

  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    The subject says it all. For the past 2 weeks, I have been working out 6 days a week, doing 30 DS and an additional 10 to 20 minutes of cardio per day. I have yet to see the scale move down. In fact, today, I gained 2 pounds. I am so frustrated!!!

    Change doesn't come quick, it's a lifestyle change that takes time. Stay away from the scale...Those 2 pounds could be muscle? which is awesome, plus your weight changes due to different situations. I stopped caring about the scale, its just a number. A quote a trainor said at my gym..."Take a step back and look beyond the scale, look at all the benefits your getting from exercise besides that number" I live by this quote now...Of course I have my ups and downs with how I feel...but we are all like that. This takes time...I lost 13 pounds and 20 inches in 2012....this took 1 full year! of exercising 6 times a week pretty much 2 hours of cardio daily. This doesn't come quick it takes time and commitment. You can do this!!! From the feedback I got from my before and after pictures...13 pounds doesn't sound like a big change but the inches! If your interested you can take a look I'm still not where I want to be, but I'm trying! Start reminding yourself daily of this quote ..."Take a step back and look beyond the scale, look at all the benefits your getting from exercise besides that number" You will accomplish anything you put your mind to! Take life one day and a time, you got this!
  • vanessamcinnis
    vanessamcinnis Posts: 204 Member
    Your diary is private so we can't analyze your food.

    It could be a few things but the main thing....TIME!

    You've only been really at it for 2 weeks and you've added a lot of exercise. Your body is adjusting.

    My advice:
    Remove as much processed food from your diet
    Drink more water (your weight divided by 2 gives you the MINIMUM daily oz intake)
    Lower your sodium intake
    Take measurements
    Take pictures
    Give it time

    Best of luck

    Yes! Take before and after pictures! Sometimes the scale doesn't show the true results about your accomplishments, and a photo will :)
  • oddberry
    I am going to try to be a little more positive as it seems you are getting quite a bit of honest but hard-to-swallow truth. Are you stressing? If you are obsessing with trying to lose weight you might be doing yourself an injustice. Are you giving your self a break and allowing your self to 'cheat' at least one day a week? are you giving yourself some time to see things change? Are you getting enough sleep and I mean SOUND sleep? Being healthy is not an overnight thing and it isn't a one time thing. Being healthy is a lifetime committment but once you get started, you can't help but keep up with it. These are all things to keep in consideration especially when things get frustrating.

    If you would like, add me and I can try to help you keep a sound yet positive outlook. It's tough sometimes and in those times we need friends and support the most.
  • DocMarr
    DocMarr Posts: 132 Member
    Last summer I spent about 3 months at the same weight but getting thinner by the tape measure and I assumed I must be gaining lean body mass (muscle) at about the same rate I was losing fat. Since getting my new aria wifi scale at christmas I have weighed myself every morning. My weight has stayed pretty much the same - it cycles up and down every 2-3 days going down to 66.1kg and then back up to 67kg then back down. However, three weeks ago when I was 67kg, that was split at 43.6 kg of lean and 23.5kg of fat. Today, at 67kg that was split at 45.5kg of lean and 21.6kg of fat. So in the past 3 weeks, although my weight has stayed the same, I have lost 2kg of fat! That's 4 pounds. There you go! Proof that the weight alone is a poor indicator of fat loss. I am gaining lean muscle and losing fat at about exactly the same rate. But as lean muscle takes up less space, pound for pound, then I am getting thinner. Maybe consider that aspect too. :)
  • seamanny
    seamanny Posts: 134 Member

    thanks so much for sharing this!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    With that amount of exercise, you are most likely retaining water. Being a woman, this is going to happen more than you would like. But notice that the majority of people who get frustrated over not losing anything are women?

    I went through this, too, and I did a lot of research to figure out what was going on. Bottom line is, if you maintain a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. During the journey, however, you retain fluids for one of a dozen reasons, and it will show up as a gain on the scale.

    This article explains it rather well (scroll about halfway down the page to the header, "Water Balance"):

    If you know you are eating correctly and exercising enough to create an appropriate deficit, then this is more than likely what is going on. It would be nice to lose in a linear fashion, but sadly this does not happen for the majority of women.

    I have also found the following article interesting as well. It talks about how your loss appears to stall and then suddenly "woosh."
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you can't take the scale number with a grain of salt, stop weighing every day. You don't gain 2 pounds of fat in one day, but you can gain far more than that in water.

    Have you found a lifestyle and eating plan that you can do forever? If you have, then it won't matter so much what the scale says. Focus on achieving excellent health and then the weight will look after itself. Over TIME.
  • mommyof3j
    mommyof3j Posts: 26 Member
    The subject says it all. For the past 2 weeks, I have been working out 6 days a week, doing 30 DS and an additional 10 to 20 minutes of cardio per day. I have yet to see the scale move down. In fact, today, I gained 2 pounds. I am so frustrated!!!

