Saying hello and glad to find this page

New here and wanted to say hello... ive never considered myself fat but i often find myself unhappy with how i feel and look .. Im a former Marine for 8 years and i know how i used to look years back and how i feel that ive let myself go so ive begun that big journey of calorie counting and getting my butt back in shape .. when i was active duty i worked out 3 times a day 5 days a week and all i cared about then was being that big meat head .. well now as im older and still sadly single ive just become tired of being overlooked by those shallow women who only go for the ultra fit guys while knowing i used to be one of those guys myself so the journey begans to put those neigh sayers to shame .. i once weighed 265 but was not fat but now im a flabby 215 and trying to retone lost shapes lol .. so anyways here we go and i hope i find that good support via this site that ive lacked in the past to stay motovated


  • 1KiwiChick
    1KiwiChick Posts: 479 Member
    Hi and welcome. For some its only a matter of needing to tone but as diet still plays an impotant part MFP is great for that too. Good luck !! add me if youd like a support crew!!
  • Heitor70
    Heitor70 Posts: 56 Member
    Good luck in your new journey! Friend request sent!
  • thanks for the grim reminder of the dreaded diet .. ive completly cut out fast food and my diet now consists of my old routine of tons of tuna ..salads.. a steak from time to time .. and just all around cutting way back .. before even finding this site my weight was around 225 .. ive since dropped down to 215.. and on my way down to 208 as we speak ive set my goals to tone and trim down to about 180-185.. hardest part is the gut of course lol .. tonight has been my easy night .. hump day rest day .. but i still did some stuff.. big kick in my butt is less then 4 feet away from me is a 1500 dollar universal machine in my dinning room and less then 100 yards away is a cardio gym which i ment to go jogg tonight but took the night off .. and i walk all day at my job so i get daily activity ... just gotta put in the extra work now :)
  • and to add i also use supplements .. im currently on hydroxycut elite as well as censor with tonalin ... been on it now for a week and half and i have noticed the extra boost .. but i used to use alot of supplements in the past as well ..
  • hello, i am catherine. time to turn my life around.
    loving this site. putting in your food and learning what to eat.
    having problems with exersize page.
    want to put in zumba class, not sure how it works
  • Darlygirl4life
    Darlygirl4life Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it Catherine. Zumba might be listed under cardio...good luck
  • ive heard mounds and mounds of good stuff from zumba ... to bad i got really weird looks as a guy trying to walk into the class lol so i just went back to my personal routine :)