I'm 5'0" and eat 1500 calories. My story of weight loss.



  • I'm 5'0 too, and I'm on a plan to eat 1400-1500 cals a day. I'm patient, and yes, it's all about losing weight in a healthy way, in the most non-disruptive way possible. Personally, I wouldn't be able to live on 1200 cals a day, or not yet at least. I'm still having problems with my macros, tho :(
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
    I'm very happy you posted this. A lot of people don't understand this. But I just did the same thing. And this week I upped my calorie intake and cut back on the gym a little. I started to see some health issues (for about 3 weeks) happening to me, that wern't good and scared the heck out of me. I was loosing weight and it was great and then stopped.

    Glad you caught yourself before you got sick. I have lost 31lbs and need to lose another 130lbs. We need to be paying attention to how we eat. Everyone is different. Good luck on your journey!
  • karlalband
    karlalband Posts: 196 Member
  • Great post! I really like how you put yourself out here as an example and are not preaching to us about 1200 calories not being enough. You are really inspiring.
  • DeanBurrows
    DeanBurrows Posts: 116 Member
    can someone tell me what/where BMR and TDEE are? I am 5'2" and would like to investigate those sites for a proper calories goal. Thanks.



    But the best post i've seen is this;

  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    if you google them you will find a website for the calculators. One is fatt2fit radio I think. There is also threads on this site as well. Very helpful.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Great post, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    I started out on the 1200 bandwagon too. Far far too few calories for me. I now eat between 1600 and 1900 depending on how hungry I am and how much I exercise and feel so much better and lose anywhere from a half to 3lbs a week.
  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone! I logged in here this morning and saw all the great posts! I'm so glad my post was beneficial and possibly helpful to some. I was hoping to provide a little bit of inspiration to what sometimes seems a neverending journey! It was totally worth the ups and downs to now finally feel like I am just "living" and not "dieting." Good luck to everyone! Feel free to pm me or friend me (some of you have, and thank you!).

    Edit: Oh and one person mentioned gross and net. I try to aim for 1500 a day no matter what I am doing but I also make sure that my net does not go below my BMR. My BMR is a little less than 1200 calories. So I do eat back some calories if I do a really hard workout and burn off a lot. I also think things balance out when you eat a little less one day and a little more on another day.
  • joyfulnoise27870
    joyfulnoise27870 Posts: 32 Member
    bump- thanks I needed this as I've have been at a plateau for months but have been afraid to up my calories. I felt I needed to but thought I'd gain weight. Last week I upped my calories to 1300 and within a couple days I had lost almost a lb. It has taken me 2 1/2 years but I'm within 10 lbs of my GW (125). Thanks again for sharing.
  • berrythin79
    berrythin79 Posts: 28 Member
    Great post!!!
  • pennysaurus
    pennysaurus Posts: 30 Member
    Now this is a great post!
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Great information, but I am still so confused, lol! I only started this about 2 weeks ago and according to my scale, I did lose a pound....I think. My weight seems to flucuate daily cuz when I entered my 1 lb weight loss on here that was from like Tuesday morning. Then just for grins, I got on the scale last night and it had gone even further down! But then this morning, for more grins, I got on again...and it is now .5 lb more than my starting weight!

    I don't have any exercise regimen right now, just walking during my breaks at work and cleaning at home, sometimes dancing while doing it. I was thinking about trying a work out game/DVD at home, but trying to figure out when I should do it as I have trouble getting up in the morning. And whenever night comes, I feel like "ahhh, kids are bed now it's time for me to fold laundry without the babys 'help' and watch my shows" and I just sit and relax.

