dealing with a cashier *caution, bad language



  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Remember, stay in school, kids.
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Remember, stay in school, kids.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Way back in the day I had jobs doing tech support both via phone and in-person, so I feel you pain... I really do! Hell, I probably could (but won't) produce an equally-long list right now from distant memories. That being said, I need to play 'Devil's Advocate' on a couple of these:
    1) Don't be my first customer in the morning. I don't care if you're the archbishop of the Catholic church, I'm going to hate you.
    If they've done nothing wrong and you're hating on them first thing in the day, you really should find another line of work. At least wait until the 10th normal person or the 2nd jack@$$ to start hating, whichever comes first! :wink:
    4) If you're standing in front of a sign that says "till closed" don't expect service...THE TILL IS CLOSED!!!
    17) If you see me standing next to a till, and I have THE ONLY LIGHT ON IN THE WHOLE STORE...that means I'm open, you don't have to ask.
    I couldn't tell you how many times a cashier forgot to change their light/sign to the correct status and didn't notice until I asked them. A simple yes/no response is all that's required (plus an optional point to the status light/sign)
    6) Why the hell would you put your purchase as far away from my reach as possible? Do you think I love straining myself to grab your stuff?
    I don't disagree with this at all. However, I wanted to reciprocate with "leave the conveyor belt so I have space on the rear on the belt to keep loading items." At least once a month I deal with a cashier who turns off the belt and grabs all items within reach before turning it back on. Meanwhile I have the belt full and am waiting on him/her to make space so I can keep loading.
    7) Take your stuff out of the basket!! Don't just plop it on the counter and proceed to pick your nose!
    I've been grocery shopping solo since 16 and I've NEVER heard or read that anywhere. Mind you, I do it rarely and only when there's just a couple of items in the basket (single layer). If the cashier had asked, I would've complied without issue. If you don't want to tell your customers, then put up a sign. Don't assume that they know; I sure didn't.
    15) When a new cashier opens a till and says "I can help the next person in line" that doesn't mean the last person...wait your turn!! People have been waiting longer then you, just because you're faster doesn't mean you deserve to be served first.
    Simply fix: The "new" cashier should address the "next" customer(s) directly and gesture them over. I've seen it done many times.
    18) If you have a complaint, I don't care. Don't come to me and think I can fix everything, I'm just a cashier!
    Really?:ohwell: It's too hard for you to simply direct them to the appropriate person (lead, manager, etc.)?:indifferent: I used to do it in a hearbeat with a smile on my face! :happy: One less thing for me to worry about!:laugh:

    In the interest of sharing, I have one for you. Don't "knot" my bags without asking first. If there are loose items in the bag that might fall out, I'll knot them myself with a slip knot. I can't stand when cashiers square-knot my bags and later I have to turn into a friggin' escape artist to untie them or be forced to cut/rip them open. I re-use bags for trash and carrying misc stuff, so why would I want to ruin them?
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    you do realize that all the swears with asterisksesesesss are strike worthy? My bestest beast got his first strike by posting one like this...

    good luck to you!

    p.s. customer service can suck, but you kinda have to like people (or a paycheck) to excel at it. :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    If you hate your job so much, get a new one. Life's too short to just sit around and complain.:flowerforyou:
  • dorihinkelmann
    omg i can sooo relate to this...i didnt however see anyone post:

    plz dont dig deep in your bra and hand me the not wearing latex gloves...
  • dorihinkelmann
    and how about you hang up your friggin phone and not act like i'm a non-human. the person on the other end of the line will understand "hold on a second, i just got to the front of the line."

    when someone comes up to me while still on the phone...since i work at a gas station/conv store...i take a step back if no one is behind that person and simply say..."go ahead...i'll wait til you're done"...they seem to get off the phone quickly then...
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    Dear Angry Cashiers,

    I sometimes get upset with people at work too. I try not to let it affect how I treat everyone else I interact with during the day, though.

    Otherwise, I could lose customers because of my craptacular attitude. Losing customers means less revenue (that means the money that the company earns). Less revenue means less work for the employees -- or layoffs.

    Yeah, it's good to think ahead.


    Common Sense
  • jemhologram
    hahaha i soooooo remember my first job as a checkout chick and could relate to most of your list.. luckily im not in customer service anymore!!
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    (scratches head) What's a till?

