Hi fitness friends!

Hi, I'm Kristen, hoping to lose the 20-25 lbs that I originally lost in 2011. In the past year I've gained just about all of it back. I started running with a C25K program a few months ago, ran my first 5k last weekend, and have decided I really need to focus on tracking food intake. I think with the running, it felt like a free pass to eat whatever I wanted because I was burning it off! No more excuses, and hopefully this will be a great way to keep me motivated and on track. Good luck to you all!


  • PathShadow
    PathShadow Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Kristen. I'm Christine. I'm very similar to you in that I lost and gained the 20-25 pounds that I am now trying to lose again. Frustrating. I'm also pretty active and know what your'e talking about with the "free pass". Hopefully this will help keep us motivated. Good luck!