why is eating 1200 calories looked down on but....?



    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    you seriously want someone to bash someone who is proud of their success. There are TOOOOO many factors to consider to know if a quick weight loss is done at an extreme calorie deficit.

    If someone was so inclined, I guess they could take the success stories food diary and tear it apart. THEY MADE IT! They achieved what we are trying to achieve. They did it on their terms.

    I don't see this as hypocritical or a double standard. They are posting their SUCCESS.

    Normally, when we are in conversations about the total calories per day.....add in exercise calories....don't add in exercise calories, it is because someone has asked a question or is seeking advice on what worked for others. We have been ASKED for input. So, based on our own experiences and the knowlege we have gained, we offer the input.

    People posting success stories are generally proud of their success and trying to share what worked for them.

    Do we always have to be so freaking judgemental?
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    I am only having 1200 calories a day and don't always eat all of that! I have oa in my knee and foot so that kind of pain makes me sick to the point of being nauseated so if I feel that bad I dont' eat all of my calories but I can afford to do that at my current weight! Going under 1200 is not good if you have very little to loose because your body hangs on to what you have. i say athink about what you are doing before you do it.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member


    if you had 200pounds to loose, 1200cals for a year is guaranteed 100% less harmful to your health than obesity.


    your dumb for not reading the original post

    now go suck a big one, sure you will like it

    loool. this thread is invalid.

  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    I lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks, with 1800 calories. I dropped to 1200, stalled and am just now starting to lose again going back to 1800. Sorry you just don't lose with that little calories.
  • MaggieSporleder
    MaggieSporleder Posts: 428 Member
    im talking about the double standard on here.

    theres a thread on here where someone lost nearly 200 pounds in a year and everyone was happy for them because they showed pictures.

    Let someone state their reasons for eating 1200 calories and they get a negative response.

    Prove that's how they did it. Maybe they just worked their bloody butt off!
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Funny that I came about this post. A friend and I were just talking about the whole 1200 calorie thing. I am not a doctor or a nutrition expert by any means but I dont buy the whole starvation mode thing. Why is it that if you dont eat enough calories, your body will stop burning calories and go into "starvation mode" yet then you over eat, there is no "hyper-calorie-burning-mode". Doesnt make much sense to me. It seems like simple math to me, eat more calories than you body burns in a day and you will gain weight, eat less.......you will lose weight. Any comments from someone with a nutritional or medical background are welcome, some clarity on this theory would be nice. I have been eating when I am hungry until I am satisfied and try to make the majority of the food I eat healthy choices. Somedays i eat 1000 calories, sometimes I 2000 calories. It has been working for me so far

    I did not believe in it until it happened to me. I thought people who were not losing was not eating at a deficiet. But then it happened to me I was netting 1,000 and NOT losing after regular weightloss. I was not hungry so afraid to eat more. Since I had lost 50 pounds I was healthier but the weight-loss stopped. I upped my calories slightly and lost 3 pounds immediately and then nothing. I upped my calories to maintenace and did not gain weight but gained a ton of energy so hopefully I repaired the damaged I did to my metabolism. I just started this week going down by 500 and working out more and eating my exercise calories back to keep my net a more healthy number.

    I believe that the 1,200 diet works well for short-term but not long-term.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    I lost 60 pounds in 8 months. I have NEVER had my calorie goal set at 1200 calories. I've always eaten between 1600-2200 calories a day. In fact, the months I lost the most weight I was eating 1800-2000 calories! Yup! I think it's funny people just assume 1200 calories renders the fastest weight loss. Nope. I just ate normally, watched my portions and exercised. Nothing crazy either. 2-3 days strength training for 1 hour and 3-4 days cardio.
  • i dont know if it helps it helps but mfp started me at 2230 cal... and i have not went over at all....
  • Hi How long it took for you loose 40 lbs? I am 5 8 and weigh 176 lbs. my goal is to cut down 20 lbs in 12 weeks.I started low calorie diet this week I am on 1200 calorie diet, though my Dr put me on 1500 calorie diet. Do you know how long it takes to reach my goal? anyone in the same page as me?
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    MFP put me on 1200 when I started and it has worked great for me :)

    yup, me too. it worked fine. i lost weight pretty much exactly on target for what the application said for eating 1200 calories. i have some cheat days though.
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I have lost fifty pounds in five months eating 1700+ a day. Just saying....
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    And friend of mine ate 1550 cals a day and lost 100 lbs in 10 months. So, it's not safe to assume these people ate 1200 cals a day.
  • mfp set me at 1260 calories to begin with, its up to 1400 now because I changed how much I expected to lose each week. My doctor actually told me IF I wanted to lose weight, eat about 1000 a day....I have medical conditions that make losing weight hard, and I am not having much success, but trying to hang in there and stick with it.
  • The great thing about MFP is if it gives you 1,200 calories that doesn't mean that's all you can eat. If a person wanted to eat more they could just move more. If you burned 800 calories that day, you could eat 2,000 calories and still net at 1,200. Same deficit.

    Eating only 1,200 calories and working your butt off, not eating anything back, is probably not a good idea though.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    Hi How long it took for you loose 40 lbs? I am 5 8 and weigh 176 lbs. my goal is to cut down 20 lbs in 12 weeks.I started low calorie diet this week I am on 1200 calorie diet, though my Dr put me on 1500 calorie diet. Do you know how long it takes to reach my goal? anyone in the same page as me?

    If your Dr said 1,500 why are you doing 1,200? It probably will not lead to faster long term weight loss than 1,500.
    20 pounds in 12 weeks is for someone with more to lose.
    One does lose more in the beginning though so if this is the first time going low cal then you may hit it.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    This is not even close to the most annoying hyopocrissy on MFP... I'd just get over it :)
  • Congrats!!!!
  • whats wrong with only eating 1200 cal a day?

    create a seperate thread about that and see what people say

    Why, when i already asked here?
  • I find that if I can stick to eating roughly 1200 calories, I lose weight. I dont usually log my exercise, but I figures it helps if I forget to log something small or if I didn't accidently get the calorie count right.

    I estimated my start weight (for I have yet to go buy a new scale) but I have a gneral idea where my weight is at based on how my face looks and how I am fitting in my normal clothes. Anyways, I can tell just by eating close to 1200 a day for almost a week, my face is slowly slimming out. I look back at old pictures where I thought I was fat, and I now go..what was I thinking- I looked great. LOL I guess you never see how you really look until you step back from the whole situation.
  • jeansgirl
    jeansgirl Posts: 99 Member
    I didn't know it was looked down on...I think it picked 1200 for me and I am trying to follow it. I don't feel too hungry...