    Thank you for posting this I too am going through this. I've decided to stay off the scale and not become a prisoner to it. Don't loose focus and keep your head up. Give yourself time for your body to adjust and go by the way your clothes feel not by what the scale says. Good luck!
  • dnhardy
    dnhardy Posts: 59
    Every single time I do the 30DS I gain in the beginning. Every. Single. Time.

    The most I've lost is 3 lbs throughout the program but you can totally see a difference in inches. Check out my picture below to see how big only 3lbs can be
  • menaisnassuos
    menaisnassuos Posts: 12 Member
    i'm in the same boat...started on jan 3rd and lost 2 pounds the first week then nothing..but u gotta understand that it takes time..look at all the success stories one loses 15 punds a week :) just give it sometime..and you can'r expect to lose what you gained in few years in 2 weeks...doesn't make sense..
    i would advice u to lay off weighting urself daily...and observe the change weekly and also with long as you are eating right and working out you are gonna get there..
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    i've been busting my bum for the last two months and the scale pretty much goes up and down two pounds over and over and over and over and over.

    If you are doing the right things, you will see the right results. Don't let the scale dictate what your progress is.

    keep your measurements. notice your increased strength, endurance, agility. Notice that you FEEL better. Make sure you are eating properly (because diet really does make a difference)....

    enjoy the process and don't stress.

    It's true that stress makes your body hold onto weight.
    (do i need to cite this, or can people let me say something I know from years here without having to google it???)
  • ShannRenae
    Could be that you gained muscle....
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    Your diary is private so we can't analyze your food.

    It could be a few things but the main thing....TIME!

    You've only been really at it for 2 weeks and you've added a lot of exercise. Your body is adjusting.

    My advice:
    Remove as much processed food from your diet
    Drink more water (your weight divided by 2 gives you the MINIMUM daily oz intake)
    Lower your sodium intake
    Take measurements
    Take pictures
    Give it time

    Best of luck

    Yep...this ^

    I would also suggest that you up your cardio. 10-20 mins is short. If you have more time, try to get to 30 mins and see if that makes a difference.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Every single time I do the 30DS I gain in the beginning. Every. Single. Time.

    The most I've lost is 3 lbs throughout the program but you can totally see a difference in inches. Check out my picture below to see how big only 3lbs can be

    This is off topic, but how did you get your URL to show as a hyperlink? I can't figure out how to do it for the life of me. :frown:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I go up and down all the time but I don't give up but it's hard!
  • DrmWmn
    DrmWmn Posts: 8
    Don't go by just the scale. NEVER go solely by that. What about your non-scale victories? How are your clothes fitting? Are you able to move around easier? Are your workouts getting easier?
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member
    First off, thank you everybody for the encouragement. I thought my diary was public, but I guess I was wrong! I changed it prior to posting this.

    No, I do not eat 1200 calories or less, I would be a raging beotch if I did, not to mention, unhealthy. I try really hard to not eat processed foods, however my sodium intake seems to be consistently high. I'm also watching carbs, but as you can tell from my diary, I am consistently over on them. Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I had a cookie and I swear it was the best cookie ever.

    I hate hate hate HATE cardio, and prefer to lift. I started with 30DS before I started lifting heavy again, just to change things up a bit. I am not going to quit. I was mostly just venting. Thanks for listening and for the suggestions!
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member

    That makes sense! Thank you!
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You're probably building muscle which weighs more than fat. A good test on how you're progressing is in how your clothes are fitting. Hang in there!

    Sorry but you don't build muscle while on a calorie deficit... especially women. For a woman to build muscle she needs to be lifting heavy, eating maintaince or above and even at that the best gain after the beginner gain would be 0.5lb a month.

    To the OP, if you aren't the biggest fan of cardio stop doing it besides once or twice a week. Lift heavy weights! 30DS is not a lifting program, it is actually a cardio routine. Do that a few times a week and than lift heavy every other day. In order to have maximum progress from lifting heavy weights you do need to eat close to maintance if not at it or above. Do that for a few weeks than drop down and do cardio for a few weeks... do the cycles and you will build muscle and cut fat if you do it correctly. Should you do this make sure to increase your protein. Lots of protein will help your body build muscle along with lifting heavy and increasing food intake.

    Also, add sodium to track in your diary. You seem to eat a decent amount of processed foods and you will probably notice once you start tracking it that you are eating too much sodium. Sodium willl cause your body to retain water. Not sure if you just aren't tracking it all but if you are drink more water as well. Water helps flush the water out of your body.