30 Day Shred..

Hey I'm new here and I'm doing the 30 Day Shred! I just did day 2 tonight. Day one yesterday was absolutely terrible. I did maybe 10-15 minutes of it and ended up really sick. I was actually able to finish it tonight! I'm so sore but feel GREAT!

Anyone else doing the 30 Day Shred? I need BUDDIES! I absolutely NEED to stay motivated. I'm a new mommy and I want to get healthy for my baby girl. She'll be 5 months in 10 days. I've had a life long struggle with my weight but now I have a reason to do something. I just need people to help keep me on track. I'm trying to eat healthier too but my big problem is giving up soda. I'm addicted to Mountain Dew. I've cut back a lot... I'm slowly weaning myself off.

Please feel free to add me!

I'm Nikki by the way:smile:


  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Welcome to MFP Nikki! I sympathize with the Mountain Dew addiction, as I am a recovering MD addict myself. I miss my sunshine in a bottle.
  • brownmousemama
    brownmousemama Posts: 49 Member
    I'm thinking of doing the 30 day shred, but combined with the Couchto5K, so I'd be doing the shred on the off days from the C25K days (which I am currently doing MWF. I'll be your buddy!
  • Welcome to MFP Nikki! I sympathize with the Mountain Dew addiction, as I am a recovering MD addict myself. I miss my sunshine in a bottle.
    Thank you=) Terrible isn't it? Mountain Dew is seriously like crack to me. =(
  • I'm thinking of doing the 30 day shred, but combined with the Couchto5K, so I'd be doing the shred on the off days from the C25K days (which I am currently doing MWF. I'll be your buddy!
    Great, I'm going to add you!=) What is couch to 5k?? I've heard of it but never really researched..
  • Belliny
    Belliny Posts: 66
    hi! and welcome, you want support? need support? add me and you will get to know a lot of other people on the same journey. I actually know a few friends who are doing 30 day shred..i do it some times too i never gotten to lever 2 but that is cause i get bored real quickly..alright girl you know where to find me =)
  • ddance3
    ddance3 Posts: 5 Member
    I can be your buddy too if you need another :) Im on level 3 of the 30 day shred, and boy is it tough!! But it is so worth it!!
  • JillyInDaCity
    JillyInDaCity Posts: 23 Member
    As a new mom of an 8 month old you are doing amazing!

    Being a mom of an infant is exhausting! I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. I could drink half a case if not a case in a day! I haven't had soda in almost 3 years!

    If I can do it you can do it! I drink a lot of water and unsweetened tea or hot tea. If I am craving something carbonated I drink a Kombucha. I hate carbonated water so that will never work. I own the 30 day Shred and I am willing to dust it off and try it with you! =-)
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Welcome to MFP Nikki! I sympathize with the Mountain Dew addiction, as I am a recovering MD addict myself. I miss my sunshine in a bottle.
    Thank you=) Terrible isn't it? Mountain Dew is seriously like crack to me. =(

    It is!! I had to switch to Diet MD to cope. Let me tell you, diet Mountain Dew is a horrible substitute for the real thing.
  • As a new mom of an 8 month old you are doing amazing!

    Being a mom of an infant is exhausting! I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. I could drink half a case if not a case in a day! I haven't had soda in almost 3 years!

    If I can do it you can do it! I drink a lot of water and unsweetened tea or hot tea. If I am craving something carbonated I drink a Kombucha. I hate carbonated water so that will never work. I own the 30 day Shred and I am willing to dust it off and try it with you! =-)
    Thank you! She keeps me up all night... like usually until 3... sometimes much later. lol I would love some more people to join me on my journey. I'm trying to up my water intake. You know how when some people get upset and need some way to relieve that stress, they drink alcohol. MD is definitely my alcohol. I'm very addicted. I've quit before but went right back to it at the first sign of stress.
  • Ah, I've tried diet MD... I couldn't do it. That takes some will power. That stuff is disgusting. The only diet soda I can stand is Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    feel free to add me. Im starting tomorrow! :D
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I just did Day 6 of Level 1 today. Add me if you want!
  • nadziega
    nadziega Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Nickki, I'm starting tomorrow. I'm currently doing just doing Zumba, but I need a challenge and from what I heard the 30 day Shred is great.
  • This is the firs time I heard about it, how does it work, I'm doing 95 day weight loss program myself
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Hey Nikki :)

    I'm a Pepsi Max addict so I understand how you feel lol!!

    I'm starting the shred this weekend so happy to share stories :)

    Just keep going, it'll get easier

  • ruthieg10
    ruthieg10 Posts: 18 Member
    I started doing the shred 8 days ago, trust me it gets easier as you go on, starting level 2 on saturday, but already i can feel my body getting stronger!!Good Luck x
  • What is it? Do you have a link? Is it an excercise only program or diet and exercise? I would love to be part of a group and am new here. Let me know how I can learn more about THE SHRED and I will be a buddy :D
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    There's a 30 Day Shred group going right now. Most of us are on Day 5 or 6, so we can help motivate your through it, as we've been there a couple of days ago!

    Haven't tried adding a link before, so not sure if this will automatically link, but if not, just copy and paste it to find the group.

  • I need to get my copy out and start doing it again. I did it for several weeks last year and only tried level 2 a couple times. I walk almost every day but I need to get Jillian kicking my butt again! Feel free to add me and maybe we can encourage each other to keep going!!
  • stephaniethomas80
    stephaniethomas80 Posts: 190 Member
    Just did level 2 day 4 of the shred. It killed me at first. But I'm lovin it now. Any adds are welcome :)