Diet tips for heavy carb addict?



  • Eat 1g\lb of your LBM in protein and .45g\lb of LBM in fat every day and fill the rest of your calories with carbs. "Problem" solved. I promise.

    what exactly is solved? please elaborate!
  • Multiple anti depressants/anti anxiety, plus sleeping pills for insomnia. I know one of them causes increased appetite but I'm not sure the 1mg a day I take of that specific pill is causing much of a problem.

    Also, in early 2012 I was pressured into doing that HCG diet, the one where you spray something in your mouth a few times a day and eat 500 calories per day. I lost about 15 lbs but once I went back to normal eating(note: 1200-1500 calories per day, this was before I went back to the whole overeating thing) I put it all back on plus some more, as well as developing quite a few health problems, though some of those might not be related but had just started around the time I finished the diet.

    Before that my mom got me into this crazy diet where you get acupuncture twice a week and the diet itself consists of 100g unsalted and unseasoned chicken or fish(as in that is what you eat the entire day). Again, the moment I started eating more than that, I gained weight again.

    Ever since then I've experienced extreme weakness and fatigue, could be the lack of working out during those diets or the weight of additional fat once I was done but it did result in me being too weak to work out to the point where walking at a decent pace for a few 100 meters or climbing 2 flights of stairs gets me tired, as well as foot/leg pains(got insoles, that helped a bit but not completely) and back pains(which got worse after a car accident). So not working out isn't doing any good either.
  • Sorry, call me the jerk here, but I have to say it. The first thing you should try changing is your attitude. You have a very negative attitude towards "healthy" or "clean" foods. If you continue to tell yourself all these negative things about how you DON'T like all these various foods, you will never grow to tolerate or like them. There is no short cut to healthy living. There is no pill that will keep weight off you for life, transforming your body into that of a healthy and fit individual. The only thing that works is to do the work, make the positive changes in your lifestyle, and strengthen your mind and body.

    I tried this "substitute" game for a year or so before realizing that you can't pretend and be real at the same time. If I wanted to be healthy, lean and fit, I had to eat, train, and live like a healthy and fit person does....every day. Not on weekdays or all the months, except around my birthday, the holidays, my mom's birthday, my anniversary, my boss's retirement party, happens every day and you will be equiped with an excuse to CHOOSE to eat like crap every day if you want. Weigh out what you want more, to lose weight and be healthy, or to enjoy five minutes of pleasure that you get from eating carbs. I don't know about you, but I CHOSE life over food. Now, two years later.....there is no looking back. Buckle down, push through the cravings for a few weeks while your body detoxes, then live the next six months learning to build a new lifestyle. It will take patience, but it WILL be worth it. After the first six gets easier every day. I promise. Good luck!

    While I agree with your underlying point of dealing with SOME discomfort--on the surface it very much sounds like you're calling carbs "crap" which they most certainly aren't. I don't think that being healthy and fit entails cutting out an entire food group (starchy carbs)...they can easily fit into a healthy diet that a FIT person would eat to sustain their training. Most athletes (fit people) eat carbs--lots of them and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. While your intentions might be good here I just don't think you sent the message as well as you could have. To me the bottom line is that not eating carbs, "detoxing," and believing that being fit requires you to eat "like a fit person every day" is mentally unhealthy and exhausting. Getting to a place where you can have a potato, rice, pasta, or cereal and be done with it is HEALTHY...refusing to eat the foods you enjoy because you think that "fit people" give up their pleasures day in and day out is not. just my $.02.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My main issue is the portions though. I've managed to eat what is considered 5-8 servings all by my self in one meal, not sure how I got to this but at the moment it seems going down to normal portions feels impossible and I'm hungry all the damn time.

    If it also helps I generally don't eat meat, maybe once every week or 2 but I normally avoid it.

    Perhaps you should look into Intermittent Fasting, which is basically eating all.your calories within a certain window of time. There is more to it than that, but you can do an internet search if you are interested.
    So far suggestions people have given me were basically all variations of "suck it up, stop eating foods you like and get used to eating only unsatisfying things for the sake of getting enough nutrition to not die."

    This is horrible advice. Don't listen to it. Make small changes that you can live with. Then worry about making more changes. Making yourself miserable is a recipe for failure.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I really do need to get around this thing where my brain seems to reject all healthy low calorie food.

    I do eat stuff like lentils/beans etc a lot during the times when I eat less crap, heard that's somewhat helpful.

