What was your WORST binge ever?



  • TinaLucan
    TinaLucan Posts: 16 Member
    Probably a whole large Takeaway pizza, with a side of garlic bread and a DIET coke lol... those were the bad old days, couldnt even imagine that now!
    Few months ago, i was really stressed and ate a whole chocolate cake...couldnt even bring myself to look at the calories on the box, and even worse, an hour later i was hungry again!!!!!!!
  • metalloz
    metalloz Posts: 77 Member
    Probably today-7 funzise boost bars and nearly 2L of cookies and cream icecream (4 pints). I know it sounds rather counter intuitive, but I have over done it this week to try and break a 2 year plateau in my weight.:frown:
  • Holy cow! There are some pretty impressive ones here. I used to work at a bakery in high school, and let's just say that wasn't the best for my figure. I'd probably eat a loaf of bread in samples every shift. Plus cookies - the one's straight out of the oven were impossible to resist. and I'd usually go home and eat something awful for dinner...and dessert. I remember countless times going to the store and buying whole bags of chips or cookies, but I don't think I ever ate them all in one sitting, thank goodness.

    I seriously had no idea what I was eating! a regular day back then would be a binge for me now. I just got home from "Fakesgiving" and I feel so so full. And I just logged it - maybe 1,000 cals? That's really not much. Especially since I probably won't be eating much else today.
  • One time, I went to a buffet and ate seven full plates.


  • Lugi2
    Lugi2 Posts: 15
    My worst one was probably when I went to The Cheesecake Factory on a Friday afternoon (for happy hours). I ate two buckets of their free breads with butter, a strawberry smoothie, about 8 fried crab wontons, 2 fried mac and cheese, a bowl of clam chowder soup, the whole spicy chicken salad (two chicken breasts and rice and beans)... and of course, a huge slice of pumpkin pecan cheesecake as well as an extra couple bites from my friend's. It was AWEFUL! I felt so sick. I was already feeling sick before the cheesecake (I was really about to puke), but I just had to have the dessert. I don't know what was wrong with me. I ended up going to the bathroom for like four times trying to purge but failed. I will NEVER do that again.

    Now I binge on Cheetos from time to time (the 11 oz bag in one setting), but I actually enjoy the binge and don't feel too bad :P
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Half of a love boat (HUGE sashimi/sushi platter), a bottle of wine, a six-pack of Michelob Ultra, then two slices of pizza. I had nightmares about it for weeks.
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    A whole tombstone extra cheese pizza, four pickles, a package of imitation crab meat,4 bananas, a bowl of ice cream, and a whole bag of doritos...dieting and infertility meds do horrible things to you!
  • 3,000 calories for the whole day.

    Bagel with cream cheese.
    2 poptarts
    1/2 container plain greek yogurt
    2 fudge brownies
    2 deviled eggs
    Almond milk - the whole carton

    and so much more I can't even remember..
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Had too many to even try listing them, including a solid 6 weeks of daily binge eating late last year, but the calories for my worst binge day came to about 10k, lol.

    Not very healthy, but luckily, I have never been overweight, and am still nowhere near overweight. Though obviously, I did gain quite a bit from those 6 weeks.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    A bucket of KFC for Dinner, then a Full bag of Smiths salt and Vinegar Chips, followed by a full deck of Squiggle Top Cookies, and half a bag of marshmallows, on the 2nd evening of beginning my diet.

    Havent done it again....and now that ive got into what i think is an awesome routine, hopefully never will.
  • I ate an entire coffee cake by myself by taking little slices all day.
    why do we feel better by taking little tiny slices when at the end of the day the entire cake is gone. Gulp.
  • grace173
    grace173 Posts: 180 Member
    Ok, this thread is overeaters porn!!!

    I once ate a whole packet of chocolate Hobnobs. Mmmmmmmm chocolate Hobnobs
  • Thrasherbabe
    Thrasherbabe Posts: 68 Member
    I used to be verrrry bad. The carbs.. oh how they love me! I would make a large dish of pasta with cream sauce, some veggies, extra cheese with garlic bread on the side.. and then I would make an entire monkey bread and my boyfriend and I would devour the entire thing! It was awful but so delicious. I guess everything in moderation is okay once in a while. Sometimes I feel like I don't have control over my body sometimes and I just eat to eat.
  • Norge68
    Norge68 Posts: 10
    4 bong hits
    12 Lagunita's IPA
    1 family sized Hawaiian Pizza
    Ice Cream
    2 more bong hits
    Chips and dip
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Someone else spoke on this before me, but I never really OD'd on food... always on alcohol.

    I am a huge fan of honey bourbon. At 60 kCal per shot, and a couple of shots per glass, and a long night of socializing, I could knock out a whole bottle. Put on top of that the Ribeye steak, huge heaping mound of homemade mashed taters, and bread I would fix for my house guests /visitors and GEEZ... a couple THOUSAND calories later, I would wake up 3 pounds heavier with a massive hangover.

    Needless to say, I was willing to admit that I had a drinking problem. Mostly due to work-related and personal stress. Getting pregnant probably saved both my liver and lungs because while I lifted weights 4 days a week, I smoke a pack of cigarettes per day... Counterproductive is not even a good enough word.. try downright STUPID.

    So, no food here, just tons of alcohol and cigarettes... Kicked the smoking habit. A glass of wine once a week....
    ...back on the right track :happy:

    You are impressive! Your kids are lucky.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    20 bananas, 4 cans of chocolate frosting. One case of dates.

    All in one sitting.
  • gianamicole
    gianamicole Posts: 39 Member
    Ugh! I ate a whole thing of oreos and like 3 glasses of milk, a 12 inch BLT from subway with a ton of mayo and a big bag of flammin hot cheetos all in one day!!! never again!! until I get my food under control i'm avoiding them!
  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    An entire cheese danish cake, 12 servings, while driving home from the market. Cheese danishes are my #1 emotional soothers, chocolate was next. Now I walk instead.
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    I am not typically a binge eater, but I went through a period of craving Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. I just couldn't resist them, and I wanted to be done with them. I bought a box and sat down and ate the whole thing in one sitting. I felt so awful and sick. Needless to say, I have not eaten a swiss roll in quite some time.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Man could I binge. In high school I had it down to a science.....I always binged on sugary foods....usually in conjunction with diet coke. In high school my binge of choice was Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls.....eat too many and I'd get sugar-sick.....somehow I figured if I FROZE them, I could eat MORE of them before the sick feeling set in.....I sat and ate TWO BOXES of Swiss Cake rolls and drank a 6 pack of diet coke....

    I remember this 'cause I was reading the book 'Dances with Wolves' and got to the end of the books and thought "Well that was a crappily written book, but it would make a great movie." Then saw on the back flap that a movie for the book was in works.

    And the thing was, at this time I wasn't overweight. I was low-weight for my frame......but I'd also ingest two large boxes of No-Doze or Vivrin a day.