Want female friends w/ similar goals!



  • wastelander92
    wastelander92 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm 5' 7" and my goal weight is 155lbs, I started off at 177lbs and am now at 168lbs, feel free to add me =)
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    I'm 5"4 inches tall and 190 pounds. my goal is to be 130 pounds
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Me! I'm 5'7", and started at 168. Goal weight is about 145 or so...
  • bethanyn311
    bethanyn311 Posts: 21 Member
    5'5" and 155 trying to get to 125 :-( so i guess we are not in the same category. i need a female weight loss buddy too. i have my hubby and he is awesome i love doing this with him but i want a female weight loss friend too
  • 5'3" and I need to lose about forty pounds to get to my goal of 130 <3
  • Well I am 5' and 169 :-( long road to travel but you can add me. I
  • You and I are practically the same size currently, with similar end goals -- I want to be 140. Add me :)
  • I have 51 pounds to go to get to 150. I'm around the same height! Started at 276 and am now 201. Feel free to add me for motivation and support!
  • JodiLea123
    JodiLea123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, i was always really skinny until having my little boy 2 and a half years ago, I am currently 5'9 weigh around 155lbs wanting to reach 140lbs, just looking to eat healthier and add extra exercise into my life, anyone with similar goals feel free to add me :)
  • erl2009
    erl2009 Posts: 12
    Hi All! I'm 181 and 5'3". I'm ready to get back to my old morning exercise habit. My days are jam packed with a full time desk job, a handsome teenager and his sports, a precious 3 year old drama queen and a fun loving husband who works out of town 2 weeks per month. I've always struggled with my weight except for when I made exercise part of my daily life...Basically I was 146 in 6th grade, started running, got down to 120-135 for about 12 years....slowly fell off the exercise wagon..... gained up to about 150....got pregnant and am just hanging out between 175-185 for the last 2 1/2 years. I'm ready to re-learn my prior healthy lifestyle and hold myself accountable. Life is good, full of blessings.....but it's time to focus on getting healthy again!!! Hope everyone is feeling encouraged today!
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I am also looking for fitness pals to go through this journey of a healthy lifestyle. Feel free to add! :)
  • MrsB123111
    MrsB123111 Posts: 535 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'5 currently 159.2lbs goaling to 140lbs coming from 255lbs. :-)
    Anyone on the last 20lbs?

    We are very similar!

    I'm 5'4" and 153lbs.
    I came from 273lbs (April 2011) and my current goal is 150, but I'd like to see if I can get to maybe 140-145.
  • I am 5'3' and 160 also an apple body type I have been going to the gym for one month and have only lost 2lbs!! Bummer!!
  • Iwinit
    Iwinit Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6,171 & I too have similar goals to all the other women that have responded, I have an apple shape. My weight has actually stagnated within the last couple of months and its all because of my workouts, my fat is converting to lean muscle, my body looks a lot different but my weight is on the slow churn downward but its ok because I would rather this than losing too much too fast. Cant get rid of this little pouch belly though, its stubborn and has a serious attitude problem. :) We are all beautiful, be kind to yourself and the rest will follow. Always here to support anyone that needs it!!!
  • CandiSki
    CandiSki Posts: 57 Member
    I'm 5'9" and 181, looking to get down to 150 lbs. I'll add you :)
  • slimcakelady
    slimcakelady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm 5'3" currently 147 down from 152. Goal is to get to 125, but I'd be just as happy to see the 130's again! Feel free to add me as a friend.:flowerforyou:
  • I'm 5'5" currently weighing 246. My goal is to get down to 141. I've already lost 7 so far. Feel free to add me.
  • SRT4twg
    SRT4twg Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4" at 192 trying to get to 140. I'm looking for new friends too. Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • aimeeernest
    aimeeernest Posts: 159 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'9", currently 166.8lbs, looking to get down to around 130-140, not sure yet. I'll find out when I hit 140. haha.
  • pigboysmom31
    pigboysmom31 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I have a goal of a 130. Add me :)