuck' in my colon when I eat white starches: pasta is the worst, and some hard/tough breads. If I don't eat those things at all then I'm fine. Problem is, i loooove bread, not crazy anymore about pasta since the stomach pains after just isn't worth it.
  • myownadvice
    myownadvice Posts: 95 Member
    The point is IBS can be misdiagnosed so I thought I'd post my experience. I have no idea how common these kinds of misdiagnoses are.

    I was diagnosed with IBS almost ten years ago but it wasn't until I gave up gluten in 2011 that I could say I no longer have symptoms of IBS. No gut pain, no bloating, and no well...other undesirable problems. If you decide to try cutting out gluten, I recommend giving it at least three months as it can take a while for your body to heal if you have a true wheat/gluten sensitivity. Hope you feel better soon!
  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    this has been very interesting reading, although i am sorry to see so many sufferers! It does seem a very personal thing and what works for one person may not work for another. Will try a few different things and see how it goes :) i love my fruit nad veggies so that's not a problem,thank goodness!