What was your WORST binge ever?



  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    Haha!! Maybe not my worst calorie wise but definitely my grossest!! A school fundraiser frozen pizza that only cooked 1/2 way and started to fall between the cracks of my oven rack..ya took it out and basically ate the whole undercooked gooey mess of a pizza. I love undercooked or raw dough...yes I know that it can make u sick.

    my friend and i had a "herbal experience" in highschool where we decided that we were craving undercooked pizza dough and chocolate chip cookie dough.. oh-so bad but oh-so-horribly good.
  • harrietlg
    harrietlg Posts: 239
    10" pizza 10" garlic bread, cheese burger, chicken nuggets...... my orders are not so bad anymore but i'm surprised i'm not bigger than i am tbh, i used to order something like this twice a week.... and of course with ibs it just made me feel worse!
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member

    Potato chips & french onion dip are a fricken nightmare. I've eaten a whole family sized bag of ripple chips and a whole container of philadelphia cream cheese onion dip in one sitting. Sooo many calories - not to mention fat and salt! :(

    OH I have done this!!! All on my own! GROSS yet at the time so satisfying. :sad:
  • Thanis90
    Thanis90 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a sinner.

    I ate 6 carrots, 2 oranges, 3 sticks of celery and a handful of grapes.
  • Bsp120167
    Bsp120167 Posts: 68 Member
    Pretty sure I polished off a 16 inch pizza and then ate a pint of ice cream and had a whole bottle of cab. Great night
  • HealthyHappy120
    I used to eat 3 slices of giordanos deep dish pizza (Chicago) 500 cals each!!! With multiple rolls with butter, pepsi, mozzerella sticks drowning in marinara sauce and some ice cream

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    i used to smoke grass pretty regularly, so i know i've had some MASSIVE binges...

    however...i can't seem to remember any of them :laugh:

    unless of course i woke up the next morning covered in a telltale sign. :tongue:
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    An extra large order of fries. Then an hour later an entire medium meat lovers pizza and a whole $4 bag of Doritos with cheesy dip... Easily about 5000 calories I think. Bad breakup... I woke up the next morning and threw up for about 15 minutes.
  • EliseVanca
    EliseVanca Posts: 28 Member
    this totally made me feel better that I'm not the only one hahaha
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I literally could (probly still can but wont) eat as much as my whole family combined. That's three kids under 6 yrs old, two teens and my husband. I don't think the word stop is in my stomachs vocabulary. I can be satisfied with single portions and light snacks, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to eat more just for the pleasure of eating. It's a problem, good thing I have good self control when I'm paying attention.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    Not in one night but in a weeks time-Five Guys Cheeseburger & Fries, A large order of Popeyes onion rings, chinese food, pizza All of the good stuff I'm afraid.
  • MariaAlbina
    MariaAlbina Posts: 131 Member
    I don't remember exactly what I had besides Tangy Carolina Barbeque chips, but I remember I was 1200 calories over. haha
  • RiseAndConverge
    RiseAndConverge Posts: 35 Member
    Oh I could go on an on with this one, but my worst are probably:

    - ordering two medium pizzas with the full intention of eating a whole pizza one day and the other one the next
    -going to a greasy spoon that would serve fries along with fried mushrooms. I would order fried mushrooms and a gyros with extra sauce and sauce on the side, go home, and eat every last piece of gyros, mushroom & fry covered in tzatziki sauce
    -ordering from restaurants pretending I'm ordering for two.

    My lowest point is when I ordered from a place called Leona's. Their food is HUGE. I ordered a fried chicken sandwich with bacon, avacado, cheese, the works with a side of fries, and a side of lasagna. I sat there with all the food open in front of me, desperately shoveling food into my mouth. Every bite was a huge sense of satisfaction and shame all rolled into one. I was so disgusted with myself and I will always remember that meal and that feeling.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I use to do: box of macaroni and cheese, BIG bowls of cereal, 2 peices of toast w/about 2-3 inches of melting peanutbutter, whole bags of tootsie rolls, at McDonalds had Big Mac, Large fries and a large chocolate shake, thats all I can think of right now. :blushing:
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    Oh I could put alot on here.

    MacDonalds Binge: Either a 20 package of nuggets and 2 large fries with honey sauce. or MCChicken and 10 pack nuggets 2 large fries.
    Or KFC Binge..I'd get a bucket of 10 basically a family meal eat all the white meat and the skin off the dark meet pieces and the fries and side salads.
    Chinese Binge: enough for a family of 4...chicken balls, 2 things of chicken fried rice, chop suey and garlic ribs.
    Junk food Binge: 2 big bags of chips, large bag of m&M's and 2 icecream sandwiches.
    Pizza as well..medium pizza with a side of chicken fingers and fries.

    It is no wonder I was 390lbs...it is a wonder I wasn't 500! Disgusting! Thank god for OA and my band
    mmmm i wanna fall of the wagon with you

    Haha, well I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment but hopefully I'll stay away from that insanity ;)
  • amminarose
    amminarose Posts: 6 Member
    I use to binge a lot, but earlier today I was counting the calories of all of the food that I use to eat in one day. These are an estimate of the calories:

    Breakfast: Mc Donald's Big Breakfast=1,000+ Calories
    Lunch: Subway 6" sub w/ Italian Herbs Cheese Bread, Bag of Sun Chips, Peanut Butter Cookie, 16 oz. 7 Up= 1030 Calories
    Dinner: Fast Food 5 Fried Wings, Large Fry, 7 Up=1400 Calories

    Total=3,430 Calories
    No wonder I was gaining so much weight. And I wasn't conscious about the things that I was eating. Now I know to make smarter choices w/ smaller portions. Instead of a Mc Donald's Big Breakfast, I'd eat turkey bacon, boiled egg, greek yogurt w/ fruit. For lunch, I would do a Subway 6" sub, but instead of Italian Herbs Bread, I would eat wheat bread, substitute the chips for popcorn, and omit the cookie and pop. For dinner, maybe 2 wings and a small fry. Or just swap out this meal for fish and veggies. I am saving over 2500 calories, just by understanding what I am putting in my mouth.
  • Danidelion
    Danidelion Posts: 70
    20 chicken mcnuggets...to myself. Aggh @_@
  • danielpinkney
    danielpinkney Posts: 44 Member
    Had a 16" pizza with cheesy wedges twice in recent weeks (yup, ate the lot) but they were cheat meals so didn't really feel guilty. Back in the days before the health kick though my one binge meal I fondly remember was a KFC mega feast... Two Zinger Towers, Two Twisters, Two Large Fries... And a Diet Coke (wtf) lol. Had to lie down for an hour in the office straight after!
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    Back when I was Vegan, I would down jars of peanut butter, so much that eventually I developed a food allergy to nuts and can no longer have any. It was a very valuable experience going into anaphylaxis and having difficulty breathing, etc. that everything should be in moderation. And now, I can no longer eat nuts.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I ate half a cheesey bites Pizza Hut margarita, a side of wedges and then an entire tiramisu (which was meant to be shared between 6 people) once. I had no regrets at the time because it was AMAZING, but I don't think I'll be eating that amount of rubbish any time soon!