What's your most recent NSV?



  • kmakar
    kmakar Posts: 103
    A co-worker I see only occasionally gets on the elevator with me yesterday and says "well, hello Skinny!" Made my day.
  • HapThompson
    HapThompson Posts: 48 Member
    Yesterday I went to buy a new jumper because I was so cold, and came away with two new blouses and a skirt, all in a UK size 16. I didn't try them on in the shop but when I got them home they all fit great. I started this as a 22 in September... Bought a new jumper online today from a company I have never bought from before because their clothes stop at 18... :D
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    The Military Body Fat Calculator said I'm now in the "healthy" range for body fat percentage... barely. Still have an "overweight" BMI but this is a huge victory for me!

    Also I wore a size M shirt when I went out for my birthday (top in profile pic). OK, still tight but I wore it and looked good when I stood up straight. :tongue:
  • RobinC37
    RobinC37 Posts: 242 Member
    Fit into designer jeans I only bought because they were so cheap, even if they were so small (10)!!
    Jogged my first mile since surgery 3 weeks ago!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Yesterday I bought sz12 (USA sz8) pants from Kathmandu and they fit perfectly. Yay.
    Oh and last week I did my body fat percentage (at the end of the day so measurements weren't quite as good as they may have been had I been doing it earlier) and was very surprised to get a result of 24.6%. I must re-do it to be sure - I thought I was made up of far more fat than that, lol.
  • phoenix_59
    phoenix_59 Posts: 1,123
    I put my scale in the closet this morning and told it to be quiet as I will be indulging in some great Portuguese food and wine this evening. No scale...a victory for me!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    :happy: I can where knee/calf high boots, even with pants tucked in. Sounds odd but I was one who was unable to wear these until my calfs became smaller.
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I was able to put on an old favorite t-shirt of mine, when I flexed my arm last night instead of the fat pouch hanging down it was smooth. (Yes!!)

    About to the end of my first section of 30DS (Day 9 today) and I'm bound and determined to finish. I have tried unsuccessfully to start it about 5 times, this time it stuck.

    Just knowing I am really ready this time.

    Loosing 1.6 lbs this week and feeling happy about it instead of disapointed that it wasn't more. Being able to embrace slow and steady with joy.
  • JayStu
    JayStu Posts: 332 Member
    I put 2 new holes in my belt at the beginning of last month and I'm on the last hole again and my pants a starting to fall down again.
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    My smart black trousers that were way too tight in July last year being freaking huge on me last week. Best feeling ever.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    Earlier this week I was looking for my belt and couldn't find it so I thought what the heck I'll try one of my old ones just for fun. IT FIT!! It was on the biggest hole, but still i could get it buckled and I didn't even have to suck in or anything! I probably haven't been able to wear it since summer/fall of 2011. I was definitely pumped!

    Congrats to everyone on all of their NSVs!
  • I had to tighten the chest strap for my HRM yesterday.

    I had to do that today, too ! Made me very very happy :)
  • paperfiish
    paperfiish Posts: 52 Member
    Found out this morning that I've lost two inches off every measurement since the beginning of last month, and that was with getting through all the holiday food and cold weather pushing me to stay inside!
  • BeckyNaturoMommy
    BeckyNaturoMommy Posts: 187 Member
    I quit smoking 11 days ago and recently started exercising again. I ran a mile in the first time in almost 2 years the other night. :)
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    size 42 pants from H&M!
  • We were laying in bed and he was giving me a massage, and started running his fingers up and down my ribs. I asked him what in the world he was doing and he told me that he can feel my ribs now with just his fingertips. After having 3 kids in 5 years I consider this an accomplishment.

    A big NSV for me
    a pair of M exercise pants fit me without squeezing into em. they just slide right on. (used to be a 2xl,maybe an xl if stretchy). oh and he asked my shirt size and I said a L trusting (nervously) that it'll fit. It's actualy kind of loose.(I used to be a 2XL in all shirts)
  • I've had a few lately.

    1. I was able to button up my awesome london fog wool coat. When I bought it two years ago I was much smaller and when I put it on this winter I couldn't button it! Yesterday, I was finally able to button it. A little tight, but buttoned!

    2. I was standing in the doorway and my husband said "You look great. Your face has a glow and looks thinner."

    3. For the first time ever, the past few days I'VE LIKED EXERCISE! I've discovered Chalene Johnson and am doing a Chalean extreme/Turbo Jam hybrid. This is going to be so awesome. I've always disliked exercise, especially cardio but for the first time I might be getting hooked! Before, I drank too much beer. Now hopefully exercising will become my new drug of choice :-)
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Bones keep showing up where I forgot I had them!
    I am really getting there.........a ways to go yet, but definately getting closer.
  • RCKT82
    RCKT82 Posts: 409 Member
    Headed to a job interview next week and able to fit into my college suit!!!
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    My NSV just happened for me! Husband's grandmother made me an infinity scarf (seen in my picture to the left) and while looking at it on facebook I saw, in the corner of my eye, a picture from my wedding in October. I've lost almost 30lbs since then and instantly saw how slim my face looked. Couldn't help but smile! :D
  • I fit into a bathing suit and didn't feel like I had to hide my stomach so much because its getting flatter!!! Total NSV since I always felt like I looked pregnant
  • aekermans
    aekermans Posts: 15 Member
    Re-committed myself to MFP last Monday and just finished my 8th walk aerobics workout (in 11 days).

    Last week when I went back to work after Winter Break, my jeans were feeling a bit uncomfortable and my muffin top was bigger. Today I noticed, after putting on freshly-washed jeans, that they are already fitting much better. Can get a couple fingers in my waistband comfortably.
  • SpringFever19
    SpringFever19 Posts: 180 Member
    I had to tighten the chest strap for my HRM yesterday.

    Me too :)
  • betsz1
    betsz1 Posts: 81 Member
    I was going through my closet and came across a box with a new pair of boots in it. As I was bending down to zip them I remembered that I had bought them but couldn't reach the zipper. Absolutely not a problem now! :happy:
  • LeslieFulp
    LeslieFulp Posts: 23 Member
    I am able to zip my favorite boots again.
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    Yesterday I dug out some pants I hadn't been able to wear in about 2 years. They are still a little snug, but they button and are slightly comfortable :)
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    Last night when getting ready for bed i was so tired that i pulled my jeans off without unbuttoning or unzipping them. what a shocker that was! LOL!
  • Cherry_blossom73
    Cherry_blossom73 Posts: 51 Member
    Today I started 30 day shred again. I did it 10 months ago and thought I was going to die the first day, I had to stop so many times. Today I didn't stop once, and it was great to not feel/hear my body parts slapping together while I was doing it. :smile:
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    2 pull ups with 2 45 lbs plates hanging off a weight belt
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    I love reading these, and remembering some of them! Especially the wedding band one. That was huge for me too!

    Here's my new one:

    Started a new circuit training DVD that has four levels. I did level one, and it felt like NOTHING,
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