    So far suggestions people have given me were basically all variations of "suck it up, stop eating foods you like and get used to eating only unsatisfying things for the sake of getting enough nutrition to not die."

    A big bulk of the weight I put on has been after my landlord moved my erm... questionable roommate into the apartment. I'm hoping now that I'm not there and any food I buy does not automatically get sucked into the black hole that is that sleazy creature I'll have more options.

    Yes that is pretty much how many of us start out eating healthy clean diets, not enjoying all/ many of our meals until our tastebuds change or we learn to flavour our food without salt and sugar (herbs, spices, garlic, chilli, red wine, no salt yeast extract, olives, tomato paste, etc). For me being so sick I could not work concentrated my mind on making it happen. There are many other pleasures in life than eating.

    Exactly what foods are getting stolen? Fresh cows milk and sugary breakfast cereal, fresh meat and eggs, frozen green vegetables, fresh fruit, dried beans, dehydrated soya mince and tofu? Students tend to steal obviously tasty or branded food, but not so much healthy or vegan food. Lock your food up, purchase things they don't like, more longlife foods, get cheap brands and 'recycle' the boxes or use tupperware, lace some food with blue food dye/ laxatives/ dish soap/ hot chilli so they learn not to steal, make an arrangement that you will shop/ cook/ eat together so everyone shares in the costs, buy a crock pot/ slow cooker and make multiple meals in literally five minutes, freeze portions in unmarked/ coded opaque containers so it's not clear what it is, doesn't smell appetising and a PITA to steal/ takes longer to prepare.
  • Maybe it has to do with not being exposed to healthy/clean foods that are good. Up until now all anyone has ever had to offer me is tasteless salads and chicken breast/fish or something along those lines, then get the whole "are you crazy? these things are the tastiest things ever, this just proves more that there's something really wrong with you". Also been taught that any salad dressing that isn't straight up vinegar, <2 spoons of olive oil and lemon juice is bad and should be avoided.

    I've had some REALLY good salads, but they tend to have something like peanuts in them and then I get the whole "you're only lying to yourself" thing.

    Btw could isnomnia/anxiety and depression medication have something to do with it? I've been on plenty of those ever since I was 18 and lately I've been on a whole lot more types of pills than I was in the past.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Multiple anti depressants/anti anxiety, plus sleeping pills for insomnia.

    I'm getting a sense of your "eating style" and personality and what struggles you're going thru. My suggestion to you (take it or leave it) is write down everything you're eating, here or just in a notebook, and be honest about everything you're putting in your mouth. Don't judge it. Don't change anything. Don't try to be "good." Just log EVERYTHING as honest as you can. Do this for two weeks. Then take this info to a doctor and tell them you want to see a fitness/weightloss/nutritionist specialist because you feel like **** all the time and you think it has something to do with the way you eat. OR ask for some advice from us (but some people might get snarky, so be warned).

    Medically, your neurotransmitters are out of whack, I bet. I'm not a doctor, but you have a lot of symptoms of this. There's ways to fight this, but I don't think you're really ready yet. You have to WANT to be healthy more than you WANT to cling to living in denial about having control over your health. If you're happy with the way you look and feel, then don't make any changes. But if you're UNHAPPY with the way you look and feel and want to change it, then maybe you have the motivation you need to start the journey.

    I'm down 80 pounds from my highest weight. I no longer take sleeping pills nor mood medications. It's a journey, to be sure. And a hard one sometimes. But it's worth it for the benefits you get.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Sorry, call me the jerk here, but I have to say it. The first thing you should try changing is your attitude. You have a very negative attitude towards "healthy" or "clean" foods. If you continue to tell yourself all these negative things about how you DON'T like all these various foods, you will never grow to tolerate or like them. There is no short cut to healthy living. There is no pill that will keep weight off you for life, transforming your body into that of a healthy and fit individual. The only thing that works is to do the work, make the positive changes in your lifestyle, and strengthen your mind and body.

    I tried this "substitute" game for a year or so before realizing that you can't pretend and be real at the same time. If I wanted to be healthy, lean and fit, I had to eat, train, and live like a healthy and fit person does....every day. Not on weekdays or all the months, except around my birthday, the holidays, my mom's birthday, my anniversary, my boss's retirement party, happens every day and you will be equiped with an excuse to CHOOSE to eat like crap every day if you want. Weigh out what you want more, to lose weight and be healthy, or to enjoy five minutes of pleasure that you get from eating carbs. I don't know about you, but I CHOSE life over food. Now, two years later.....there is no looking back. Buckle down, push through the cravings for a few weeks while your body detoxes, then live the next six months learning to build a new lifestyle. It will take patience, but it WILL be worth it. After the first six gets easier every day. I promise. Good luck!

