dealing with a cashier *caution, bad language

lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
The DO-NOT-DO cashier list
This proves that i had to much time on my hands at I thought up some basic rules and considerations when going through a cashier...

1) Don't be my first customer in the morning. I don't care if you're the archbishop of the Catholic church, I'm going to hate you.

2) Don't look at me in complete disgust when I ask you for a membership card, it's my job...I know that there are too many cards in this world, but it's still my job to ask.

3) If you are a member of the place you're shopping at, I shouldn't have to ask for the card...get it out and ready for you know how many times a day i say "are you a worklife rewards member" try it.

4) If you're standing in front of a sign that says "till closed" don't expect service...THE TILL IS CLOSED!!!

5) When asking for your phone number in order for you to gain points, don't give it to me like rapid artillery...go slow damn you!

6) Why the hell would you put your purchase as far away from my reach as possible? Do you think I love straining myself to grab your stuff?

7) Take your stuff out of the basket!! Don't just plop it on the counter and proceed to pick your nose!

8) Please don't fart at my till. You get to walk away, I don't!

9) I don't make the prices!!! If you get it cheaper somewhere else, by all means go there!!

10) I don't order the products either. If we're out of stock, sucks to be you.

11) Don't throw your money at me! Hand it to me like a civilized human being. I'm not a stripper, nor am I homeless, therefore I don't deserve to have pennies thrown at me.

12) When I answer the phone, I don't give a *kitten* who you are or who you work for. Tell me what you want, or who you want to talk to as fast as possible.

13) If you're in a huge line, and you hear me ask each and every damn person for their membership card, get yours ready. While you're at it, get your method of payment ready because you're holding up the line while you dig around for change.

14) If you grabbed the wrong product, or forgot something, you automatically forfeit your place in line. I'm not holding everyone else up while you mess around.

15) When a new cashier opens a till and says "I can help the next person in line" that doesn't mean the last person...wait your turn!! People have been waiting longer then you, just because you're faster doesn't mean you deserve to be served first.

16) Although I am amazing, I don't know the exact price of every god damn thing in the store.

17) If you see me standing next to a till, and I have THE ONLY LIGHT ON IN THE WHOLE STORE...that means I'm open, you don't have to ask.

18) If you have a complaint, I don't care. Don't come to me and think I can fix everything, I'm just a cashier!

19) Stop asking me if we're going to open another till, clearly if I could get you away from me and pawn you off on someone else, I would.

Ok I'm done...


  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    7) Take your stuff out of the basket!! Don't just plop it on the counter and proceed to pick your nose!
    Does this one really make cashier's mad? I do it at the grocery store all the time, but they never say anything to me.
  • Vikingz45
    Vikingz45 Posts: 10 Member
    Wow lilRicki, you must absolutely love your job :)

    How is the customer service at your work?
  • BellaFe
    BellaFe Posts: 323
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    LMFAO..... Seriously omg I love it
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    11) Don't throw your money at me! Hand it to me like a civilized human being. I'm not a stripper, nor am I homeless, therefore I don't deserve to have pennies thrown at me.

    So we can throw pennies at homeless people and strippers?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member

    7) Take your stuff out of the basket!! Don't just plop it on the counter and proceed to pick your nose!
    Does this one really make cashier's mad? I do it at the grocery store all the time, but they never say anything to me.

    So do I (not the nose picking part!). I never realized taking from the hand basket to scan was so much more difficult than picking it up from the counter or conveyor belt.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    You must be great in bed.
  • alvalaurie
    alvalaurie Posts: 369 Member
    Sounds like somebody needs a career change!
  • tinadaybreaker01
    Options laugh i've had all day. You must get some really rude people through your checkout. Either that or you have been doing this job tooooo long. Laughed my socks off about the farter. I have been stood behind one of those before. Its disgusting. The worst one was a lovely little old lady in a wheelchair. She absolutely STANK of stale urine. When she moved away, the cashier sprayed air freshener around to stop us all being sick....he he. I do appreciate a cashier with a sense of humour. Loved it!
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    11) Don't throw your money at me! Hand it to me like a civilized human being. I'm not a stripper, nor am I homeless, therefore I don't deserve to have pennies thrown at me.

    So we can throw pennies at homeless people and strippers?

    of course

    and if they happen to be a homeless stripper, you can just throw aluminum cans at them so they can have them recycled for the $
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    7) Take your stuff out of the basket!! Don't just plop it on the counter and proceed to pick your nose!
    Does this one really make cashier's mad? I do it at the grocery store all the time, but they never say anything to me.

    So do I (not the nose picking part!). I never realized taking from the hand basket to scan was so much more difficult than picking it up from the counter or conveyor belt.
    I guess I don't do the nose picking part either...well not every single time anwyays.
  • mcshoelovin22
    mcshoelovin22 Posts: 263 Member
    14) If you grabbed the wrong product, or forgot something, you automatically forfeit your place in line. I'm not holding everyone else up while you mess around.

    I hate these people
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    and how about you hang up your friggin phone and not act like i'm a non-human. the person on the other end of the line will understand "hold on a second, i just got to the front of the line."
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    and how about you hang up your friggin phone and not act like i'm a non-human. the person on the other end of the line will understand "hold on a second, i just got to the front of the line."

    These people piss me off, or texting while the cashier waits for you to look up so you can pay. you are NOT that important... seriously phones away until your done please. I hate waiting I have *kitten* to do.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member

    This is my favourite.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Amen to all of that! I'm not a cashier, but I'm in that line and I hate all those jerks! But the one that jumped out at me goes for anyone giving anyone their phone number:

    5) When asking for your phone number in order for you to gain points, don't give it to me like rapid artillery...go slow damn you!

    Seriously, don't make me listen to your stupid voicemail 5 times to try to get the phone number. Slow down, take a breath - for crissakes!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Have you considered a position that does not put you in contact with the public?
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    15) When a new cashier opens a till and says "I can help the next person in line" that doesn't mean the last person...wait your turn!! People have been waiting longer then you, just because you're faster doesn't mean you deserve to be served first.

    I hate when people do that.
    17) If you see me standing next to a till, and I have THE ONLY LIGHT ON IN THE WHOLE STORE...that means I'm open, you don't have to ask.
