I dont want to be the fat bridesmaid!



  • hellraisedfire
    hellraisedfire Posts: 403 Member
    definitely take pictures too, no scale victories are the best kind!
  • Hi there:) I have been on my weight loss journey for almost 2 years and all I can say is you will have good days and bad. enjoy your bad days....as long as you get back on track with the next meal. Exercise is soooooo important and I lost the majority of my weight with P90X (yes it is hard but yes you can do it)....to burn fat you need to build muscle and no you will not bulk up you will look lean. Make this your lifestyle and do not think of it as a diet because most diets fail. Change your perspective about food and exercise and you will loose!!! I know you will get to where you want to be but don't stress (it makes it harder to loose) and have fun!!! :happy:

    Oh I was pushing out of a size 14 and have been a size 8 for the last year...so I have been there and know what you are going through. I would say good luck but it is not about luck it is all about you just doing it!!!
  • Jenn_W
    Jenn_W Posts: 229 Member
    I am a Maid of Honor (sometime in the Fall/Winter 2013 - Bride can't make up her mind on a venue!).

    She is wonderful. She wants a lot of 'Bestie' photos, plus I get a real special dress (the way she wants it is to be closer to her wedding gown then the typical BM-dress).

    I am so excited, but I want to look good - Not just for me but for her & her memories.

    Feel free to add me - Warning I am an over-sharer! LOL! (Mostly fitness related!)
  • trumpkat80
    trumpkat80 Posts: 42 Member
    You can do it ladies! I lost 23.5 inches in 2 months. I'm going home for my brothers wedding next wk & I can't wait to rock my sleeveless dress. Now fitness is my addiction. Find a workout that you love & stick w/ it :D
  • amandaKd94
    amandaKd94 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm on a mission to fit back into my wedding dress for our 10yr anniversary in June! I'm adding you! GL with your journey!
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Low carb worked great for me, but I found it impossible to stay on for more than 3 or 4 weeks. I am having much better luck with 1400 calorie diet and mild exercise. If you can stay on the low carb, then more power to you. If it gets too hard, then just track the calories. The wedding should be great motivation for you. Good luck !
  • robyn0123
    robyn0123 Posts: 30 Member
    You can add me too! I am in my brother's wedding this July and I am the "big" one. So that has to change. my baby is 6 and I need to stop calling my weight "baby fat" :(
  • javi536
    javi536 Posts: 13 Member
    Wow, I totally found the RIGHT post to click on first- I can sooo relate! I was in my sister's wedding last year, and even though I had a year to get ready, I wasn't focused and ended up gaining weight. (This was partially due to a medical issue that was undiagnosed at the time, but I won't pretend I was really trying to lose weight either) It was sheer embarassment having to have my dress altered to add a couple of inches. Absolutely mortifying, and of course, I was the maid of honor, so I am in all the pictures as well. Tough reminder of how I neglected taking care of myself for the past few years. Anyway, that's the past- I've been focusing on my health for the past eight months and after getting my thyroid/hormone issues under control, I'm finally making some progress and seeing some changes in my body! I started keeping my food journal a few months ago, on and off, and working out 2-3 times a week. While my weight is still up and down, the inches are slowly coming off (yay!!). A few weeks ago, my motivation got a major kickstart, and I am now working with a trainer, both one-on-one and in group sessions. She's amazing, and I'm excited to see some big changes starting! Since I seem to lose focus after a few months, I decided I need to do something different, and find support. So I would love to add some friends who can keep me accountable and on track. Oh, and did I mention that I'm in another wedding in a few months? :) I want to be healthy and happy, so I can focus on celebrating my beautiful cousin's big day, instead of worrying how fat I'll look in a picture. Added bonus- bachelorette weekend in Cabo San Lucas in April, so it's time for me to get to work!!
  • Oh ... I'm the bride from the wedding song ...

    "Here comes the bride, big fat and wide ... " LOL

    I want to lose 2 dress sizes by the time of the wedding in September (more would be great, but I'm trying to be more realistic than killing myself over it).

    Worse thing is my sister has started on a health kick at the same time as me, and she's riding a bike every morning and going to the pool in the afternoons (she lives in the country, so riding a bike isn't as dangerous as it is for me!!)

    She's lost 11kgs so far and I've lost 5kgs ...... arrrgh .. not only am I going to be the fat bride but my bridesmaid is going to get heaps of attention for how hot she's looking.

    Just have to make sure I insist she wears an ugly dress hee hee
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    I have always been the fat BM! Hated it every time! Glad my friends love me for who I am, instead of what I looked like in 22 and 20 sized BM dresses. Currently in a 14/16... with many miles to go!

