Cheat Day Dilemma

I just started losing weight starting last wednesday and I am doing well so far...10.8 pounds down. I am following a low carb diet that my brother in law is doing as well. It is working well for me so far because my weaknesses tend to by high carb foods like Pizza, Lasagna, Bread, Beer, and Soda.

Now for the dilemma. Next Saturday (day 18) I will be going out for dinner for my birthday with my family. Should I try to keep to the program or should I cut loose and have Seafood Alfredo, rolls, a beer or two and considerate it a cheat day. I know once I hit maintenance I am going to want to have a meal like this on a special occasion.

What have others done? Are you able to have a cheat day and get right back on track the next day and beyond? or was it devastating to your diet? And if you do use cheat days, how often do you do them?



  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    I enjoy special occasions but o be honest since I started this in August even when I indulge it is not nearly as much as I used to. Enjoy your day!
  • Cheat days always ending up in a cycle of binges for me. I try and keep to my calorie limit even if its a special occasion.
    This is only in my case though, for others cheat days are fine and only reduce weight loss in that week by a small amount
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Exactly the same as me. Cheat days always end up in a complete derailment.
  • harmonyh10
    harmonyh10 Posts: 58 Member
    On my 'cheat' day I eat at maintenance calories. BUT I am not following a low carb diet either. Every time I have, I have had to have at least one day a week where I ate carbs. and I was never able to stick to the diet.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    Cheat days always ending up in a cycle of binges for me.

    I hear that. One cheat day quickly turns into 2 or 3.
  • I just started losing weight starting last wednesday and I am doing well so far...10.8 pounds down. I am following a low carb diet that my brother in law is doing as well. It is working well for me so far because my weaknesses tend to by high carb foods like Pizza, Lasagna, Bread, Beer, and Soda.

    Now for the dilemma. Next Saturday (day 18) I will be going out for dinner for my birthday with my family. Should I try to keep to the program or should I cut loose and have Seafood Alfredo, rolls, a beer or two and considerate it a cheat day. I know once I hit maintenance I am going to want to have a meal like this on a special occasion.

    What have others done? Are you able to have a cheat day and get right back on track the next day and beyond? or was it devastating to your diet? And if you do use cheat days, how often do you do them?

  • wetsel23
    wetsel23 Posts: 44 Member
    I too will be having a cheat meal on day 18. My favorite is pizza so thats what Im going to have, but instead of eating half of the pizza I will only be having 2 slices and instead of a 20 oz soda I am having a 12oz. That will surely leave me satisfied and wont be over too much on my calories. My advice to you, would be to order whatever you want... that seafead pasta and a beer....why not. But what I would do would be to box half of it because usually one plate can feed 3 people.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    i dont believe in cheat days...

    you are not a dog, dont reward yourself with food!

    making healthy choices is something that should become second nature...why not use this opportunity to get some balance...have a healthy meal, a beer or two and make an effort to be mindful of what you put in your mouth...
  • You are off to a great start. I don't think you should look at your birthday dinner as an all or nothing. Eat a sensible breakfast and lunch and if you can, throw in a workout that day. Then have the seafood Alfredo (yum)! Skip the rolls ( you don't need it with pasta). Have one beer, share your dessert and call it a great birthday - guilt free!! Drink lots of water throughout to help you feel full and avoid going crazy. You've worked so hard - keep your eye on the prize. Good luck and happy birthday.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I try to work the 'cheat meal' into my caloric budget for the day. also if i know i'll be 'bad' i'll make sure to get a work out in that day and eat under the day before also. I try to look more at the week progress instead of the daily progress. So long as i do well for the week, one bad day is not so horrible. As far as the meal goes, maybe forgo the rolls, and just have the pasta and beer, but maybe ask for a box as soon as you get it, and halve the meal to put some of it away so you don't just sit and munch on the food in front of you. As far as the beer goes...well i can't help you there cause when i go out drinking, i am not gonna NOT drink :)
    I have started alternating a bud select 55 with my normal beer to ofset the calories, but i like that crappy light beer :)
  • Smorsb
    Smorsb Posts: 104 Member
    You will be disappointed in yourself if you have a cheat day! Keep up with what you are doing. Cheat days send you backwards. Remember that your weight loss journey is a lifestyle change
  • twill68
    twill68 Posts: 84
    yes you can, it may take you 4 days to recover and get yourself
    back into motion it will be sorta a shock to your system after being
    on you diet.. enjoy! :smile:
  • I had a treat dinner date with hubby last night. I cut back a little on my earlier meals, made sure I had some healthy sides so it wasn't all bad, and got right back at it this morning. Was easier than I thought it would be. I've come to realize this time around that I can not totally eliminate things I like. Moderation and balance is the key.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    don't do cheat days
  • I say eat what you want in moderation. Don't go bananas and stop eating when you are full.
  • MrsSardone
    MrsSardone Posts: 194 Member
    I wouldn't do it. Start your next year of life on the right foot. This is a lifestyle change.
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    its your birthday , enjoy it and don't stress about it.
  • Don't stress everyone has a cheat day. But try not to make it a habit. Really try to eat healthy. Best of luck!!
  • cshodges
    cshodges Posts: 12 Member
    I'd absolutely echo what others are saying. Enjoy, but work it in. Be sure to exercise, and consider choosing one thing to indulge in rather than having it all (alfredo/rolls/beer). Perhaps have a salad with your meal, and cut the alfredo in half. Drink plenty of water. Choose a light beer. There are all sorts of things you can do to make good choices, even when treating yourself.
  • tdelo7634
    tdelo7634 Posts: 40 Member
    For me, I am OK with a cheat meal, but not a day.