Suggestions on snacking food?



  • kmmpink
    kmmpink Posts: 63 Member
    Sugar free jello/ pudding, Special K cracker chips, celery and pb, popcorn! Almonds, light string cheese, swiss miss light hot chocolate, apple sliced up with a little sugar free caramel, pickles, dry cereal, deli turkey or ham, bumble bee tuna with crackers, baby carrots with salsa(its yummy and way less calories than ranch).
    I wish you the best of luck on your adventure. you have made the first step, now don't get discouraged when you have a bad day, just start over and keep going!
  • dcyr009
    dcyr009 Posts: 93
    Purchase the Dole Classic lettuce mixes. You can eat them like chips.
  • Baby carrots
    Raw almonds
    Air popped popcorn
    brown rice cakes
  • DanceFittDiva
    DanceFittDiva Posts: 83 Member
    Special K Cracker Chips are pretty good. They're only 110 calories per serving and a serving is 27 chips. They come in like 4 or 5 different flavors.
  • jesskreg
    jesskreg Posts: 75 Member
    String cheese, carrots, green pepper, pop corn (not bagged), baked chips (small portions), almonds, apple with peanut butter, celery with peanut butter, a banana, a couple slices of lean chicken or turkey, tomato slices with salt and pepper, pickles... I could go on and on :)
  • hknieper09
    hknieper09 Posts: 1 Member
    You can eat 38 Garden Veggie Straws - which I believe is only 130 calories. I found these at Meijer with the rice cakes
  • Superwoman79
    Superwoman79 Posts: 61 Member
    Welcome to MFP and I wish you much success on your weight loss journey. You can do it!!

    Fresh Fruit
    Low Fat Cheese (like string cheese etc.)
    Nuts (I like the Omega Mix from Trader Joe's if you have a store in your area)
    Rice Cakes
    Boiled Egg
    Veggie Straws
    Low Fat Yogurt

    Best Wishes!

  • I'm anti snacking. I find for me personally it makes me hungrier. I gave it up a year ago and only eat at breakfast, lunch and dinner and I no longer feel the need to snack and it really cut back on my cals. :flowerforyou:
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Purchase the Dole Classic lettuce mixes. You can eat them like chips.

    OMG I'd be HUNGRY HUNGRY and ready to eat a rabbit : )
    JESSJESJ Posts: 121 Member
    generally something that has some protein & a little fat with the carbs in it as it will keep you full longer and start tracking today, not tomorrow! :)

    veggies & hummus
    apples & peanut butter
    pop corn - if you want chocolate drizzle some herseys on the popcorn
    grapes & cheese
    wheat thins and a laughing cow wedge
    string cheese
    toasted chickpeas - you can add different spices curry, tumeric cumin, cayenne depending on the flavors you like they get crunchy
    nuts - kind bars are tasty & convenient when out. a little pricey at the store but can get them online. they have a dark chocoate & sea salt on that has 5 g of sugar in it. that's delicious for you chocolate fix.

    don't give up chocolate completely as you'll binge on it as I did with the box of mallomars I ate last week!
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I like to eat 1/2 c. grapes, 1/2 apple (with optional pb),1/2 orange, nature valley granola thins are good for the crunch and chocolate at the same time for 80 cals, Newton's fruit thin "cookies" serving size is 3 but I eat 2 for under 100 cals, fiber one has some good brownies and cookies for 90 cals, carrots with a bit of ranch, popcorn is surprisingly not bad for you if you eat a serving, special k cereal bars are 90 cals, light string cheese for 50 cals, 1/2 c. sugar free applesauce for 50 cals, animal crackers - can have 16 for 120 cals (I go for 8 for 65 cals though), special k crackers and chips, light pringles (usually 70 cals)
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    For lunch today I had peanuts, tortilla chips with salsa (and a half cup cottage cheese, but thats not crunchy). The trick is PORTION SIZE. I had 3 T of the peanuts, one ounce of the chips(you get quite a few chips in an ounce) and 4 T of the salsa. A little over 300 cals for all those things.
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    I would suggest the following:

    * Oreo 100 cal snack crisps (they are really good, or the chip ahoy kind)
    * String Cheese (high in protein and soo yummy)
    * Nuts! (i usually take some to work daily in a baggie, its a nice snack and they surpirsingly fill you up!)
    * If you eat a nice big breakfast, it helps you not get the muncies until lunch time. i usually have 2-3 hard boiled egg whites and even though they are small, it really keeps me feeling full until lunch time. just a thought on that:)
    * Any of the Special K snacks are healthy for you. i personally dont eat them often because they can be pretty expensive for the amount you get in the box (like the granola bars, you only get 6...)
    * Popcorn is always good! just not the movie theater butter kind, lol

    Hope that helps:) just make sure to log in here everyday, that was my issue, always forgetting, and potentially eating more than i should..

  • mallen404
    mallen404 Posts: 266 Member
    Try nuts- almonds, peanuts etc.

    I usually snack on fruit or veggies. Usually a banana or an apple as my afternoon snack eery day.
  • cleomouri
    cleomouri Posts: 51 Member
    Roasted chickpeas
  • Baby carrots and get you some of those Special K Sea Salt Chip crackers good snack.
  • When I'm REALLY craving something salty and crunchy I eat pringles light reduced fat chips. You can eat 14 of them for only 70 calories. And they are DELICIOUS. They have sour cream and bbq available in stores. I also snack on 100 calorie packs of popcorn. They come in individual bags. Anything that comes in individual packs will help you from eating the entire bag of chips/cookies in one sitting. It helps me a lot!

    Good luck!
  • You don't have to cut out the chocolate completely. Dark chocolate (especially if it has more than 70% cocoa) is filled with antioxidants, and because it is more flavorful, you can satisify that craving with a smaller amount. When I get a chocolate craving, I allow myself one 10 gram square of Intense Dark (72% cocoa) Chocolate. It satifies the craving and is only 55 calories. If you are used to milk chocolate, start with the 60% and then work your way up, and don't buy the cheap stuff like Hersey. Ghirardelli sells 10ounce squares in bags of 12 for about $3-4 a bag, which lasts me quite awhile.

    For crunchy cravings, I go with air popped popcorn. 5 cups is only about 100 calories. If I have been really good all week and/or worked out extra and want a treat, I will add 1 tablespoon of melted honey butter (70 calories) to make it taste like kettle corn. And I know it is sounds crazy, but baby carrots are also great for crunchy cravings.

    And of course, you should still allow yourself an occassional treat of your favorite snack. I really LOVE movie theatre popcorn,so if we are going to the movies, I will make a deal with myself - do an extra work out and burn off the calories before we go and I can have a small unbuttered popcorn at the theatre. Before I started my diet, I would get the big tub and eat half of it, so at first I would get the small and think "oh this is it?" but now after months of eating healthier, I find that the small is some times too much to even finish. I try to remind myself that this is a change for the rest of my life, so balance is the key, and each small change is a step in the right direction. You will get there. Good luck.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    I eat multi-grain pita chips. I like the salty crunchy stuff also, Ill take that over candy any day! But I think the suggestion about the individual bags of baked chips is a good idea. They sell different 100 calorie snack packs also!
  • Oh and nuts are great too, just be sure to weigh your portions, because they are very high in calories and fat. I usually do one 14grams (1/2 an ounce) serving at a day, which is 85-100 calories depending upon the type of nut.