This can not be normal!

I am annoyed, and need advice. I have been working out, almost everyday, and doing the 30DS. I have been drinking 8+ of water a day, and eating with in my calories allotted. The scale won't budge a pound! I have lost a couple inches, but no weight. I have been drinking mainly water the past few days, cutting WAY back on diet soda, and watching my salt intake. I am 29 years old, and have 2 kids, before I had kids, I could lose weight pretty easy. What's wrong with me? I don't have health insurance for another 3 months...I want my thyroid tested, also my sister has a vitim D deficiency...maybe I have that? Would that cause slow weight loss? Uh, I am NOT giving up, I have just never worked so hard in my life, and got no results.....


  • seekingstrengthX2
    I cant see your diary. You may not be eating enough. It is a common problem for people when they first start. Are you eating back your exercise calories? It sounds like u r working out quite a lot.
  • dmkirk28
    dmkirk28 Posts: 75 Member
    Don't give up, maybe you'll see results next week and be shocked! I know I retain water on certain weeks during the month. Keep going!!!!
  • djsupreme6
    djsupreme6 Posts: 1,210 Member
    Weight loss is definitely different with everybody. How often do you weigh in? I would look for the positive in this and that is that you have lost inches and that is great :) Sometimes is takes a long time for the scale to move even if in the past it seemed to do so easily. I know its frustrating but keep working hard as losing those inches because thats a great focus to have
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    It's frustrating, but our bodies do change after having kids, I know I can't lose weight at the rate I could pre-baby. However, it sounds like your muscles are probably retaining water from all of the exercise, which is common when you change your exercise routine. Also make sure you're eating the calories you burn from exercise. Keep up the good work, it sounds like your body is already responding by losing inches, the scale will catch up.
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    I don't eat back my calories lost from working out. Sometimes I eat a little more when I work out, but never eat back all those calories. I try to eat more carbs in the morning and tapper down on them during the day. I eat high in protein too. But, I think I need to be adding more fruits and veggies in my diet. How can I make my diary open so you guys can read it?
  • susyw_2003
    Firstly, congrats on being so dedicated to exercise, water intake and diet.

    Regarding the scales, ive learnt that the scales aren't the best thing to watch when loosing weight. Sounds crazy i know, but our weight (especially us ladies) can really increase and decrease because of water tension, time of the month, muscle gain and many other factors. I have got really depressed about my weight in the past - not the actual way i look - but the number on the scales.

    Please focus on the way your clothes fit, measurements using a tape measure or take photos once a month as an added way to record progress as the scales are great but not the most accurate way of showing progress.

  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I didn't lose any weight until about a week after I completed the 30DS.
    You're losing inches, it's fine. I know I'd rather be 300lbs and look like Jillian Michaels than 130lbs and look flabby!
  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
    lbs are just a number, inches is your body shrinking.. I think id take the inches over lbs any day!
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    If you're only eating 1200 that may be it. You need to be patient, try not to stress:) Stress has been linked to more belly fat.

    Check out that link. It will walk you through figuring out your BMR and TDEE(total daily energy expenditure).

    Two weeks is a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of your life. You'll get there, just keep it moving.
  • Christinabrooke90
    I've read a lot of posts of people who are doing the 30DS and everyone says the scale doesn't move but that clothes are fitting better. Keep a record of measurements... I weigh myself every friday and every friday I measure bust, waist, belly, hips, butt, and thighs. If you're burning fat but building muscle you may even go up a couple pounds, but what matters is how you look and feel.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Congrats on losing a couple of inches, I'll take that over losing numbers on the scale any day! It's the true sign of progress. The scale can vary daily, monthly, by salt intake, by how much exercise you get or if you change your workout and sometimes I think it just screws with us to make us crazy. But the way our clothes fit, that is a sure sign.
  • SteviePaige
    I've been in the same circumstance before, where the scale won't budge for weeks!! It's frustrating and hard to break away from using the scale as your only measurement of success. The fact that your body is changing and you're losing inches is actually a much better way to gauge your success! You may be gaining muscle as well, so the scale may not reflect the weight loss of fat. Hang in there and be happy knowing that you're getting healthy and making a lifestyle choice! Reward your loss in inches by getting a new dress or pair of jeans :) Don't stop!!!
  • Queenb1212
    Queenb1212 Posts: 108 Member
    If ur losing inches, soon the weight will follow. Keep up the good work. You're doing great.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Your losing inches? Thats great! It means you are tdoing it right. Losing inches is way more important in my opinion that actual weight. Keep doing what you're doing and the scale will eventually change too!

    Also slow and steady wins the race. You don't want to lose fast because then you body won't have time to adjust and you'll gain it back.
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    You're losing inches but not losing weight, could you be gaining some muscle? I don't know what 30DS is and I don't know if adds strength and tones you up or anything like that, but that could be it.
  • LoriIone
    LoriIone Posts: 88 Member
    Thank you guys so much for all the kind words!! Really helps me stay motivated!
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    The scale won't budge a pound! I have lost a couple inches, but no weight.

    I have just never worked so hard in my life, and got no results.....

    Not sure how long you have been doing this BUT believe me inches are better than pounds (it took me about a year to get that!!!)

    You haven't got NO results, you lost inches - that's bloody fantastic!
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    dont stress about it- stress leads to higher cortisol levels equaling fat check your cals -you may not be getting do some checking 1. make sure you track real times for exercise 2. double check against other sites how many calories are being burned for each activity- I have noticed that they are all different from MFP- I am getting a fitbit to help track and make sure that I am actually getting the burn I think I am :) 3. also check the cals on food compared to MFP some of those arent correct either
    that being said - you are losing inches and tightening up ....the rest will come- be patient :) you are doing great.... staying motivated and determined and thats half the battle :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    losing inches is better than pounds.... noone else can see the number on the scales, but EVERYONE can see the inches on you!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    You're going to have to make your food diary public in order to get any real help.

    ETA: For many who do 30DS they notice that they lose inches but, not necessarily any weight.