    Keep on track! You can do it! It is all on you so do not give up! There will be bad days, but also great days! Add me if ya need a mfp friend.
  • Mrs_Padgett
    Mrs_Padgett Posts: 191 Member
    I originally joined MFP a year ago to get myself ready for my cousin's wedding (Last June). I didn't want to look at the pics that I knew I would getting tagged in on fb by everybody and feel like crying. I lost the weight I wanted to by staying within my calories (using mfp), 30 Day Shred, and by reading all the success stories on here. I literally read them everyday. I actually posted my own success story after doing 30ds with my before and after pics, something I thought I would never be able to do. I was able to relax and enjoy myself at the wedding because I was not worried about how I looked.

    You can do it. Motivation is key and you have that so use it :)

    Good luck and remember not to compare yourself to the other bridesmaids, but to your own accomplishments.
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Hi... Ok, I know I will probably get slack for this... But seeing as you are already doing low carb, try the Dukan diet. Seriously! I lost 20lb last year, in just over 4 months...with No exercise, only started walking after the weight came off! If you go to www.dukandiet.com, and on the right side of the page it says calculate your true weight. Then it works out the stages of the diet for you. Then just google dukan diet, there is so much info on the internet about what to eat in every stage...

    I used to suck at dieting, could never stick to it, also had a bridesmaid situation that kept me motivated and having the Dukan "stages" to stick to worked like a charm. If you can spend a couple of bucks, buy and read the book! If you have any questions, please send me a message.

    Like I said, a lot of people will complain about this, but I swear by it, Dukan diet is easy and amazing!
  • Gizzy1976
    Gizzy1976 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm going to be a bridesmaid too this year, and don't want to be a fat bridesmaid. I've lost 4 stone over the last 4 years but have another 3.5 stone to lose. The best advice I can give you is not to deprive yourself of anything. I love chocolate and because I'm cutting out on my carbs, bread potatoes etc I think I'm ok to have a couple of squares of chocolate. It has worked for me! Try to vary your diet so that you don't get bored. If you want to broaden your support network, feel free to add me ????
  • ksugirl13
    ksugirl13 Posts: 32 Member
    I am also going to be a bridesmaid sometime in late summer/early fall (bride hopefully is confirming date and venue this week) and the first dress fitting is Feb 9th! I'm afraid of the pictures and afraid of worrying the whole wedding about how I look. I want to feel beautiful and cherish the pictures of my friend's special day. I've been on MFP for 2 weeks so far and have lost 4 lbs, but I'm afraid that I'll lose motivation and site of my goals.
  • Hello I am Jess, I also dont want to be a fat bridesmaid, also I am intending to lose the Christmas weight that I put on in the space of like........... a week :) how's everyone doing with their goals so far?
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    good luck! But remember, though eating low carbs seems like a cake walk since you stop feeling hungry and lose weight fast,most people put back on all the lost weight when they start eating carbs again.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    You have plenty of time babe! You can defo do this, with a lot of hard work. I didn't want to be the fat bridesmaid either but I was - 3 times! and each time I swore I was going to diet, and didn't :( And now I'd LOVE to be a bridesmaid because I'm pretty much at goal, and there's no weddings coming up! Wahhhh! lol
  • skbkhey
    skbkhey Posts: 12 Member
    I can relate to everbody, i was a bridesmade in 2010 and i was the one and only lol it was a very small wedding so i stood out. BUt i am getting married in June!!!!!! so i am trying to get my but in to gear so im not the big bride, but we can allll do it juts gotta be motivated :)))
  • merry_abandon
    merry_abandon Posts: 140 Member
    Anyone here, please feel free to add me! I'm in my best friend's wedding in May, and though I wouldn't be considered the "big" bridesmaid, I don't want to be the chunky one! I've been running, and recently started P90X with the bride, though Ab Ripper X put me out of exercising commission for two full days. I don't anticipate I'll be at goal by the time her wedding comes around, but my sister will be getting married sometime in 2014 and since those will be family pics I DEFINITELY don't want pictures of a chubby me floating around through the family history! Ultimately, though, I just want to be healthier and feel better about myself in the long run. I could really use some support though, as I don't get a lot from family/friends. :)
  • amyj000
    amyj000 Posts: 75 Member
    This is a group of my people! I am also trying not to be the fatty that ruins the wedding photos. My friends wedding is July 21. I ordered a size 20 dress. Wayyyyyy depressing.