When is your food 'weak point'?



  • lucypeaks
    lucypeaks Posts: 96 Member
    oh yes,i always save calories for evenings snacks :)
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    8-10 for me too.

    I save 100 calories and have a 100-calorie serving of popcorn. I like popcorn because you can eat a lot for 100 calories, and it can take me 30-60 minutes to munch through a bowl.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I pretty much eat every couple of hours more or less until I go to bed. I pre-log my days that way...breakfast 8AM, snack 10AM, lunch 1:00PM, snack 3PM, snack 5PM, Dinner 8:30PM and in bed by 10PM. It just works better for me than three standard meals per day, especially with my protein goals...I gotta spread it out a little. Plus, I know I get a little something every 2-3 hours or so...keeps me from the binge.
  • Iceman420
    Iceman420 Posts: 195
    8:00 was my "snack time" before I started this new plan. Now I chew gum instead.
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I don't have a certain time, but rather a certain mood "weak point". If I'm feeling depressed and stuck in a rut, the first thing I want is junk food to make me feel better.
  • hydrochickie
    I am a night owl and my low calorie intake throughout the day catches up with me after 8-9pm. In the past I would have eaten chips, popcorn, junk food... now, since I still crave something salty, I eat pepperoncinis, pickles or 1 ounce of turkey jerky. I get the salty/vinegar flavor I am craving and with the peppers and pickles, basically no calories. Turkey jerky is only 80 calories and ounce and if you eat it slowly, can really help to curb the craving. I realize these are all high in sodium, so not a great option if that is something you are keeping an eye on, but they work for me.

    Good luck... and thanks for all the other feedback, I think I will try a cup of tea one night and see how it goes!
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    While preparing dinner is a tough one for me. I've taken up grabbing a piece of gum to keep the food from getting into my mouth since it is usually not dinner food that I snack on while cooking dinner.
  • Debutante55
    Debutante55 Posts: 72 Member
    It might sound crazy, but any day that I do not have an egg for breakfast is a day I will spend craving all kinds of foods... both "good" and "bad" choices.... ALL DAY LONG. :grumble:

    Not sure what it is, but eggs set me up for success in feeling full, energetic, in-control, with a good blood-sugar balance for the entire day.
  • Singingangel124
    I'm very much an emotional eater. So my weak point tends too be when I have too much time on my hands and start thinking about how different life could've been had I not had any weight issues.. or what I wish I could change. I typically try to always keep something on hand to read for when this happens.. it distracts me from over anylizing and reading makes me happy. This doesn't work for times when I'm not allowed to have books like while I'm at work.. I drink lots of peppermint tea and it seems to help.