    While I agree with your underlying point of dealing with SOME discomfort--on the surface it very much sounds like you're calling carbs "crap" which they most certainly aren't. I don't think that being healthy and fit entails cutting out an entire food group (starchy carbs)...they can easily fit into a healthy diet that a FIT person would eat to sustain their training. Most athletes (fit people) eat carbs--lots of them and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. While your intentions might be good here I just don't think you sent the message as well as you could have. To me the bottom line is that not eating carbs, "detoxing," and believing that being fit requires you to eat "like a fit person every day" is mentally unhealthy and exhausting. Getting to a place where you can have a potato, rice, pasta, or cereal and be done with it is HEALTHY...refusing to eat the foods you enjoy because you think that "fit people" give up their pleasures day in and day out is not. just my $.02.
    ^^^ I agree with this. I used to think that fit folks only ate chicken & broccoli all day. I now know better. There is definitely a place for moderation even in the fit person's lifestyle. I very much advocate IIFYM.

    Also, OP, if you will incorporate muscle building into your goals (and I'm not talking getting bulky) it will require you to have more calories in your diet all around, thus giving you more leeway in your choices.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb? and Glucose is a lipid now?

  • I really do need to get around this thing where my brain seems to reject all healthy low calorie food.

    I do eat stuff like lentils/beans etc a lot during the times when I eat less crap, heard that's somewhat helpful.

    So far suggestions people have given me were basically all variations of "suck it up, stop eating foods you like and get used to eating only unsatisfying things for the sake of getting enough nutrition to not die."

    A big bulk of the weight I put on has been after my landlord moved my erm... questionable roommate into the apartment. I'm hoping now that I'm not there and any food I buy does not automatically get sucked into the black hole that is that sleazy creature I'll have more options.

    Yes that is pretty much how many of us start out eating healthy clean diets, not enjoying all/ many of our meals until our tastebuds change or we learn to flavour our food without salt and sugar (herbs, spices, garlic, chilli, red wine, no salt yeast extract, olives, tomato paste, etc). For me being so sick I could not work concentrated my mind on making it happen. There are many other pleasures in life than eating.

    Exactly what foods are getting stolen? Fresh cows milk and sugary breakfast cereal, fresh meat and eggs, frozen green vegetables, fresh fruit, dried beans, dehydrated soya mince and tofu? Students tend to steal obviously tasty or branded food, but not so much healthy or vegan food. Lock your food up, purchase things they don't like, more longlife foods, get cheap brands and 'recycle' the boxes or use tupperware, lace some food with blue food dye/ laxatives/ dish soap/ hot chilli so they learn not to steal, make an arrangement that you will shop/ cook/ eat together so everyone shares in the costs, buy a crock pot/ slow cooker and make multiple meals in literally five minutes, freeze portions in unmarked/ coded opaque containers so it's not clear what it is, doesn't smell appetising and a PITA to steal/ takes longer to prepare.

    He is lazy and cheap and will generally eat anything I put in the fridge. If it's healthy food he takes it all and makes it into some kind of nasty slop(which I later have to clean) to impress his gf. Then he denies taking my food even if I obviously know he did.
    I've tried locking things in my room but he just breaks in and takes it anyway.

    I've confronted him about this and he has no idea he's done anything wrong. He agreed we should both buy food separately but then he takes things when he thinks I won't notice. When I got mad at him for breaking into my room the first time he didn't understand what the problem was and just said that if I have an issue with it I should just give him his half of my stuff so he wouldn't need to come into my room. A huge douche silo indeed.
  • budru21
    budru21 Posts: 127
    Sorry, call me the jerk here, but I have to say it. The first thing you should try changing is your attitude. You have a very negative attitude towards "healthy" or "clean" foods. If you continue to tell yourself all these negative things about how you DON'T like all these various foods, you will never grow to tolerate or like them. There is no short cut to healthy living. There is no pill that will keep weight off you for life, transforming your body into that of a healthy and fit individual. The only thing that works is to do the work, make the positive changes in your lifestyle, and strengthen your mind and body.