    And...I have one for some cashiers. Why do I buy 5 small items and walk out with 6 bags... I swear some cashiers use as many bags as they possibly can. Like...a secret game.

    I'm not picking on the OP though. :drinker:
    BACONJOKESRSOFUNNY Posts: 666 Member
    (scratches head) What's a till?
    It is the machine that cashiers use to store the money and record transactions.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I've been a cashier at the grocery store AND retail.... I'd have to say that I agree with you on all of those. One that I could add:

    - Don't come up to my register and throw your stuff down and stare at me to hurry up as you conduct a full on conversation on your cell phone. I am giving you my full attention (even though I'd MUCH rather be somewhere else) so please do not treat me like a f*&king servant. Get off your freaking phone for three minutes and have some manners.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Although some points are valid.... You sound like a complainer.... A job is a job. I've done cashiering before, if you don't want people to treat you badly, don't do it to them.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Every job has it's downs and further downs...I work in a customer service position as well and it is certainly no picnic! But some of these just seem whiny. OR maybe the fact that there's a lot of them all together...I do try to be as courteous as possible to cashiers, or anyone who's helping me but to be honest...not all of them are pleasant to be around and treat me like I'M the annoying one because I dared step into their line. I think they train cashiers to give death glares! That being said I agree with most of what you posted...particularly about a new line opening up and the LAST person in line goes to it. :noway:
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I've been a cashier at the grocery store AND retail.... I'd have to say that I agree with you on all of those. One that I could add:

    - Don't come up to my register and throw your stuff down and stare at me to hurry up as you conduct a full on conversation on your cell phone. I am giving you my full attention (even though I'd MUCH rather be somewhere else) so please do not treat me like a f*&king servant. Get off your freaking phone for three minutes and have some manners.

    I confess, I have done this... that said I will not apologize for it (again). I am currently separated from my husband. When he has the kids, I get one phone call a night. It can come at any time, and it doesn't last long. One time it came just as it came to my turn at the till. If I hang up, I often don't get a chance to call them back (they are 'busy'), so I take the call whenever it comes. I apologized to the cashier for being rude, but I was NOT going to give up the only 5 minute window I had into my kids' lives that night.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Remember, stay in school, kids.

    I second your :drinker:

    and raise you a :grumble:
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'd like to add... dont exhale and blow on me.. ESPECIALLY if you have coffee and cigarette breath! I used to be a cashier at home depot and i had a guy do that to me once. I swear I almost snapped ...
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    You should probably add:

    Don't talk on the phone while I am ringing you up!

    Seriously, that's just so rude!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    You should probably add:

    Don't talk on the phone while I am ringing you up!

    Seriously, that's just so rude!
    Sorry, can't co-sign on this! As long as I'm attentive, moving promptly, and not loud, I don't think I necessarily get off of the phone. It's not like I'm ordering food or something. I say my hello/thank you/goodbye and pay for my stuff without issue, so what's it to you if I'm on the phone?
    But then again, my phone calls are usually succinct. I'm the sorta person who had a 100 min/month plan for years and barely used half of it. I have 300m/mo now, but only because that the minimum allotment with unlimited text/data plan ($35/mo).
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    You should probably add:

    Don't talk on the phone while I am ringing you up!

    Seriously, that's just so rude!
    Sorry, can't co-sign on this! As long as I'm attentive, moving promptly, and not loud, I don't think I necessarily get off of the phone. It's not like I'm ordering food or something. I say my hello/thank you/goodbye and pay for my stuff without issue, so what's it to you if I'm on the phone?
    But then again, my phone calls are usually succinct. I'm the sorta person who had a 100 min/month plan for years and barely used half of it. I have 300m/mo now, but only because that the minimum allotment with unlimited text/data plan ($35/mo).

    I'm not now, nor have I ever been, a cashier. Thank goodness. It does slow down the line, though, if you're talking on your phone and they need to ask you a question. People in that job work hard and deserve some consideration.

    I work in a clinic, and the doctor will not see you if you are talking on your phone. He or she will go to the next room and come back if you're done with your call.

    Now, emergency phone calls (which I have to take when I am on call -- or the lady above who gets one shot at the nightly call with her kids) -- that's something different. But there are lots and lots of people who carry on long and involved phone calls and never even acknowledge the cashier as human.