Panicking because I couldn’t weight myself

Before I start this I am aware I am being ridiculous, I just want to know if anyone else ever feels like this.

I don’t have scales at home as I have a tendency to weight myself constantly and I decided to track my weight at the gym where I do bellydancing twice a week. I thought this would be more accurate than doing it at home anyway. But when I went to the gym last night the scales were broken so I couldn’t weigh myself and now I am panicking that I have regained all the weight I’ve lost and more. I know that logically this is ridiculous and that the scales will be fixed by the weekend when I next go. I also know that I can measure myself when I get home and this will show I haven’t suddenly gained inches.

Writing this has made me realize just how silly I am being!


  • fearie_jae
    fearie_jae Posts: 107 Member
    Glad you realized youre just being silly. Assuming you've been staying even halfway on track, you know you are fine. We all have panic days once in a while. Just breath and move on with your life. :) Keep your chin up. :flowerforyou:
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    You're not being silly to me....
    I do the same thing most times....
  • eklepp
    eklepp Posts: 7 Member
    Your actual weight is only a guideline but I know how you feel. I can be obsessive about my weight but i have learned something over the past year.

    My comfortable weight used to be between 121 and 123. Over the past year all of a sudden I couldn't break 124 to save my life, but I felt comfortable. Beginning of January I had my body fat done at the gym and I gained 4 pounds of muscle!!!!! So I still monitor on the scale but look forward to my body fat measurements to really see how I am doing. My goal is just to maintain:) Good luck!
  • lippygidg
    lippygidg Posts: 68 Member
    I wouldnt say ridiculous But I totally understand what you mean
    As long as you haven't changed anything there should be no reason to panic right :)
    I also had to remove the scale from my bathroom just an out of sight out of mind and only weigh in once a week. I feel that if I weigh everyday that is just adding stress because its like an everyday let down and God Forbid it show a GAIN since I know weight fluctuates... Stress like that will cause me to eat and give up!! So just keep dancing and look forward to a bigger number next week when you get to weigh in! If it still dont work next week, go visit a friend with a scale... lol but keep in mind all scales are different!! ....
    PS. Belly dancing sounds fun!!
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    Thank you! I am glad I am not the only one who gets like this.
    Also - I know that weight isn;t the be all and end all.
    If I weighed the same but looked and felt like I weight 20 pounds less I wouldn't care!