TDEE and MFP daily allowance.

I just figured out my TDEE today at 2466 and MFP allows me to eat 1480 cal a day for 2 lbs of weight loss a week goal. I have been doing the diet and exercise plan for about 18 days now and I have lost 2 lbs total. Does this seem right or does it seem like I need to tweak something?


  • armachac
    If your TDEE is 2466, I'd go 500 under that. A healthy avg weight loss is 1-1.5 lbs a week, that way you retain muscle mass. Mine is 24xx and I'm at 1950, and have trimmed 22 lbs since July. When I first got on, it had my calories off, so I added my own figure. At least you figured your TDEE, most people don't....that I notice.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Starting any weight loss program will usually result in variations in water weight. Do not worry.

    2lbs a week might be a tad ambitious. You may want to shoot for 1.5.
  • haylee1113
    haylee1113 Posts: 5 Member
    I went for a higher rate of loss per week because I am in a bridal party in june, after that I was planning on setting it at 1 lb a week.