    I tried this "substitute" game for a year or so before realizing that you can't pretend and be real at the same time. If I wanted to be healthy, lean and fit, I had to eat, train, and live like a healthy and fit person does....every day. Not on weekdays or all the months, except around my birthday, the holidays, my mom's birthday, my anniversary, my boss's retirement party, happens every day and you will be equiped with an excuse to CHOOSE to eat like crap every day if you want. Weigh out what you want more, to lose weight and be healthy, or to enjoy five minutes of pleasure that you get from eating carbs. I don't know about you, but I CHOSE life over food. Now, two years later.....there is no looking back. Buckle down, push through the cravings for a few weeks while your body detoxes, then live the next six months learning to build a new lifestyle. It will take patience, but it WILL be worth it. After the first six gets easier every day. I promise. Good luck!

    While I agree with your underlying point of dealing with SOME discomfort--on the surface it very much sounds like you're calling carbs "crap" which they most certainly aren't. I don't think that being healthy and fit entails cutting out an entire food group (starchy carbs)...they can easily fit into a healthy diet that a FIT person would eat to sustain their training. Most athletes (fit people) eat carbs--lots of them and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. While your intentions might be good here I just don't think you sent the message as well as you could have. To me the bottom line is that not eating carbs, "detoxing," and believing that being fit requires you to eat "like a fit person every day" is mentally unhealthy and exhausting. Getting to a place where you can have a potato, rice, pasta, or cereal and be done with it is HEALTHY...refusing to eat the foods you enjoy because you think that "fit people" give up their pleasures day in and day out is not. just my $.02.

    You're absolutely right that my intentions were good, and my message was not understood correctly, I'm thinking. I wasn't calling all carbs crap. I was saying the type of carbs that the original poster mentioned were crap. (raviolis, pizza, alfredo pasta) Someone that wants to lose weight can't be trying to short cut weight loss efforts by replacing crap with imitation crap. Someone that is addicted to this type of crap (and sugar in general) usually needs to do a detox where they rid their body of the crap that makes them crave more crap. Otherwise, they are just living on straight will power (which is exhausting and unsustainable for life) and constantly fighting their own bodies. If they detox off this crap, then gradually learn (and like) to eat healthy and nutritous foods (including grains and other high performance, complex carbs) they can continue weight loss efforts in a way that is sustaninable for life and will allow for them to actually enjoy CHOOSING to eat healthy foods.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb?

    Flour and water. What more simple than that?
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    I am .. maybe now used to be? the same carb addict as you...

    what helped me is learning to cook. in the beginning I made all my favourite things like potatopasta (yes we have such a dish :D), pasta with heavy cream sauce/alfredo style, large slices of bread with tons of butter and ham...

    then I slowly noticed that if I put shrimps or chopped vegetables and herbs in that cream sauce it actually tasted better! there was a lot more variety to it, the taste more rainbowy, colorful, interesting. Then I started going down on the sauce and putting all kinds of stuff. Now I am down to not even liking dishes without any vegetables or find them dull.

    I still cook with butter and cream and wine but use them moderately - measured and calculated - and half/two thirds of my pasta is shrimps or vegges or salmon or whatever I had in mind that day and it is not *swimming* in cream...

    Same goes for the sandwiches. The bread became thinner, darker, then with seeds, just a little butter ,but more the topping - nice meat, fine gourmet cheese, lots of salad leaves, avocadoes, tomatoes... for me its all about the combination and the TASTE in the end.
    A plain ham and cheese sandwich looks now dry and dull to me. Put in a ton of cucumbers and tomatoes and whatnot and it just melts in my mouth :)

    you can do it - gradually. no need to chew on leaves and dry chicken breast. just watch the amounts. :)
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    It’s hard to feel like you cannot eat anything that you like!

    For me the burn out was turkey, can’t tolerate eating it anymore.

    I had to step out of my comfort zone and try NEW things….some were great and some horrible, but there is SO much food out there.

    I consider myself a carb junkie as well, but I’ve switched to whole grain pasta – they don’t really hold less calories but they are better for you and more filling.
    It’s also a good rule to consider eating your pasta not as a meal or the main course but as a side.

    I’ve also started to mix stuff in with my pasta (like veggies, or shrimp) it is more filling and a nice change – plus I eat less noodles if there’s a bunch of other stuff mixed in.

    You can also stop eating on large plates – a smaller one will fool the eye and make your food look like a much larger portion.

