A little help please..........

I joined this site a week ago and already I am seeing some great revelations..........

One of them is that I seem to be consuming a lot of calories long before the evening....

For instance, for both yesterday and today, I consumed all but about 400 of the recommended calories and I still have the remainder of the day to go!

The good news is that I am working out later tonight. I expect to burn no less than 1,000 calories, so that will afford me the opportunity to eat a decent dinner and still have the opportunity for weight loss.

However, I work out six days out of seven........meaning, on the 7th day, unless I eat very light, I'm going to gain back a good amount of the weight I lost earlier in the week. Anyone want to offer some observations for me??




  • KCPlanner
    I joined this site a week ago and already I am seeing some great revelations..........

    One of them is that I seem to be consuming a lot of calories long before the evening....

    For instance, for both yesterday and today, I consumed all but about 400 of the recommended calories and I still have the remainder of the day to go!

    The good news is that I am working out later tonight. I expect to burn no less than 1,000 calories, so that will afford me the opportunity to eat a decent dinner and still have the opportunity for weight loss.

    However, I work out six days out of seven........meaning, on the 7th day, unless I eat very light, I'm going to gain back a good amount of the weight I lost earlier in the week. Anyone want to offer some observations for me??


  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    I doubt you'll gain that much back in a day. :smile:

    I've been here close to 2 months and for one thing, you'll probably begin to want less at a meal. I can't eat the quantities I used to at all. Thus, your "7th day consumption" should just naturally drop.

    Speaking for myself only, I *choose* to have a "7th day consumption". Just one day when I don't go too nuts, but I don't mind going over, if you know what I mean. I still avoid junk. It may be slowing down my loss, but life is life. Ya got to have some carefree days or what is it worth?

    The hardest adjustment for me was exactly what you are talking about. I'm rationed back to 1/2 cup of bran & 1/2 cup of milk and this is what I have to call breakfast.

    For lunch I stick to some salad and make one tuna sandwich out of a whole can of tuna. Gets me a lot of nutrients and I'll still only be about 500 calories for the day so far. (Gets a little boring, but I'm still searching for that 3 calorie bagel!)

    This leaves me lots of calories left to have a nice dinner, which is my favorite meal of the day. If I exercise (which I will, dammit) I'm left with almost the whole days calories again, so I usually need to do some snacking in the evenings depending on what was for dinner.

    By far, the worst was getting used to the semi-fast instead of breakfast. It can be done. Good luck!
  • KCPlanner
    Great response! Thanks!
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    At the beginning I found the same thing, I ate all day as I normally would and ended up having tomato on bread for dinner, even with exersicing...I don't believe that we burn as many calories as our database tells us so. Then I started planninh out my day a bit ,looking forward with the calories and spreading them out, it takes time and practice but it works
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    KC my typical day is 1 c shredded wheat with 1/2 skim milk and a banana for breakfast. I fairly large tossed salad for lunch and two one hundred calorie snacks inbetween which are usually apples because they make me filled up. Then if I want to have a decent supper I must workout to have it so you are not alone. But that is a good thing because it's motivation for me to exercise which I really wouldn't do unless I had too. I agree with Razboo about wanting less .Also agree with the part where I don't really care if I go over my calorie count some days. I've been doing it for 3 months and doing it aggressively and have still lost lbs and inches,and have found I want less to eat. I have pretty much given up bread and sugar. But I get inventive once in awhile. I use romaine lettuce for my bread in tuna sandwiches and things like that. I find that a cup of yogurt with 1/2 a cup of granola is pretty filling but it takes about twenty minutes after I eat it to feel that way. I could easily go back while I'm eating it and get more so I have to make myself wait the twenty minutes. This site has really forced me to find healthier alternatives to the meals I used to make. So maybe finding new recipes would lessen the calories. I also get products that are lighter, I like half and half in my coffee so I found a lite version, I found I don't use half the fats I used to. Little adjustments to your diet could save you calories.

    Hey Razboo, I tried out the workout site you posted and :embarassed: couldn't figure out the rubrick it wanted us to use. Any insights on that? I've lost weight but need a tonin program. Well gotta go see ya.
  • tdroseler
    i have found that i balance my cals thoughout the day better. Also, what are you eating? maybe make lower caloie choices. eg: i found Weight Watchers bread allows 2 slices as one serving...and it is very comparable to one slice of regular bread, nutrition wise. Make spaghetti sauce starting with canned tomatos, or even fresh ones, you will save a pile of calories...which you can use later in the day.

    I make 2 veggies at supper now, and sometimes they are raw rather than cooked. Less calories and you can actually eat a lot of them, filling you up nicely.

    You will find lots of tricks as you go along...just keep eyes and ears open

    Good luck!!

    ooooo...i forgot a ggod one...mashed cauliflower is no different from mashed potatoes, except it is lower in calories
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    kj, do you mean these guys? http://exrx.net/ I'm not sure what a 'rubrick' is. ..?

    I'd have to study some to understand a lot of what they say there. I just found it useful for some stuff like stretches and they have some interesting calculators. I just discovered I'm 97% in situps, but 30% in push ups.

    I can't speak for this site, but it came up on a quick search of 'body toning'
  • Colleenie101
    I joined this site a week ago and already I am seeing some great revelations..........

    One of them is that I seem to be consuming a lot of calories long before the evening....

    For instance, for both yesterday and today, I consumed all but about 400 of the recommended calories and I still have the remainder of the day to go!

    The good news is that I am working out later tonight. I expect to burn no less than 1,000 calories, so that will afford me the opportunity to eat a decent dinner and still have the opportunity for weight loss.

    However, I work out six days out of seven........meaning, on the 7th day, unless I eat very light, I'm going to gain back a good amount of the weight I lost earlier in the week. Anyone want to offer some observations for me??



    Well if you know your going to be workin out you will have some extra calories that you can consume. Just dont consume them all and you will still lose the weight! I mean for example tomorrow Im going to exercise in the morning and have my usual breakfast but im going to the Cowboys vs. Packers game and dangit Im gonna tailgate and have some fajitas with some friends. Its okay to splurge every once in awhile because if you dont you will go nuts!