    Would you mind if I friended you? Maybe you could take a peek at my diary now and then and give me some pointers? Anyone else that likes to help us newbies please feel free to take a peek as well.
  • Hi fellow MFP'ers,

    Upon the new year I have noticed a lot of new people with a lot of questions. There's been a lot of the whole 1200 calorie argument thing. This post isn't a dig at anyone who eats a particular amount of calories. So with that being stated, try not to fight too much. I just wanted to share my experience briefly. I hope someone might benefit from it. But first my stats:

    Age: 33
    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 134
    CW: 106
    GW: I'm fine where I am. Pounds don't matter at this stage for me. Up 1 down 2 whatever. My clothes fit and I feel good.
    Calorie intake: 1500 a day give or take, my diary is open (some weekends I skip logging, I skipped the holidays and I skipped when I had surgery in December).
    Workouts: 3-5 days a week, cardio, yoga, and strength

    I wanted to tell you what I did because as a very petite woman I've seen time and time again that short ladies should eat 1200 calories or even go lower than that, just because we are short. It's lately been kind of annoying me. Just to clarify, I did start at 1200 like most people did on here, blindly following MFP's numbers they gave me. I was also working out at least 7 hours a week. I started with not eating back exercise calories. I realized wow, I'm starving. So I started eating them back. Then my weight loss plateaued. I started doing "doubles" at the gym (i.e. back to back classes for hours, just killing myself). I didn't know what to do as I couldn't possibly eat less nor could I work out any more hours or I would most definitely hurt myself. I did a lot of research at this point. I looked into BMR, TDEE, Eat More to Weigh Less, etc. So I upped my calories. Slowly. I have to admit I was terrified to eat more. This is when I began to realize that maybe I was being too obsessive with my calorie counting. I let go of the reigns and eventually settled on 1500 calories a day (gross, not net).

    And guess what? I lost more weight! I eased back on my crazy amounts of cardio/gym classes and started eating more food (whole foods, lots of protein) and adjusted my macros. It took me a year to end up here and I feel amazing. Some weeks I go without logging. I cut myself a break. I have a glass of wine. I want people to read this at the BEGINNING of their journeys so that maybe it will save someone the 6 months that I tortured myself. I was so hungry and so tired. Now I feel human and normal.

    And if 1200 works for you then it works for you. I'm not judging or telling anyone what to do. I just really want people to know (and especially short people like myself) that you can eat food and to be gentle with yourself. It's not a race and this is a lifestyle, something sustainable for the long haul.

    Good luck! (and be kind to each other and yourself)

    Wow :smile: amazing.

    I posted something not too long ago about me not eating more than 1500 calories, i wanted to drop my calorie intake to 1000 calories a day and was avoiding eating lunch so i ate tea later on without feeling guilty.
    I came to this conclusion yesterday after speaking to several people who have done the same thing as you, I think we all go through that phase of eating less calories because we believe that's what we need to do to lose weight but now I am making my calorie intake bigger. 1500calories and if i'm less then great and if i'm more, then there is always tomorrow.

    I'm 5'3" and 10st 2lb... I can't wait to see where this takes me and I really hope I can lose a lot of weight :smile: :heart:
  • Dont remember who but someone posted this awesome link http://www.fat2fitradio.com/tools/bmr/ to calculate your BMR. MFP doe let you customise your goals including calories which I have done.

    Good luck all!
  • susanstpeter
    susanstpeter Posts: 10 Member
    44 and 5ft 1/2. Thanks for the post. It is hard for the over 40, shorter ladies. It goes back on way to quick! :0)
  • rebasporty
    rebasporty Posts: 287 Member
    Great story
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Great post and great advice! Congrats on reaching (and maintaining) your goal!
  • bekdavis
    bekdavis Posts: 290 Member
    Great post, thanks for sharing your experience with us.

    I started out on the 1200 bandwagon too. Far far too few calories for me. I now eat between 1600 and 1900 depending on how hungry I am and how much I exercise and feel so much better and lose anywhere from a half to 3lbs a week.


    eating 1200 was killing me. I am now between 1600 - 1800 and have found I am dropping more weight weekly!
  • i too am a shorty, i am doing the 1200 cal. for me, i will continue until the plateau, thank you for the info, i think i will do the increase of 100 cal every 2-3 weeks when that happens:)