Helpppp PLEASE!!!

Hi, I'm Bry, and I weigh 200lbs and I'm 5ft 3in.
I really could use some help!

I'm working out and so far I'm doing the 30 day shred with jillian michaels and I guess its okay, It's a 20 minute work out and I sweat alot but I still dont feel like its enough... I could really use suggestions especially from the people with success at reaching their goal weight and like me started off way from it. I could really use some ideas and support.. I would gladly accept exercise tips and ideas pleaseeee... thanks (:


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I don't like doing videos, I go to the gym, or run outside. when i first started though, i was 303.4 (on 1/1/11), and all i did was walk and bike, then I added in kickboxing, lifting, etc..... i started running last year and I love it!! I am currently doing the spartacus workout twice a week. You need weights for this, but it's something that can easily be done at home. it's a hard hard workout - but 3 rounds takes about 36 minutes. really fantastic for fat blasting. I run three times a week - with long runs on saturday mornings. I also do pitaiyo and some other circuit/strength/core workouts.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Walking a couple miles a day may help you feel like you're doing more, I like to do 60 mins at 3mph. And if I want a real good workout I do incline at 10%.

  • Do a variety of workouts... try to find something you really enjoy (but even then don't do the same thing every day.

    Incorporate strength training 2-3 times per week.
    Try to get your workouts up to around 60 minutes on average. Some days may have shorter but very intense sessions Some days will be longer and slower.

    Always strive to improve (faster, better form, longer ....)
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    If you have Kinect for Xbox then go and get Harley Pasternak's Hollywood Workout. Best thing ever!!!!!
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    I am doing the 30DS and walking daily as well as the calorie intake monitoring. It works if you do it. You can do it, just stick with it. We have a group for 30DS.

    30 Day Shred Partners Join if you want!
  • I've done the 30 day shred and found it good but I too didn't feel it was enough so I'd combine it with some light additional exercise such as a gentle half hour walk or a swim. It worked for me and the pounds dropped off. I think as long as you're getting your body moving then you're doing enough, no need to kill yourself with intense workouts. Every step counts. Good luck :)
  • Zumba?
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I like, it's free...You can go to their site or search fitnessblender on youtube & it'll bring up lots of different routines.

    Sometimes i use their routines when i feel like i want to tack on a little something extra after a workout.
  • Jillian Michaels "No more trouble zones" it will have you pouring sweat ...well at least it made me lol . I sweat a little with 30DS but with NMTZ it was crazy ! It's 5 min warmup 40 min circuit , 5 min cool down
  • netite
    netite Posts: 17 Member
    I like, it's free...You can go to their site or search fitnessblender on youtube & it'll bring up lots of different routines.

    Sometimes i use their routines when i feel like i want to tack on a little something extra after a workout.

    Thank you for this website. Simple, clean workouts. I like it. Thank you!
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    My personal opinion? If I were starting out in your shoes, my first overhaul would be my diet. I'd stock my fridge with healthy choices, cook clean meals, and fuel my body with protein and lots of other nutrients. Sneak nutritious stuff into everything. Eat the things you like in moderation, log what you eat, don't deny yourself your favorite foods (you can still eat yummy treats and lose weight, just be smart about your portions.) Do whatever cardio you like the most (for me, it's running long distance outdoors). Some people like the elliptical, others prefer cardio workout videos or Zumba.. whatever you can do regularly that doesn't bore you or intimidate you. Add lifting, as heavy as you can (you won't bulk up, I promise), and perhaps some high-intensity interval training. Pushups, situps, pullups, sprints. Push yourself but be smart. Don't hurt yourself. Listen to your body. If you need a rest day take it. If you need three, take them all. Don't beat yourself up over days where you eat too much. It does not mean you have derailed, so don't use it as an excuse to cheat tomorrow, too. I have 3-4 nights per week where I'm over on calories, but I make healthy choices and I still lose weight. I'm in a wheelchair/on crutches right now, I've lost over 3 lbs in the last two weeks. Diet, I tell you! Diet!

    In my opinion, in the beginning it all comes down to what you eat. You can't out-train a poor diet.

    Work hard, eat clean, talk dirty :P Have fun! You're beginning a wonderful journey.
  • Thank you so much that was sooo helpful to hear.
  • I do the 30 day shred and follow twice a week with 40 minutes run/waking.and two othe days I do TaevKwon do. I was thinking of doing two levels back to back.
  • mturner4515
    mturner4515 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been in the same boat. I have tried every diet there is and this is the first time I have had success and stuck with a program. I am 5'3 and started off at 225. I definitely recommend clean eating and logging every calorie you eat into MFP. It helps to see what you are really taking in each day. I also started drinking Shakeology daily and that has helped tremendously with cravings and gives me everything I need as far as nutrients go and lots of energy. I would also recommend a workout routine. I have gotten hooked on beachbody workouts (turbofire, chalean extreme and insanity) - the workouts go really fast time-wise and you can modify the moves to your own fitness level. I am sooo grateful for these programs and for challenge groups I have joined. If you would like more info on them, let me know and I can share more. Good luck! You can do this!!
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I like, it's free...You can go to their site or search fitnessblender on youtube & it'll bring up lots of different routines.

    Sometimes i use their routines when i feel like i want to tack on a little something extra after a workout.

    Thank you for this website. Simple, clean workouts. I like it. Thank you!

    Isn't it great? I stumbled onto it a few weeks ago, have used it many times