Meal Ideas!

Does anyone have any low calorie, low fat meal ideas to share?
Much appreciated! :happy:


  • kbuckle86
    I made my own Tomato soup that is to die for.

    8-10 plum tomatoes, 2 cups chicken broth (low sodium or homemade), 1 cup skim milk, garlic, 1 tbls olive oil.

    Cut the tomatoes in 1/2 and put them in a pan, add garlic (whole), then drizzle oil over the tomatoes. Put in an oven of 400 F. for 30-45 minutes until the tomatoes are tender and roasted. Then throw the tomatoes and garlic into a blender, blend until your liked thickness. Then add it to a pot with chicken broth and spices. Boil then take off of stove burner, add milk. It is only 450 cal for the whole pot.
    And man is it good
  • mattyb92
    Thank you for the feedback, will try your meal idea!! :happy:
  • kbuckle86
    Another one of my favorites is spagetti but super healthy. I take chopped up onions, peppers, and carrot sticks, and ground turkey, cook in a pan until the turkey is fully cooked and the veggies are to your liking...I like mine to still have a crunch to them. Add your sauce (and cheese if you want). Then for the noodles, I either do the whole wheat noodles or roast squash in the oven shaped like thin fries. Put in a bowl then pour the spagetti sauce over. The squash brings a nice sweet nutty taste to it.