Listen All Y'All This Is Sabotage



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    So, today should have been my weigh in for the week - and I weighed, but I didn't record it.
    Then you're not being honest. You should have recorded it. Why? Because if you can't visually see (on paper or graph) that you did sabotage yourself, it doesn't register. I know it sounds dumb, but it's like when someone makes a goal. Stats show that people who write down specific goals reach them more than people who just think about the goal they want to reach.
    Another example would be someone spelling out the word "recuperation" to you letter by letter, or you reading it. You have to think about each letter then put them together to figure out what was spelled, whereas reading the word directly on paper, you define it immediately. Make sense?
    Log the weigh in. It will make more sense in your brain and if you really want to reach a goal, be specific (write down a realistic goal weight, a date when you'll reach it, what you need to do each week to reach it, what you need to do each day to reach it) and then post is up on your bathroom mirror and read it every day. I have ALL my clients do this. The ones that do meet their goal. The ones that don't pay me more money because they have to stay with me longer.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    out of the last 15 days I have had 13 really good ones <--
  • rvicini
    rvicini Posts: 252 Member
    Don't suffer. It is a cal budget and you can manage it as flexible as you want. You will not lose weight every day. Eating over your limit in a day or two is not a problem. Just find the meals you want and eat according to the cal budget you define for yourself..

    Everything is going to be fine!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Relax. Unless you're only trying to lose that last 5 lbs, ask that's required is that you have more good days than bad. 13 out of 15 is a fine ratio. There's no requirement to be perfect to lose weight. So being so hard on yourself before your guilt overwhelms you and you quit altogether
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    So, today should have been my weigh in for the week - and I weighed, but I didn't record it. I screwed up the first two days of week 2 and then spent the rest of the week working it off to be right back where I was at the end of week 1. I'm so mad at myself. So out of the last 15 days I have had 13 really good ones. But two completely thru me off track. I like to sabotage myself. Last time I was on an actual diet, I made a whole monkey bread that me and my kids ate in three days. I took pictures of it and posted it on Facebook. Why do I do this every time????

    First off, I say weigh and record it. It is what it is and it's better to own it and move on than not. Secondly, what's one week in the grand scheme of things? Beating yourself up over bad decisions is only going to lead to you making more bad decisions.

    As for why do you do this every time? Couple of reasons I can think of - you're probably being too strict with yourself and you seem to have a bit of all or nothing thinking going on. Why can't you make monkey bread and enjoy a serving of it? My guess is that you think of it as a "bad" food so if you have a little you might as well keep eating it because you "blew" it already. Instead of thinking that you've "screwed up" or blew it or whatever, just own what you did, record your portion that you ate and move on. REALLY move on. Don't dwell on it and don't beat yourself up about it because you are just going to make yourself feel bad and be more likely to give in again. In the future, plan treats in to your day or week so that you have something to look forward to. I had girls' night on Tuesday and stayed under my calorie budget because I had a delicious lunch planned for Wednesday that I couldn't have if I went over calories on Tuesday.
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im kinda an all or nothing girl myself. We need to stop and remember its "progress, not perfection". You went and had 13 good days out of 15. If you were not trying you would've had 15 BAD days out of 15. Focus on the good and get back on track. You can do it!!!!
  • notthatthis
    Do not be ruled by weighing scales. Get the tape measure out. And look for the NSV's
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Well, keep your body movin and record everything. Get it together.
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Agree with most of the posters. Done beat yourself up, we can only move forward.
    Beating yourself up is not a positive approach and that in itself is a form of sabotage.
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    So, today should have been my weigh in for the week - and I weighed, but I didn't record it. I screwed up the first two days of week 2 and then spent the rest of the week working it off to be right back where I was at the end of week 1. I'm so mad at myself. So out of the last 15 days I have had 13 really good ones. But two completely thru me off track. I like to sabotage myself. Last time I was on an actual diet, I made a whole monkey bread that me and my kids ate in three days. I took pictures of it and posted it on Facebook. Why do I do this every time????

    I wouls say don't think of this as a diet, but a lifestyle change. It is not like you can never have monkey bread. Everything in moderation,and if it fits into your macros for the day, don't sweat it. But log everything, you are not going to be perfect every day and I would say having 13 out of 15 good days is a pretty good start so don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep moving forward and it will all work out!
  • missability
    Keep Calm, And Get Back On (IT)............:)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    cause you dont think you deserve to succeed yet. you have to fix the source not the symptoms.
  • CaraLuMay
    WOW! Thank you everyone for the encouragement and words of wisdom! I am smiling from ear to ear right now for two reasons - I'm committed to doing this and it feels really good and I AM NOT ALONE! And I am going to record that I have not lost anything this week - one of you said I wasn't being honest and part of the reason I'm on this site is to be held accountable and I can't do that unless I'm honest! On to week 3! :happy:
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    So, today should have been my weigh in for the week - and I weighed, but I didn't record it.
    Then you're not being honest. You should have recorded it. Why? Because if you can't visually see (on paper or graph) that you did sabotage yourself, it doesn't register. I know it sounds dumb, but it's like when someone makes a goal. Stats show that people who write down specific goals reach them more than people who just think about the goal they want to reach.
    Another example would be someone spelling out the word "recuperation" to you letter by letter, or you reading it. You have to think about each letter then put them together to figure out what was spelled, whereas reading the word directly on paper, you define it immediately. Make sense?
    Log the weigh in. It will make more sense in your brain and if you really want to reach a goal, be specific (write down a realistic goal weight, a date when you'll reach it, what you need to do each week to reach it, what you need to do each day to reach it) and then post is up on your bathroom mirror and read it every day. I have ALL my clients do this. The ones that do meet their goal. The ones that don't pay me more money because they have to stay with me longer.:laugh:

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    ^ That's good stuff right there!!!
  • Tandi_S
    Tandi_S Posts: 439 Member
    WOW! Thank you everyone for the encouragement and words of wisdom! I am smiling from ear to ear right now for two reasons - I'm committed to doing this and it feels really good and I AM NOT ALONE! And I am going to record that I have not lost anything this week - one of you said I wasn't being honest and part of the reason I'm on this site is to be held accountable and I can't do that unless I'm honest! On to week 3! :happy:

    This is a great attitude! Keep it up!

    Be in this for the long haul because you're worth it! We are all human, don't let a couple of bad days upset the whole deal. We all have them. The key (for me) is moderation because then nothing is off limits.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Remember also that the bodies caloric needs cycle too. Just because you broke even on this weigh in does not mean you will not see a more dramatic drop over the next few weeks. It's cummulative so get back at it. It will happen!
  • foxymama73
    foxymama73 Posts: 60 Member
    Don't set yourself up for failure. I think we all do that, we have an off day or two, and we throw our hands up. I have done it plenty of times, this is not my first rodeo. Don't deny what you like, but do it in moderation. Monkey bread? Probably not a good idea, but like someone else said, don't let a couple of days throw you off your game. Keep pushing towards your goal, and you'll do just fine!!:smile:
  • lavender22
    lavender22 Posts: 13 Member
    Don't sweat the small stuff. Just get back on track and move ahead :)
  • naculp
    naculp Posts: 225 Member
    Well, keep your body movin and record everything. Get it together.
    Finally someone threw out a Beastie Boys reference in here
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Well, keep your body movin and record everything. Get it together.
    Finally someone threw out a Beastie Boys reference in here
    two of 'em, actually.