Nightime (before bedtime) Eater!



    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    is it a hunger thing or a boredom / need something to do with my hands - mindless eating?

    If I dont eat enough during the day when I come home i'm hungry and will go through the kitchen looking for the most unhealthy & tasty snacks available usually in the form of cookies / cakes / candy, in other words crap. but when I eat more during the day or have a snack at work before I leave, it seems to solve the problem and the tasmanian devil of eating doesn't appear.
  • MarthasVineyard
    MarthasVineyard Posts: 35 Member
    You are not alone! I have always been a big night time before bed eater. I could eat more between the hours of 9 & 11 p.m. than I ate all day. Salty, then sweet and then I'd think "Well I've already blown it" and just keep eating. I'd go to bed, full, defeated and miserable. Until I joined MFP, I woke up every night with horrible heartburn. Most of the time I ate out of habit. I'd finally sit down around 9 p.m., get in front of the TV and start eating.

    I've employed a lot of the great tips shared. They've helped. Tracking my food has helped most of all. Any night time snack is based on the calories I have available, and once I've had my snack I go straight upstairs, brush my teeth and go to bed. If I'm not tired I take my Kindle up and read. Once I'm in bed, I won't get up and go to the kitchen.

    Keep working at it. It took you a long time to get into the night time eating habit. It will take time to break it. I've been told, the rule of thumb is it takes 30 days to start or break a habit.