    When I eat out – I box up half of the meal right away to eat later.

    Drinking water has helped me more than any other thing while trying to lose weight – it was hard to get use to, but really after a few weeks it was easy.

    I also got really tired of salads….so I just don’t eat them very often anymore – caught myself craving one the other day and was shocked.

    You can find meals that are healthy and it doesn’t have to be rabbit food. ;)

    I eat a lot of baked or grilled pork – I choose lean cuts and find news way to cook them – I guess pork is my new chicken. I found a new love for salmon and other fish.

    Don’t give up.
    If you’re really committed to this – I’d suggest just trying to find things that you do like, instead of forcing yourself to eat things you don’t.

    Being deprived doesn’t work for me, and it’s the reason a lot of ppl give up.

    Maybe you can start w/ smaller portions – or limiting yourself to a certain about of carbs/pasta daily or weekly – until you expand your diet and find other things you like.

    I wish you all the best!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb?

    Flour and water. What more simple than that?

    No egg or salt in yours, maybe a little olive oil?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb?

    Flour and water. What more simple than that?

    No egg or salt in yours, maybe a little olive oil?

    I don't make my own. What a mess!
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb?

    Flour and water. What more simple than that?

    No egg or salt in yours, maybe a little olive oil?

    I don't make my own. What a mess!

    Not really, pile of flour, make a well and mix it together and knead
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Another vote for this approach: start logging everything that you eat. Don't try to change anything at first, don't try to be good, just weigh or measure everything you eat and log it. If you can, print these out at the end of the day. After a week or two, look over your meals and choose one thing to change. Just one. Maybe it will be to cut your servings of pasta down by 1/2 cup per meal. Whatever. One step at a time.

    I'm finding it easier to live with making my changes small and keeping things simple. On 1/1/2009, I weighed 207. Now I weigh 185. Everybody wants faster results. I want faster results. However, I am not ready to throw away everything in the cupboards and go buy all new stuff, especially since my husband and son and son's girlfriend live and eat here, too. We have to do what we can do and never-ever give up. That's the key.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are actually a sugar addict. The body treats most carbs like sugar. Simple carbs like pasta are so refined and processed that your body gets a glucose spike, then you release insulin to bring down the glucose (belly fat) and you want more. If you start this process early in the morning you set yourself up to binge all day.
    For breakfast have steel cut oats. Less processed and slower to digest. Eat some eggs.
    Nothing will taste good until you give up the crappy carbs. Experiment with getting a different vege each week and google how to cook it. If you don't like veges, you aren't cooking them right or you aren't hungry enough. If you can fill your body with good nutrition, you will crave junk food less. Try to stick with plain meats, fruits and real veges.
    I used to be a sugar holic and now I am gluten free and feel like a million bucks.

    Pasta is a simple carb?

    Flour and water. What more simple than that?

    No egg or salt in yours, maybe a little olive oil?

    I don't make my own. What a mess!

    Not really, pile of flour, make a well and mix it together and knead

    Clearly you've never seen me with a pile of flour.
  • cnelson1974
    cnelson1974 Posts: 235 Member
    I had to cut mine completely, I let myself have a run on as much salad as I could shove into my mouth for the first few days. I didn't count calories (I logged them, but didn't pay attention). After a couple weeks, I felt worlds better. No more sugar and carb comas. I had energy when I woke up. I don't have lulles of energy during the day and no longer have to stifle a yawn in the middle of a meeting (TOO embarrasing!!!).

    I no longer crave pasta and bread. I can now even stock it in my house and I have zero temptation (I started August 2012). When I occasionally make pasta (about every 3rd week) I use brown rice pasta and very little sauce. My sause is usually loaded with chopped chicken and chopped mixed veggies. Even then, I can taste the salt content of the pasta and will sometimes just premix my meat/veggies on the side and leave the meat/veggie/sause mix for the kids.

    Salty food just irritates me now and makes my stomach hurt or feel thirsty. And this is coming from a McDonalds french fry queen. I could have eaten fries every day for the rest of my life before.

    If you don't like veggies, hide them in your food. I chop the heck out of them and put them in the blender in the beginning. Now I have huge hunks of them because I'm used to prepping them every day for every meal.

    I haven't found a way to eat pasta and lose weight honestly. A lot of people will say eat in small, SMALL quanities. I would start that way then. I had to quit cold turkey because I had a love affair with pasta. Now I could care less.
